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Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion in Algarve 2007-2009

This plan aims to reduce poverty and exclusion, especially for immigrant citizens, through strategic measures and indicators. It addresses demographic trends, inequality, and governance for effective implementation.

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Regional Action Plan for Social Inclusion in Algarve 2007-2009

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  1. Alexandra AmorimLocal Co-ordenator Regional Action Plan for the Inclusion of the Algarve 2007-2009 Institute of Social Secutity, IP Final Conference Brussels, 22 June, 2007

  2. Presentation structure • RAPInclusion of Algarve 2007-2009 structure • Situation and Main Trends • Regional Strategy • Measures| instruments, Targets and indicators • Governance • Final considerations

  3. RAPInclusion of Algarve 2007-2009 structure • Situation and Main Trends • Matrix on Regional Indicators for Social Inclusion • Demographic and Territorial Context • Inequality and Regional Poverty • Access to Rights, resources, goods e services(Employment System; Education and qualifications; Health and Social Protection) • Evaluation of the resident immigrant citizens hindrances to the access to rights, goods and servicesMini-forum for Immigrants

  4. RAPInclusion of Algarve 2007-2009 structure • Regional Strategy, Measures| instruments, Targets and indicators • Principles • Priority • Social Inclusion Challenges for the Region • European Common Objectives for Social Inclusion • Measures| instruments and/or Targets B. Measures | instrumentsand/or targets proposed by the Regional Entities A. Measures | instruments and targets existing for the Region Indicators

  5. RAPInclusion of Algarve 2007-2009 structure • Governance • Key-Axis • Design Phase • Policies coordination • Implementation, mobilization and participation of the main actors • Dissemination of information • Monitoring and Evaluation process

  6. RAPInclusion of Algarve 2007-2009 structure • Good Practices • Annexes • Matrix on Regionial Indicators for Social Inclusion • “Immigrants’ Mini-Fóruns” Process • List of Measures | Instruments, Targets and Indicators • Form on collecting information – monitoring measures| instruments and targets • Methodological structure for the follow up, monitoring, and evaluation of the Social Incluvion process at a Regional level, in conjunction with the national and local level |a good proposal for good governance at EU level

  7. Situation and Main Trends Resident population in Places with 2000 or more inhabitants in the Region, 2001 Source: CCDR Algarve: “Regional Development strategy of the Algarve, 2007-2013”, 2006.

  8. Situation and Main Trends Ageing Index, 2001 Source: CCDR Algarve: “Development statregy of the Algarve, 2007-2013”, 2006.

  9. Situation and Main Trends 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Angola Brazil Cape Verde Guinea Bissau Germany Great Britain Netherlands Romania Ukraine Moldavia Evolution of the legal foreigners residing in the Algarve Region (10+ nationalities), 1998-2005 Source: Directorate Regional for the Aliens and Borders Service in the Algarve

  10. Situation and Main Trends Risk of monetary poverty by type of economic resource in 1995 and 2000, Portugal and NUTS II Source: Calculations carried out by DGEEP/MTSS based on the anonimised data from the Family Budget survey 1994/95 and 2000 conducted by the National Institute of statistics within the scope of the project "Poverty Measures and Social Exclusion ".

  11. Situation and Main Trends • Wage difference between nationals and immigrants • Higher deprivation of the immigrant households enquired • The ‘housing conditions’, ‘social networks’ and access to ‘education and training’ contributed significantly to the deprivation index of the portuguese families who responded residing in the Algarve Region, and was slightly higher for the immigrant families

  12. Regional Strategy for Social Inclusion Aim To reduce the poverty and social exclusion of the citizens residing in the region, in particular the IMMIGRANT CITIZENS Priority

  13. Regional Strategy for Social Inclusion Based on • the Guarantee of access to rights, resources, goods and services and equal opportunities • a multiple guideline to combat poverty and all forms of exclusion by promoting the social, economic, educational and qualifying development of the citizens in order to prevent them from risks and intervening in situations of vulnerability

  14. Regional Strategy for Social Inclusion • Principles • The consecration of the concept of de citizenship • Equal opportunities • Territorizalization • Integration and multi-dimensional • Accountability and mobilization of all of society • Appropriate articulation between universality and positive differentiation • Interculturalism

  15. Regional Strategy for Social Inclusion Challenges A. Reduce the poverty and social exclusion of the citizens residing in the region by guaranteeing that the national and regional measures|instruments are effectively implemented and monitored B. Improve the access of immigrants to rights and services C. Improve the quality of the services provided to immigrants, in particular, by increasing the level of qualification of the collaborators and making available information on their rights and duties on the different national and regional policy measures D. Contribute to the design and/or adjustment of policy measures at a national level

  16. Measures| Instruments and Targets Common Objectives of Social Inclusion d.Access for all to the resources, rights, and services needed for participation in society, preventing and addressing exclusion, and fighting all forms of discrimination leading to exclusion e. The active social inclusion of all, both by promoting participation in the labour market and by fighting poverty and the exclusion

  17. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 B Measures| instruments and/or targets proposed by regional autorites A Measures | Instruments and existing targets Targets Indicators (I) Cross-cutting measures (ii) Focused Measures (immigrants) • To give information, training and sensitizationfor the rights • To promote access to education, qualification and employment • To adequate and integrate solutions and services

  18. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 • Existing in the Region| Some Cross-cutting measures • Micro-credit • UNIVA – Integration Units in Active Life • Intervention Programme for an Inclusive Labour Market • New Opportunity Initiative • General Programme for the Provision of school meals to 1st level students of Basic Education • Alternative curricular pathways • Social Integration Income • Local Social Development Contracts • Pilot Project to restore elderly housing • Integrated Health Care Unit • User Office - SIMCIDADÃO / Social Service

  19. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 • Existing in the Region| Focused • Promote equal access to health for immigrant citizens • Training Plan on Interculturality for professionals in the National Health System • Promote training education and communication courses, to fight the lack of information provided to immigrants by encouraging them to use the National Health Service • Humanitarian support to immigrants situations of extreme poverty • Sensitize and train Social Security employees in the attendance and integration of immigrants • Specific employee training working in Employment Centres for the labour integration of Immigrants

  20. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 • Existing in the Region| Focused • Training Courses on technical portuguese • Portuguese as Foreign Language in the National Curriculum • "SEF in Movement" Project • Voltar a ser Médico- (going back to being a doctor) professional integration programme for immigrants with a degree in medecine • UNIVA – Integration Units in Active Life • Intervention Programme for Unemployed Immigrants • Portugal Acolhe –(Welcomes)

  21. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Some targets proposed by the Region Entities to the existent measures

  22. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Measures|Instruments and Targets proposed by the Regional Entities

  23. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Measures|Instruments and Targets proposed by the Regional Entities

  24. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Medidas e Metas propostas pelas Entidades para a Região

  25. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Medidas e Metas propostas pelas Entidades para a Região

  26. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Indicators (e.g)

  27. Measures| Instruments and Targets 2007-09 Indicadores (exemplos)

  28. Governance Common Objective (f) “That social inclusion policies are well co-ordinated and involve all levels of government and relevant actors including people experiencing poverty, that they are efficient and effective and mainstreamed into all relevant public policies including economic, budgetary, education and training policies and structural fund (notably EFS) programmes”

  29. Governance • Key-Axis • To improve the coordination between different regional and local structures involved in the design, implementation, and monitoring of the policy measures at these levels as well as its link with central administration • To formulate or adjust the national and /or local strategy in the fight against social exclusion and poverty in articulation or according to national and european strategies • To guarantee the implementation of policy measures defined at national level by reinforcing the vertical articulation process • To guarantee the mobilization and participation of all actors both at a regional and local level, including the people experiencing a situation of vulnerability in the inclusion process • To promote a better access to information for all citizens on the national, regional and local process of social inclusion and the measures defined

  30. Governance Design Phaseand implementation, mobilization and participation of the main actors National Strategy & Coordination structures Mobilization of all regional and local stakeholders Coordination and follow-up structures Concerted Regional strategy For Social Inclusion Supra-Council Platform [Project local Group] NGOs Groups in a situation of poverty and social exclusion Technical team Universities & Local Experts Monitoring/ Evaluation

  31. Governance • Monitoring and Evaluation • Follow-up system supported by • Common national indicators for social inclusion • Matrix on Indicators for Social Inclusion • (ii) Monitoring indicators for the implementation of policy measures • Inscribed in National Plans, with desagagation NUTII & III and nationality (particularly in NAPIncl & Immigrants Integration Plan) • Form on collecting information – monitoring measures| instruments and targets(A e B)

  32. Final considerations Open Method Coordination in the Regional and/or Local Context Descentralized approach  Social Inclusion Common Objectives Regional Action Plans for Inclusion • Active participation • Public Entities •  NGOs & Academy • Entrepreneurial Entities • People and groups at risk of social exclusion or poverty OMC Mutual learning, through monitoring Indicators Good practices Close Co-ordination between Government and Regional Authorities  Political visibility  Joint Reports

  33. Final considerations Relevance of Common Indicators at Regional Level • Allows to fix common guidelines for the diagnosis • Ensures the analytical comparison between different levels (European, National, Regional and Local) • Monitors and evaluates the progress regarding the common objectives in the field of social inclusion and targets defined • To improve the structural indicators for social cohesion at the regional and local levels of Member State • To create a Focus Group at National level, in articulation with the European Indicators Sub-Group

  34. Final considerations Government and Regional AuthoritiesCo-ordination Strengths • To enhance the dissemination of information and to promote the knowledge • To set-up other forms of comunication and language standardization between partners • Swift detection of irregulatities during the implementation measures • To facilitate common approach, consensus and commitment for the action • To boost the change at regional/local level

  35. Final considerations Government and Regional Authorities Co-ordination To improve • Access of Regional/local entities to the policy measures information • Communication and language standardization • Flexibility of the policy measures to have a better adequacy to the regional/ local necessities • Regional and local desaggregation of the policy measures • Technical and decision commitment distance

  36. www.pnai.pt Thank you for your attention

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