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Linac4 H - source

Sept. 2 nd 2013: 1 st H - beam in linac4. Linac4 H - source. Matching the very tight of the 3MeV TS (mid. 2012) & L4-commissioning schedules (sept.2013 ). Flexible front end suited for unprecedented IS-diversity :

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Linac4 H - source

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  1. Sept. 2nd 2013: 1stH- beam in linac4 Linac4 H-source Matching the very tight of the 3MeV TS (mid. 2012) & L4-commissioning schedules (sept.2013) • Flexible front end suited for unprecedented IS-diversity : • Direct extraction of H- from the RF-H2 plasma volume (DesyVolume IS 20 mA) • Extraction of H-emitted form from a cesiated Mo-surface after impact of RF-H2 plasma produced H0 or p (SNS Surface IS 50 mA) • Extraction from an arc discharge induced Cs-H plasma (BNL’s Magnetron 100 mA) • Proton source (p, H2+, H3+) Dec. 13th 2013: First 50 mA pulse of the cesiatedsurface prototype Oct. 9th 2013: Nominal Linac4 beam tested @ BNL, 2 & 6.6 Hz Cs: 5 g/y Sept-2013

  2. 77 Identified contributors, 8 external institutions 19 TS, PhD & fellows (22 FTE) ABP-HSL’s Cesiated surface Linac4 H-source: How does it work ? Who made it possible ? H- IPP-Garching Cesiated Mo-surface SNS J-PARC Perm. Magnet cusp BE-RFsolenoid antenna LPGP-Orsay Pulsed HVs -45 kV source 25 kV puller 10 kV dump Plasma view ports BE-BI Pulsed H2-inj. TE-EPC Ph-DT & TE-VAC Keio-Yokohama BNL-Upton NY ISIS-RAL Cs-oven EN-MME Most physics processes within this H- source are simulated, now entering engineering phase Jyvaskyla

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