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What is a genre?

A comprehensive guide outlining the concept of multi-genre projects, including required genres, grading criteria, deadlines, and project tips. Multi-genre projects involve completing different genres such as digital photo essays, creative writing, and visual creations to showcase knowledge on a subject in diverse ways. The guide specifies essential details like genre requirements, deadlines for drafts, and project submissions. It provides valuable information on the importance of adhering to formatting requirements, quality production, and project restrictions, emphasizing the need for creativity and adherence to guidelines for a successful outcome.

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What is a genre?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is a genre? • A group, type, or category with similar characteristics • (such as writing, music, art, etc.)

  2. What is a multi-genre project? • A project where you complete different genres to show how much you know about the subject

  3. Why do multi-genre products? • to communicate information about a topic in multiple ways

  4. How many genres do I have to do? 3

  5. Are there any specific genres I MUST do? Yes: • Digital: Photo Essay (20 pts.) • Creative Writing (30 pts.) • Visual (50 pts.)

  6. Do I get to choose my genres? Yes. You will be given a list today to choose your genres.

  7. How many grades in all will this count? • Quiz grade for RD of photo essay • Quiz grade for RD of creative writing piece • Quiz grade for first hours check (5 hrs.) • Quiz grade for second hours check (10 hrs.) • Two test grades for all three pieces together. TOTAL: 4 quiz grades; two test grades

  8. How will I be graded? • Overall, it is the QUALITY of what you produce that will matter the most. • This includes following directions, spending the appropriate amount of time, and making each genre adhere to its formatting requirements.

  9. What are the requirements for each piece? • Look closely at your list of genres. Beside each genre, you will find the basic specifications.

  10. When do I have to know what I will be doing for my project? • Monday, October 13th

  11. When is the final date to change which genres I am doing? • October 20th

  12. Will we get any time in class to work on it? • Not really. If we are in the computer lab and you have extra time, then you can work on your digital or creative writing genres.

  13. When is the first draft the photo essay due? • October 27

  14. When is the final draft the photo essay due? • On your presentation day: December 2-5

  15. How do I turn in my photo essay? • You must upload it into Edmodo so it can be graded online.

  16. When is the first draft the creative writing piece due? • Nov 10th; printed and uploaded in Turnitin.com

  17. When is the final draft the creative writing piece due? • On your presentation day: December 2-5

  18. How is my Visual genre different from the rest of them? • It is more elaborate and should address a main topic in your research. • You should spend a minimum of ten hours creating it. • It counts twice as much.

  19. What restrictions are there for the visual project? See page 7

  20. FORBIDDEN PROJECT IDEAS: You WILL fail the project if you do any of these: 1. You cannot do a product that involves the flag of the country. 2. Any food project—no making a meal for a project! 3. Creating weapons or making illegal substances 4. Models of any type of inappropriate paraphernalia or tobacco products

  21. FORBIDDEN PROJECT IDEAS: You WILL fail the project if you do any of these: 5. No group projects 6. No 3D puzzles or regular puzzles 7. Any project involving your pet 8. No costumes that break dress code

  22. FORBIDDEN PROJECT IDEAS: You WILL fail the project if you do any of these: 10. No project created out of sugar cubes or other foods 11. No belly dancing.

  23. FORBIDDEN PROJECT IDEAS: You WILL fail the project if you do any of these: 12. No poster board projects with pictures cut out from magazines as a collage. 13. No project made out of clay.

  24. FORBIDDEN PROJECT IDEAS: You WILL fail the project if you do any of these: 14. No making models of illegal items. 15. No drawing or painting on computer or notebook paper. 16. No portrayal of violent acts in inappropriate ways.

  25. PROJECT TIPS: Consider these to help you on your project: -Make sure you have adult supervision when using power tools! -Keep all projects away from pets, especially CATS!!! -Never spray paint Styrofoam; it will melt!

  26. PROJECT TIPS: Consider these to help you on your project: -Be careful with all razor blades when cutting model materials! -Hot glue lives up to its name; be careful or you may lose a layer of skin! -Do not glue a costume together; sewing is the best option.

  27. PROJECT TIPS: Consider these to help you on your project: -Avoid the expensive papiermache mixes at the store; newspaper and a glue/water solution is the best option. -Do not paint white foam board, as it will curl when it absorbs moisture. -Make sure the project will fit through the doors of the school and that you can transport it here on your own.

  28. When is the first hours check for my visual project? • November 12; total of five hours minimum

  29. When is the second hours check for my visual project? • November 19:total of ten hours minimum

  30. When is the visual project due? • On your presentation day: December 2-5 • You don’t bring it in until that day.

  31. What if I can’t afford materials for the visual project? • Submit a request form to Ms. Murphy for supplies, which she can buy with AWED funds.

  32. What do I need to know to be successful for this part of AWED? • Start early and turn all parts in on time. • Ask for help right away if you need it. Don’t wait! • Take pictures of yourself doing your project to add to your booth, prove your hours, and get extra credit.

  33. What do I need to know to be successful for this part of AWED? 4. Don’t give up if it gets too hard. Problem-solve! 5. Make a plan and manage your time. 6. Have fun and show off your talents!

  34. How much time should I spend on these genres? Enough time to produce QUALITY work. • Suggested 1-2 hrs. each for photo essay and creative writing genre • 10 hours minimum the Visual genre

  35. How will my time management skills be evaluated? • That you meet all deadlines • That you complete your visual project in stages, turning in evidence of your work and hours spent.

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