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The strategic project RURAL-Antreprenor. The partners of the project FNTM ( www.fntm.ro ) - leader of the consortium S.C. Siveco Rom a nia SA ( www.siveco.ro ) PROJOB GmbH from German y ( www.projob-weiden.de ) Formastur SA from Spa in ( www.formastur.es )
The strategic project RURAL-Antreprenor The partners of the project • FNTM (www.fntm.ro) - leader of the consortium • S.C. Siveco Romania SA (www.siveco.ro) • PROJOB GmbH from Germany (www.projob-weiden.de) • Formastur SA from Spain(www.formastur.es) • Euro < 26 Association (www.euro26.ro) The project finance • selectedin the POSDRU program, pilon5, DMI 5.2. • cofinanced by the European Social Fund • financedfrom resources ganted by the project’s partners • Project worth~ 19.153.000 RON • Financing contract POSDRU/83/5.2/S/59596 Website: www.ruralantreprenor.ro
Presentation of the RURAL-Antreprenor project Overall objective: to develop the entrepreneurial culture and to increase the expertise in order to improve the skills, the knowledge and the management behavior for actual and future entrepreneurs Target group:actual and future entrepreneurs, especially young people Target developing regions: • Northwest:Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Cluj, Satu-Mare, Maramureș,Sălaj counties • Western: Arad, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Timiș counties • Southwest Oltenia: Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinți, Olt, Vâlcea counties • South Muntenia: Argeș, Călărași, Dâmbovița, Giurgiu, Ialomița, Prahova, Teleorman counties • Bucharest-Ilfov: Ilfov county Duration of project implementation: 2 years, June 2010 – May 2012 • RURAL-Antreprenor is a complementary initiative of the Rural-Manager, www.ruralmanager.ro, strategic project, EFS co-financed, implemented during January 2009 – April 2003, in the other 3 Romanian Developing Regions: North-East, Central and South-East.
Objectives 1. Provide customized management education to 400 entrepreneurs for starting a business or develop an existing business, for increased market competitiveness and local economic growth (November 2010 - May 2012): • 24 regional consultants: 1 consultant / county 2/ București – Ilfov county • 12 local consultancy offices (1 office/ 2 counties) • Localization consultancy offices: Bistrița, Satu-Mare, Zalău, Arad, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Craiova, Târgu-Jiu, Alexandria, Slobozia, Pitești,Târgoviște and Bucharest 2. Organizing23 regional conferences, 1/ county, in Febr. - Apr. 2011, in order to improve the business performance and motivation for 1400 entrepreneurs and 100 policy-makers by a starting an entrepreneurial education process 3. Develop a quantitative and qualitative research on training and consulting needs of entrepreneurs and those wishing to start a business, from rural target regions (November 2010-May 2011)
Objectives 4. Training and counseling for 300 managers from the 5 target regions, through a portal site-integrated tool, which will include: : • e-Learning consulting and networking platform, startingAug. 2011 for the developing of the e-Learning managerial education program • e-Business platform, for products and services promotion of the beneficiaries all over the country • e-Commerce platform (integrated solution of online store) • project site – resource center (www.ruralantreprenor.ro) 5. Developing business management tool • Diagnosis - analysisfor20% of the businesses of the beneficiaries enrolled in the e-Learning program, in iun. – iul. 2011 • customized consulting and implementation of integrated IT-software solutions for business management and decision support, for 30 selected business, starting Aug.2011 6. Dissemination of the project results • A final conference in Bucharest with 300 persons, in order to disseminate the results andreward the beneficiaries, May 2012
Portal-website: www.ruralantreprenor.ro- The OFICIAL site of the project - Daily upgraded information source - Door to the e-Learning platform for online learning and networking - Door to the e-Business platform for promotion of the beneficiaries’ own business - Door to the e-Commerceplatform for merchandizing of the beneficiaries’ own products - Access to useful information and documentation resources
The e-Business platform - e-Business platform for business promotion - it allows the possibility to promote services and products - it allows a dedicated space for storingimages and documents - it provides a presentation website easy to create and upgrade
The e-Commerce platform- commercial electronic platform for selling promotion
The e-Learning platform - solution developed for the RURAL-Antreprenor project - Based on the eLearning AeL platform It allows the beneficiaries the following major features: • networking • learning • evaluation and self-evaluation • communication • involving in an online community • access to the own learning reports
The e-Learning managerial education program • 7 courses: Business plan, Financial Management, Strategic Management, Project Management, Marketing, IT start-up for a business, Business Ethics • Duration of the program: 9 months • Regular studies 2 days: June– Aug.2011 • Courses on the e-Learning platform:Aug. 2011 – March 2012 Structure of the courses: • Learning kits, withLearning moments, with over 200 hours of study • Online evaluations and practical test • Discussion forums The digital courses are: • Interactive • Dynamical • Include simulations
The project team • 7 professors for the courses and 7assistants • 2 multiregional expets, 24regional consultants, one for every of the 22 counties and 2 for Ilfov county • 6 international experts • IT experts for the portal development and the learning platform • national experts and the management team Associated collaborators: FNTM experts, associated professors from Europe and the United States, experts of the partners PROJOB Germany, Formastur Spain,SIVECO Romania, Euro<26 and the entire network of the FNTM members
Fundaţia Naţională a Tinerilor Manageri - FNTM Str. Dumbrava Roşie nr. 2, Sector 2, Bucureşti Tel: (004) 021 318 38 73 Fax: (004) 0318 145 925 E-mail: info@fntm.ro, rural@fntm.ro www.ruralantreprenor.ro, www.fntm.ro