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PUBLIC TRANSPORT in latvia : structure and financing

Explore the organization and financing of public transport in Latvia, including intercity and regional networks, legal frameworks, compensation schemes, and ongoing projects funded by the EU.

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PUBLIC TRANSPORT in latvia : structure and financing

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  1. PUBLIC TRANSPORT in latvia: structureandfinancing ANNIJA NOVIKOVA DeputyDirector of RoadTransportDepartment Ministry of Transport

  2. Intercityroutenetwork

  3. Competent authorities • Ministry of Transport • PublicTransportBoard confirmsregionalroutenetworkanditsamendments, decidesontheopening of experimentalroutes (voyages) andaftertheend of experimentdecidesonclosureorincorporation of regionalroute (voyage) in regionalroutenetworketc. • Road Transport Administration acts on behalf of the state in organizing routes of regional inter-city importanceandregionally local importance • Municipalitiesof 9 republiccities organize public transportation servicesalong routes of urban importance

  4. Legal framework of regular public passenger transport • EU Regulation (EC) Nr.1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road • Road Transport Law • The Law on PublicTransportServices • Regulations of Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia 1

  5. Transportof passengers isprovidedin: • Regional inter-city network: in all country, mainly, from one administrative territory to another between planning regions and between citiesbyrailandbybusses • Regional local network: in one planning regionterritory and the closer area of surrounding territories from January 2015 we started planning inter-cityandlocalroutesin a single regional network • City network within 9 republic cities and nearest surroundings

  6. Compensations are paid for: • Costs for providing public transportation services, which exceeds revenues + profit (definedbystate) • Costs related to the tariffs set by the competent authorities • Costs for transportation of some categories of passengers with fare discount (disables, children underschoolage, etc.) • Compensation for the loss of PT operator for the part of routes that are more than 30% of its lengths outside the city area

  7. Compensationsfromthestatebudget in 2015

  8. Compensations from the state budget year 2013.-2015., mio EUR

  9. Compensations from the state budget by modes of transport

  10. Passengers carried by regular public transport in Latvia 2012.-2014., thsds

  11. Currentsituation • Regionalroutenetworkwhichconsistsof: • Carriagebyrail of inter-citysignificance(10 routes, 350 voyages, ~19 420 th. passengers per year), • Carriagebybus of inter-citysignificance (219 routes, 1500 voyages, 12 000 th. passengers per year), • Carriagebybus of localsignificance(876 routes, 5800 voyages, 21 000 th. passengers per year) . • Publictransportofrepubliccities • Separatelyexist: • Carriage of schoolchildren • Carriageforownaccountperformedbymunicipalities

  12. Tasksforestablishingsingleroutenetwork • Reviewing of «parallel» train routes; • Reviewing of regional bus routes by evaluating their necessity and effectivity; • Establishing uniform tariff system in country with transitional period of approximately 3 years: • At this moment, there are 25 different tariffs • At this moment, the minimum fare is from 0.20 EUR

  13. Carriage in regionalroutes

  14. Projectsimplementedwithfinancingfrom EU funds • In the programming period 2007-2013 fiveprojectswereimplemented: 1. Modernisationof Riga suburban passenger railway system and renovation of diesel train rolling stock • Project foresees to procure34 electric multiple units and 7 diesel multiple units to replace the current rolling stock which is coming to the end of its exploitation. • One of the project’s central aims is to significantly increase the demand for rail passenger services. It is expected to improve the quality, accessibility, cost effectiveness and environmental sustainability of the public transport system in Latvia, particularly in the Riga agglomeration area. • Totaleligibleprojectcosts– 204 900 001 EUR, fromwhich 142 3999 99 isfinancedbyCohesionFund

  15. Projectsimplementedwithfinancingfrom EU funds 2. DR1A seriesdieselwagonmodernization • Theaimoftheprojectis to risethelevelofcomfortandtrafficsafetyforpassengerscarriedbydieselwagons, to reducethenegativeimpactonenvironment, aswellas to improvetheefficiencyofexpluatationandmaintenaceofrollingstock. • Totaleligibleprojectcosts – 15 295 872 EUR, fromwhich13 001 491 isfinancedbyCohesionFund 3. Modernisationofrailpassengerinfrastructure • Theaimoftheprojectis to promotethequalityandefficiencyofpassengercarriagesbyrailinandoutsideRiga. • Totaleligibleprojectcosts – 17 590 143 EUR whichiscompletelyfinancedbyCohesionFund

  16. Projectsimplementedwithfinancingfrom EU funds 4. Renovation of Daugavpils citytramwaytransportinfrastructure • Theprojectincludesrenovation of 6,2 km tramwayline, renovation of 3 transformationsubstations, purchase of 12 newwagons • Totaleligibleprojectcosts – 14 171 130 EUR, fromwhich9 653 901 isfinancedbyEuropeanRegionalDevelopmentFund 5. Construction of newtramwaylineandreconstruction of existinglines in Liepāja city • Theprojectincludesconstruction of a new 1,7 km tramwaylineandreconstruction of 0,7 km of existinglines • Totaleligibleprojectcosts – 14 785 997 EUR, fromwhich 9 653 899 isfinancedbyEuropeanRegionalDevelopmentFund


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