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Enhance your vocabulary, word roots, and language skills with this comprehensive guide. Learn synonyms, antonyms, word parts, and grammar rules. Practice active voice, parallelism, and more for improved communication.
1. Unfeeling; insensitive
2. Depressing, gloomy, dark
3. Persistent, illogical fear
4. To form a nonspecific conclusion
5. To regard w/ great devotion; to honor
6. various; several; miscellaneous
7. calm; carefree; lighthearted
8. Something handed down from one who has gone before
9. Exceptional skill & bravery
10. scarcity; lack
WORD PARTS 14. Greek god of sleep & dreams
WORD PARTS 15. Device for viewing surface
WORD PARTS 16. hatred
WORD PARTS 17. Transformation of shape/appearance
WORD PARTS 18. Extreme sadness or emotion
WORD PARTS 19. having no shape
WORD PARTS 20. Located on outside or edge
Answers1 1. callous 2. somber 3. phobia 4. generalize 5. revere
Answers2 6. sundry 7. insouciant 8. legacy 9. prowess 10. dearth
Answers3 11. MORPH 12. PERI 13. PATH 14. Morpheus 15. PERIscope
Answers4 16. antiPATHY 17. metaMORPHosis 18. PATHos 19. aMORPHous 20. PERIpheral
Vocab 11 WORDs $1 each!
Link: sundae adj sundry Jimmy had sundry ice cream sundaes for his birthday.
link callus adj callousness callous Jack was so callous, he called attention to Mike’s calluses.
reverence Irreverence reverent verb revere Paul Revere Link: Hero of the American revolution, Paul Revere is revered.
noun dearth earth Link: There is a dearth of earth in the middle of the ocean.
verb generalizations generalize General’s Eyes Link: To say that all General’s eyes are the same is to generalize. Antonym: concrete, specific
noun prowess Link: prowler The prowess of a prowler.
photos Link: phobic noun phobia Some people have a phobia about of photos.
Leg I see Link: noun legacy The leg I see is my entire legacy from Grandfather the pirate.
adj somber Some bears Link: Some bears endure winter hibernation in a somber state of mind.
South Sea ant Link: adj insouciance insouciant South sea ants are the most insouciant ants of all.
GUM This week Vocab11
Passive Voice Word your verbs in ACTIVE VOICE. Do not write in PASSIVE VOICE Look out: Lots of explanation… PassveVoice.ppt Gum This week
Gum This week TBA Make sure
Pronoun & Antecedent Agreement: One of the girls lost (her, their) iPod on the bus. Everyone in the class will do (his, their) best. Each of the puppies (was, were) drooping (its, their) paws over the edge of the box. Gum This week
Parallelism: All items in a list need to have the same grammatical structure Martin felt the movie was boring, silly, and was too long. If it had not been for Katie's quick thinking, we would still be sitting in our broken-down car, starving to death, and we would be shivering due to the cold. Gum Review
Parallelism: All items in a list need to have the same grammatical structure Write two sentences using three vocabulary words of your choice. a) In one sentence include a parallel list of three single-word items b) Write another a parallel list of three prepositional phrases. Gum Review
callous: emotion A. rainbow: sun B. troubling: depression C. hungry: food
father: legacy A. Teacher : lesson B. Child : toys C. Mayor : city
Insouciance : troubles A. burial : death B. seed : plant C. raincoat : rain
hunger : dearth A. sadness : cries B. hammer : tool C. medicine : sickness