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Explore the various radiographic and digital methods for chest imaging, including radiography, fluoroscopy, CT, MRI, ultrasonography. Learn to analyze X-rays and detect common chest pathologies and infections.
THE CHEST METHODS OF EXAMINATION Radiography Standard examination : - PA + lateral projection; - tube-film distance – 1,5m to minimize divergent distorsion and magnification; - full inspiration. Apical lordotic view – - is used to see diseases in the pulmonary apices, which may be obscured by the clavicle and the first rib; - AP wiew with the patient leaning backward on the cassette holder. Supine radiographs – intensive care units.
THE CHEST METHODS OF EXAMINATION Fluoroscopy –dynamicstudy of the cardiovascular system, diafragmatic motion. Disadvantage: high radiation dose. Bronchography – the study of the bronchial tree by means of the introduction of opaque material into the bronchi. Replaced by CT, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, brush biopsy, percutaneous biopsy Tomography – it is possible to examine a single layer of tissue and to blur the tissues above and below the level by motion (the tube and the film move in opposite directions). -replaced by CT.
THE CHESTMETHODS OF EXAMINATION • Computed tomography– indications for the lung: • - Evaluation and staging of primary pulmonary neoplasms • - Detection of metastasis from non-pulmonary primary tumors. • Characterization of solitary pulmonary nodules as benign or malignant • Characterization of focal and diffuse lung disease for • diagnosis.
THE CHEST METHODS OF EXAMINATION Computed tomography Indications for the mediastinum: - Causes of mediastinal widening - Staging of tumors that spread to the mediastinum - Characterization of mediastinal masses – cysts, solid, vascular,fat. Other indications: Pleura plaques, masses, loculated fluid, occult calcification, chest wall masses. High-resolution CT– evaluation of interstitial lung disease, bronchiectasis, emphysema, cystic lung disease.
THE CHESTMETHODS OF EXAMINATION- Computed tomografy 1975 1995
THE CHESTMETHODS OF EXAMINATION Ultrasonography – fluid can be localized and differentiated from solid pleural masses; • mediastinal lesions in contact with the chest wall • lesions near the diafragm.
THE CHEST METHODS OF EXAMINATION • Magnetic resonance imaging –indications: • dissection of the aorta, aneurysm • congenital and acquired heart conditions • intracardiac and paracardiac masses. • pericardialdiseases. • brachial plexopathy. • diafragm and peridiafragmatic processes. • chest-wall lesions. • breast implants and breast masses. • Extention of the posterior mediastinal masses, especially those with intraspinal extension.
THE CHEST METHODS OF EXAMINATION Pulmonary and bronchial angiography– arterial or venous anomalies; thromboembolic disease. Scintigraphy Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT ) - Tc 99m – iv injection - pulmonary perfusion - Xe gas is inhaled – pulmonary ventilation
How to analyzethe chest X-ray - Soft tissues - Bony thorax – ribs, clavicles, scapulae, thoracic vertebrae - Mediastinum - Lungs – hilum, vessels, apices - Pleura - Diafragm Roentgen observations must be correlated with all the available clinical information
Gr.I Nodular opacities MILIARY tuberculosis
Lesion in the lung Lesion in the mediastinum FELSONsign
1 3 1 Chist hidatic 2 3 2 3 4 • CIRCUMSCRIBED HYPELUCENCIES • Bulla • 2. Aeric cyst • 3. Cavity- TB • 4. Cvity - cancer
CHEST INFECTIONS • Acute pulmonary infections • Lobar pneumonia – the organism reaches the periphery of the lung via the airways.Alveolar transudation is followed by migration of leucocytes into the alveolar fluid. • Bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia) – often observed in staphyloccocal infection of the lung. The disease originates in the airways and spreads to peribronchial alveoli. • Interstitial pneumonia – usually caused by a virus or a mycoplasma. • Mixed pneumonia – is a combination of lobar, bronchopneumonia and interstitial pneumonia.
Pneumococcal pneumonia • - Caused by S.pneumoniae. • - roentgen findings can be observed within 6 to 12 hours after onset of symptoms. • Chest x-ray: • triangularopacity, the tip towards the hilum, the base towards the periphery of the lung. • all the elementsin the diseased lobemay be affectedexcept the large bronchi– “air bronchogram”. • Resolution is rapid if there are not complications – the opacity becomes more irregular and patchy, the intensity decreases. • - Complications – delayed resolution, lung abscess, pleural effusion.
Bronchopneumonia • –staphyloccocal infection of the lung • - It is the most commonly found in the very young or very old • - The inflammatory disease does not cross septalboundaries the pattern of disease is discontinous or patchy. • Chest x-ray: • nodular opacities, 1-10mm, • poorly defined • with the center more opaque compared to the periphary. • - It is particularly difficult to define and diagnose when it occurs as a complication in case of cardiac failure.
Staphylococcal pneumonia – caused by Staphylococcus aureus - the infection may be primary in the lungs or secondary to a primary staphylococcal infection elsewhere in the body. - Usually occurs in debilitated adults or in the first year of life. - Consolidation rapidly spreads to involve a whole lobe and bronchi are obscured by exudate, so the air brohogram is rarely seen. - Abscess formation may occur; coalescense of small abscesses is frequent. - Pleural effusion, empyema and pneumothorax are frequent - Pneumatocele – a check-valve obstruction develops between the lumen of a small bronchus and the pulmonary parenchyma. - The disease is usually bilateral
Interstitial pneumonia - usually caused by a virus or Mycoplasma pneumoniae (is responsible for a significant percentage of primary atypical pneumonia in children and young adults). - Roentgen findings: - Peribronchial or interstitial type – streaky densities extending from the hilum following the vascular markings. - Bronchopneumonic type. - Segmental or lobar types - Diffuse type – bilateral reticulo-nodular pattern DD - interstitial pneumoniabacterial pneumonia: - delay in radiological onset - lack of pleural involvement, - the tendency to clear in one area and to spread in another, bilaterality.
Lung abscess • - lung abscess= when an acute pulmonary infectious process breaks down to form a cavity. • - Primary / secondary. • Chest x-ray • opacity confined to onesegment,round, irregular borders. • When bronchial communication is established the fluid content of the cavity is replaced by air – hydro-aeric image with orizontal fluid level. • CT – Very usefulto define the inner and outer walls, for complications (rupture into the pleural space). • Differential diagnosis: • early stage – pneumonia; • cavity – tbc, cancer, hydatid cyst, fungal infection
TUBERCULOSIS - Transmitted by inhalation of infected droplets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Target population: patients of low economic scale, alcoholics, elderly, AIDS • PrimaryTB • Rancke(primary) complex : • Ghon focus – nodular opacity (1-7cm), irregularborders, non-homogeneous, lowintensity,lower lobe • Lymphadenopathy– hilar and paratracheal, 95% • Lymphangitis– linearopacities
PrimaryTB Evolution: - Healing - Fibrosis - Calcification - Cavitation Complications: - Miliary TB - TBpneumonia - TB bronchopneumonia - Pleural effusion