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IPA CBC programmes with Member States Visibility and effectiveness European Parliament hearing, 11 July 2018, Brussels. Simona POHLOVA , DG REGIO. 2 . IPA Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) between Member States and IPA (Beneficiary) countries 2014-2020 : O bjectives.
IPA CBC programmes with Member StatesVisibility and effectivenessEuropean Parliament hearing, 11 July 2018, Brussels Simona POHLOVA, DG REGIO
2. IPA Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) between Member States and IPA (Beneficiary) countries 2014-2020: Objectives Legal basis: Article 2(2)(e)of IPA Regulation 231/2014 General objective • To support IPA countries in adoptingreforms and apply EU values, rules and standardswiththeview to EU membership Specific objective for Territorial Cooperation • To support effortsofIPA countries to advanceregional, macro-regional and cross-border cooperation as well as territorialdevelopment, includingthroughimplementationof Union macro-regionalstrategies. • Provisionssimilar as for CBC betweentheMemberStates: IPA countries on (nearly) equalfootingwiththem
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Is the cooperation with neighbouring EU Member States effective? - I Cooperation criteria(Art.39-40 ofRegulation No 447/2014): • Each joint operation to involvebeneficiariesfromat least twocountriesparticipating in a programme, at least oneofwhichisfromtheMemberState. • Joint developmentand jointimplementationofoperations and eitherjoint staffingorjoint financing • Leadbeneficiaryresponsiblefortheimplementationoftheoperation as a whole
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Is the cooperation with neighbouring EU Member States effective? - II Performance framework(Art.21-22 of ESIF CommonProvisionsRegulation No 1303/2013): • Financial and physical output and resultindicatorsestablished per programme and priority, withbaseline and targets • Performance checked in 2019 (based on milestonesachieved) and in 2023 • Possiblesanctions: suspensionofpayments, financialcorrections
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Is the cooperation with neighbouring EU Member States effective? - III "It is also unique to the EU to actively promote territorial cooperation such as through IPA regional and cross-border programmes. The added value is obvious: Reconciliation and confidence building in the Western Balkans, overcoming of geographical and mental barriers and developing of good neighbourly relations – all these remain key aspects in the process of EU enlargement, addressed solely by EU programmes and not by international or bilateral donors." Mid-term evaluation report of IPA II
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Visibility – what Member States do • Programmesundershared management: communication in thehandsoftheMemberStates (managingauthorities) andthe Commission • Articles 115-117 of ESIF CommonProvisionsRegulation – obligationsfortheMemberStates: • Communicationstrategies and plans per programme • Websitewithinformation on EU fundedprogrammes • List ofsupportedoperations
European Cooperation Day: 21 September 1 minute video on You Tube
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Visibility II – what the Commission does
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Visibility and performance – what the Commission does List ofprogrammeswithcontacts: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/funding/ipa/cross-border/
IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020: Cross-border Cooperation with Turkey
IPA CBC Programmes: Examples of projects Innovation and rehabilitation of water supply systems municipalities Dimovo and Majdanpek (Bulgaria-Serbia) Lead partner: Municipality of Dimovo, Bulgaria Project partner 2: Municipality of Majdanpek, Serbia Budget: 580441Euro Project duration: 12 months
2. IPA CBC Programmes: Examples of projects Establishment of Hungarian-Serbian fluvial border crossing stations at the river Tisa(Hungary-Serbia) Lead partner: Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency Project partner 2: Provincial Secretariat for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self- Government, Novi Sad, Serbia Project partner 3: Lower Tisza District Water Directorate Budget: 1.592.798,00Euro Project duration: 26 months
3. Transnational cooperation programmes 2014-2020 – Interreg B: Objectives Legal basis: Article 2(2)of ETC Regulation 1299/2013 General objective • To support transnational cooperation over larger transnational territories, involving national, regional and local partners and also covering maritime cross-border cooperation in cases not covered by cross-border cooperation, with a view to achieving a higher degree of territorial integration of those territories
3. TN programmes with IPA countries participation DanubeTransnationalProgramme(263 million euro) More information: www.interreg-danube.eu Adriatic-IonianTransnationalProgramme(118 million euro) More information: www.adrioninterreg.eu Balkan-MeditteraneanProgramme(40 million euro) More information: http://www.interreg.gr/en/programmes/2012-05-11-09-00-08/balkan-mediterranean.html MeditteraneanProgramme(276 millioneuro) More information:www.programmemed.eu
Thank you for your attention! Simona.pohlova@ec.europa.eu, REGIO D.1