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Exploring the Power of Visual Learning

Research shows visual-based lessons have a small superiority over non-visual instruction. Visuals are vital - 83% of information is received through sight. Discover more about the impact of visuals in education.

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Exploring the Power of Visual Learning

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  1. Visuals • What is a visual?

  2. Research Visual-based lessons a small overall superiority over the non-visual based instruction No significant difference http://www.nosignificantdifference.org Cohen, P. A., Ebling, B. J., & Kulik, J. A. (1981).  A meta-analysis of outcome studies of visual-based instruction.  Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 29(1)  29-36.

  3. Importance of visuals • Researchers estimate that of all the information we know, 6 % comes through touch, taste, smell 11% comes through hearing83% comes through sight.

  4. Good Visual

  5. Example • PowerPoint 1.0 was actually derived from a product called “Presenter” that was developed by Forethought Inc. in early 1987. • Microsoft purchased Presenter in August of 1987 for $14 million.

  6. Example • PowerPoint 1.0 was actually derived from a product called “Presenter” that was developed by Forethought Inc. in early 1987. • Microsoft purchased Presenter in August of 1987 for $14 million.

  7. PowerPoint 1.0 was actually derived from a product called “Presenter” that was developed by Forethought Inc. in early 1987. • Microsoft purchased Presenter in August of 1987 for $14 million. Presenter 1987 $ 14 m

  8. Example, What are the the northern states of the U.S. WA, ID, MT, ND, MN, WI, NY, VT, NH, ME, MI, ALs Which states are around Tennessee? MO, KY, VA, NC, GA, AL, MS, AR

  9. What are the the northern states of U.S. Which states are around Tennessee? Which of the following states are closer to Colorado? Which state is in the east of Nevada?

  10. Private Universe?

  11. Visual is Not Enough Simulation & Animation

  12. Visual & Misconceptions

  13. Relative Distance

  14. Show

  15. Relative Size • the Sun 1,295,000 times larger than the Earth • Vearth= π R3 = 3.14 *1 • Vsun = 3.14 *(109*109*109) • Vsun / Vearth = 1,295,000

  16. Solar System http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/index.html http://tinyurl.com/9y6oq

  17. Summer Winter • http://www.scienceu.com/observatory/articles/seasons/seasons.html • http://astro.unl.edu/naap/motion1/animations/seasons_ecliptic.swf • http://astro.unl.edu/naap/lps/animations/lps.swf • http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/news/2013-moon-phases.html

  18. Photosynthesis • http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/diagrams/photosynthesis/photosynthesis.html • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1_uez5WX1o • http://www.wiley.com/legacy/college/boyer/0470003790/animations/animations.htm • http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/facilities/multimedia/uploads/alberta/Photo.html

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