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  2. Brendy Lisbeth Osorio López Brendy came this year to EH with a certificate of completion of second grade. However, because she was in a rural school her level was actually too low, but she tries very hard to improve her grades. She is a very educated and responsible girl, and sometimes she is a little shy. Her favorite class is math. She is receiving some extra help to continue to improve her grades in other areas.

  3. Edith Dolores Pavón Molina Edith came into this year at EH because her level of education is too low. She needs some extra support. On the other hand she likes to help others. She is very giving, has creative ideas and very obedient. She is a very good support in her class for her classmates. She likes to writes books even though her best class is not Spanish. She has a lot creativity, so is she a very good artist. She did a great good job in the first quarter, but she needs improvement in the second one.

  4. Gabriela Saraí Castellanos Salguero Gabriela is an intelligent, strong, creative and a nature leader in her class. She also likes to help others. She like performing and has a very good memory. In general she is good in all her classes despite the fact that she received a very good grade in Spanish more that the others. She is excellent.

  5. Maria Valentina Avila Sevilla She is a very sweet , respectful worker. Mariahas some learning disabilities and she needs some extra support but she is improving a lot. She is very creative and you can see her talents in Art class. Also she is good with hands on work and workshops like bakery and jewelry making. She is responsible and organized with her assignments.

  6. YolaniLiseth Cruz Montes She is very creative, likes to read and help others. She is nature leader, very responsible and very sweet. She has improved a lot during the second quarter, specially in Spanish and Science and Social studies. When she came to EH, she was very shy, but during this year she is more confident and she participated in performing. Also, she is very good in workshop and in bakery.

  7. Arlin Josué Estrada Sevilla Arlin came from Montana de la Flor where they only had one teacher for all the grades. This caused a low level of education in the students. However Arlin is working very hard and he is improving a lot. His favorite class is Art, PE and Computer. Also he is receiving some extra support.

  8. Axel Alejandro Escobar Calderón Axel absolutely UNIQUE. He is a very smart , outgoing, happy, creative, handsome boy. He loves to write stories and he has won prizes because of his good work. His behavior is much better and more mature. His favorite class is Art, PE and Social Studies. During his second quarter is doing much much better in Spanish, Art, Science and Social Studies

  9. Carlos José Gómez Sánchez He is very sweet boy. While he has some learning disabilities, he tries really hard. He like draw and create things. We are having a problem with his mom, because she came to take him on a weekend and sometimes does not come back until Tuesday or Wednesday. He missed his classes because his mom is not responsible. I already talked with his mom and if she doesn’t bring him on time he will no longer go to visit her on weekends. His favorite class is Computer and Art.

  10. Carlos Yahir Montoya Carlos is very sweet and very hard worker. He is improving a lot. He likes to draw and paint. His best classes are Art and Computer. He is only 9 years old and has a mother with mental illness who lives very far away from people because she is aggressive. She hit people.He knows that he has an older sister who lives with his grandma, but we don’t know where she lives. However he comes many times to ask me when I will take him to see his mom. With all of this background, for me it is amazing to believe that he is trying to do his best with a lot effort.

  11. DurvinYasir Peña Salguero Durvin is very creative and respectful. He prefers to be alone instead being with many children. He is very smart. He is improving a lot in Spanish, Science, Computer and PE.

  12. Erin Ernesto Flores Ramos He is a little shy. He is very respectful and good listener. He likes to draw, paint and also read books. He likes to play soccer. He is improving a lot in Spanish, Science, English and Computer.

  13. Franklin Alexander Gómez Sánchez He is improving a lot. He is very creative. He is good in Social Studies and PE. He is perseverant. On the other hand we were having problems with his mom who would take him home for a weekend and sometimes he would come back two or three days later and he missed classes. This is affecting him.However I already talked with his mom about this situation and if does not improve he won’t have permission to spend time with her on weekends.

  14. Henry Manuel Cruz Montes He is very good boy and very respectful. He likes challenges! He want to become an agricultural engineer. He likes English, Art, PE and Computer. He is very organized in his assignments. He is very sweet.

  15. José Abrahám Pérez Fonseca He is a special case. Abraham in the beginning was a difficult case, but also when I think that he was living with his grandma who has illness problems who lived with an alcoholic man, and he didn't any instruction in his home for me he could be a good example of the love of God has changed his life. Two weeks ago we had a meeting with all of them and he was given the opportunity to share about his life before to came EH. He had tear coming down on his checks and he said “My life changed since I came to EH. At my home always they told me that I was garbage, you can not do anything, however here everyone believes in me and they tell me that I’m a good boy and I will get my dream. I am very happy here”. During the second quarter he improved in PE, Art and Computer. His behavior is different and he looks like a different boy.

  16. Miguel Fernando Escobar Calderón He is very intelligent. He likes to participate in classes, he likes performing and he is a very good public speaker. He is very responsible and also his more mature. Sometimes he has some problem with his brother Axel as usual with brothers and siblings. During his second quarter he is improving a lot in English, Social Studies, Science, and Computer.In general he is doing a very good job.

  17. René Gabriel Sánchez Oliva He is very intelligent, very organized, collaborative and a very good public speaker. Also he is very mature, responsible and very good role model for the rest of the children. He is one of the best students. He is on the honor roll. His GPA is 98%- absolutely excellent. Also, he is very creative, friendly and respectful.

  18. Rony Estiven Hernández Alcantara He is very friendly, creative and organized with his assignments. He likes performing. Rony also likes to draw and paint. He likes cars. During his second quarter he is doing a good job in English, Computer and Science. He is improving a lot. He receives a recognition because of all his efforts and perseverance in his classes.

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