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Mid Day Meal Scheme. 5 th Review Mission – Gujarat (22 April – 30 April 2013). Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Dr . Neelam Grewal , Dean, College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Mr . Ashok Sharma, Jt. Commissioner , MDM , Govt. of Gujarat
Mid Day Meal Scheme 5th Review Mission – Gujarat (22 April – 30 April 2013) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Dr. NeelamGrewal, Dean, College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Mr. Ashok Sharma, Jt. Commissioner, MDM, Govt. of Gujarat Dr. Rita Singh Raghuvanshi, Dean, College of Home Science, GovindBallabhPant university of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar- Member Smt. Neeta Hardikar, Representative of Office of Supreme Court Commissioner Dr. N. B. Dholakia, Deputy Director, MCH Dr. S. A. Sutariya, State Nodal Officer, School Health. Dr. R.C. Patel, M S University (MI) Dr. TattwamasiPaltasingh, SPIESR (MI) Mr. B.D.Shivani, Deputy Secretary, MHRD, Govt. of India Team Members 2 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Mr. TanmoyGhatak, Sr. Consultant, NSG- Ed.CIL MHRD, GOI. Mr. Rajat Gupta, Sr. Consultant, NSG- Ed.CIL MHRD, GOI Dr. RashmiLimbu, Senior Research Fellow, GovindBallabh Pant university of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar. Dr. PriyankaSinghal, Senior Research Fellow, GovindBallabh Pant university of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar Ms. PreetinderKaur, Research Fellow, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Ms. KarmjeetKaur, Research Fellow, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Co-Members 3 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Terms of Reference of the Mission • Review the system of fund flow from State Government to Schools/cooking agency and the time taken in this process. • Review the management and monitoring of the scheme from state to school level. • Review the implementation of the scheme with reference to availability of food grains, quality of MDM, regularity in serving MDM as per approved norms and mode of cooking. • Role of Teachers, • Convergence with School Health Programme (SHP) for supplementation of micronutrients and health checkups and supply of spectacles to children suffering from refractive errors. • Creation of Capital assesses through kitchen-cum-store/kitchen devices • Appointment of Cook-cum –Helpers for preparation and serving of meal to the children. • Availability of dedicated staff for MDM at various levels. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Contd…. • Review the maintenance of records at the level of school/cooking agency. • Review the availability of infrastructure, its adequacy and source of funding. • Review of payment of cost of food grains to FCI by the districts. • Review the involvement of NGO’s/Trust/Centralized kitchens by States/UTs Government in implementation of the Scheme • Management of Information System (MIS) from school to block, district and State Level to collect the information and disseminate it to other stakeholders. • Assess the involvement of Community’ in implementation of MDM Scheme • Review of status of MIS integration with IVRS for monitoring of the scheme • And give suggestions for improvement in the implementation of the programme. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Terms of Reference for the Assessment of Nutritional Status • To assess the anthropometric measurements of a sample of children availing MDM: Height, Weight, Mid arm Circumference • To Calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) on the basis of measurement of Height and weight. • To identify the children who are undernourished and over nourished. • To assess the nutritive value of the served MDM on the day of visit by 24 hour food recall method. • To review the quality and quantity of the served MDM. • To review the satisfaction of the children parents and community on the served meal under MDM in respect of quality and quantity. • To suggest some nutritionally balance region specific recipes. • To assess the ways for better convergence with School Health Programme Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Places visited 7 7 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Structure of the Presentation • Part 1 : Performance of the Scheme during • the last three years (up to December) • Part 2 : Findings of the Review Mission Team in two districts: • Ahmedabad • Sabarkantha Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Children (Pry) during last 3 yrs No. of Children in lakh 64% 69% 67%
Coverage : Children (Up. Pry) during last 3 yrs No. of Children in lakh 65% 62% 52%
FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Quantity in MTs 59% 57% 52% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI as on 31st March, 2013 Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakh ) 91% Payment made to FCI Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Engagement of Cook-cum-helpers No. of CCH Primary + Upper Primary 97% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of Honorarium to CCH Rs. In Lakh 57% 55% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
MME : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakh 8% 0% 0% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Transportation Assistance : Allocation vsUtilization Rs in Lakhs 69% 74% 52% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Achievement up to December, 2012(Kitchen cum Stores) Total Sanctioned : 19868 Kitchen Cum Stores 17213 KS Progress (in %) 2655 KS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Achievement up to 2012-13 (Kitchen Devices) Total Sanctioned :29868 units of Kitchen Devices Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
COOKING COST: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakh 75% 55% 46% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Best Practices • TithiBhojan • Distribution of Sukhadi among • children • Tribal Area sub plan (proposed) • Attendance of children and teachers • using Bio-metric system in • one school. • Availability of LPG in most of the • schools. • Community contribution for providing infrastructure facilities. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 20
Availability of Foodgrains & Cooking Cost • Supply of Food Grain is regular and available in all the visited schools. • The State allocates rice to Districts on monthly basis and MDM supervisor has to lift the same from local FPS. • Cooking cost was made available to all the schools regularly Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Trend of Enrolment, Attendance & Availed MDM • % Coverage against enrolment is less than national average Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Status of Cook-cum-helpers • Helpers are engaged at the • school level in case of • schools served by Centralized • kitchen. • Cook-cum-helpers engaged • is inadequate and not as per enrollment in 71% of the • schools visited. • Payment of honorarium to CCH was regular is most of the visited schools Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Availability of Infrastructure Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Kitchen-cum-stores Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Kitchen Devices Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Display of Menu & Logo • MDM weekly Menu was displayed in 74% of visited schools • MDM logo was not displayed in any of the visited schools. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
SMC Meeting Printing of SMC members list in one of the schools & agenda of MDM in school Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Management Information System • Almost 100% annual data entry has been completed for the year 2012-13 in both the districts. • The Monthly data entry status is continuously declining over the span of months from December, 2012 onwards especially in Ahmedabad District (40% in March, 2013).
Issues • Less coverage of children availing MDM against enrolment which is below national average. • Insufficient number of CCH engaged in schools. • MDM logo not displayed in any of the visited schools. • Less number of inspections by Govt. officials in some of the schools • Vacant positions of officials specially at District & Block level • No specific discussion on MDM in SMC meetings in most of the schools Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Recommendations • It has been observed that coverage of children availing MDM against enrolment is below the national level. It has also been observed that a major chunk of children attending the schools are not availing MDM. It is therefore recommended that the parents should be made aware about the benefits of the programme and entitlement of children. Members of SMC should made deliberate efforts for building the awareness among parents. • It is important that all schools are instructed to display MDM logo outside walls of kitchen premises as well on any other prominent place in school so that general public is aware of the MDM scheme being implemented in the school. • Kitchen gardens or green squares can be introduced using the waste water from kitchen and hand washing of children. This can become innovative and creative school based activity for the participation of children and teachers to grow drumstick trees and seasonal greens for use in MDM. The nutrition education then can be one of the major activities for children and use of vegetables in MDM can also be ensured. • While the SHP has been a successful initiative of the State, increased coordination between PHC, School, the concerned teacher, student and her / his parents by creating and sharing appropriate database. There is need for maintaining the database for synchronized health checkup and treatment in subsequent years. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Recommendations • Engaging the SMC and parents in SHP during checkup would enhance parental care and attention that the children require in this age group. Report cards and feedback to be shared with parents. • Capacity building of all the stakeholders at every level is required for effective implementation of the MDMS. A module for school teachers on roles and responsibilities of teachers under MDM may be included in the training curriculum of the teachers under SSA highlighting their nutritional and health needs of the children. • In view of the high prevalence of fire wood chulhas as a mode of cooking in the rural areas action may be initiated to provide environment eco-friendly chulhas in convergence with the concerned department in the State. A pilot scheme on installation of solar cookers can be launched in cooperation with Government of India and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and their Autonomous Organization in the State for manufacturing, installing and maintaining solar cookers. Similarly, the water harvesting system should be promoted in all the schools. • RTE Act has strengthened Community participation through SMCs. However the perusal of minutes of the SMCs indicated that apart from taking the approval of the committee for disbursing funds for MDM no quality discussion is held to improve the implementation of the scheme. It is recommended that the implementation of MDM should be made a compulsory agenda during the meeting to ensure the smooth running of the scheme. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Recommendations • Inspection is an important component for smooth implementation of the Scheme at the grass root level. Regular inspection has been made mandatory by the State Government by different District and Block level officials. Effective monitoring mechanism should be developed by the State Govt. to ensure periodic inspection of the scheme by officials at all levels. Inspecting Officers should record their observations on the implementation of the Scheme. The PRIs or SMC member or any government official can write their remarks/comments about their observations of MDM in school. • Provisions of Social and Community Audits should be made by the government to evaluate the implementation of programme and to identify gaps, with the involvement of PRIs and S.M.C members. The process should begin with capacity building of the concerned persons for the purpose. • It has been observed that still there are a lot of vacant positions/staff for implementing the scheme especially at district and block levels. It is recommended that designated staff strictly for the scheme should be engaged at all levels. These could be in the like MBAs, Nutritionists etc. at the appropriate levels from the MME funds. • State Review Mission: The State Govt. should also constitute Review Mission at the State level on the lines of Review Mission designated by GOI to different States and send them to various districts of the State every six months to review the implementation of the programme. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Recommendations • As Management Information System integrated with IVRS will become operational very soon. The districts have to speed up the process of data feeding. To handle huge data and updating the data into the web portal regularly, data entry operators have to be engaged on regular basis in every district. • It is observed that each of the State/UT is following some best practices in the implementation of MDM. In this connection, it is recommended that the inter-State exposure visits can be conducted for MDM implementing officials for better implementation of the scheme. • The option of cluster kitchens – the “hub and spoke model” run by SHGs should be explored before operationalizing centralized kitchens for the entire city and wherever the shift from SHG to centralized kitchen is done an independent assessment be done to understand the strength of each one. • A book of low cost nutritious recipes be developed keeping the profiles of different regions of the state in mind to ensure standardized intake of cereals, pulses and other food groups. To facilitate scaling up of the recipes a ready reckoner for cooking in varying quantities be developed. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India