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This presentation discusses Interoute's role in research networking, current models, future challenges, technology, and commercial aspects. It explores Interoute's i-21 network and its capabilities in supporting bandwidth requirements for researchers. It also delves into technology advancements such as Ethernet over SDH, wavelength services, and the benefits of VPN and BOnD. Commercial considerations like lease vs buy options and bandwidth on demand are also covered.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RESEARCH NETWORKINGFROM AN OPERATOR’SPERSPECTIVE Don McAuley Senior Optical Pre-Sales Engineer Interoute Barnard’s Inn London

  2. Presentation Outline • Interoute – In Brief • Research networks - current model • The future challenge - flexible networking • Technology • Commercial

  3. Interoute in Brief • Founded in 1995 • Interoute built and owns the “i-21” network, the largest, most homogenous, latest technology, fiber-optic network in Europe • Established European Telecommunications Operator • European based with European shareholders • Committed investors, fully-funded • Sandoz is majority shareholder • Alcatel has provided vendor financing • No other debt

  4. i-21 network • 13,500 km duct • 18,000 km fibre • 48 fibre pairs • 80 lamda • 10 Gbit/s • 45 PoPs • 9 countries • 9 MANs

  5. Current Model • Networks for Research • University campus, school network, research institute etc. • Connection via NRENs • GÉANT (CAESAR, EUMEDCONNECT etc.) • Project Specific Networks • Research on networking • Test-beds, validation, IPv6, (G)MPLS, etc. • Other research • HGP, EGSO, DATATAG, GRIDSTART, etc.

  6. The Future Challenge • How to get cost-effective, flexible bandwidth to support the daily requirements of researchers • How to get it at the same time (and preferably on the same infrastructure) • Provide for the needs of an increasing number of bandwidth hungry projects • Maintain control and develop the ability to re-charge end users

  7. Technology • Current • Fixed, point-to-point • E1 – STM-64 • 2.5 Gbit/s wavelengths • 10 Gbit/s wavelengths • Future • Ethernet over SDH • 2.5Gbit/s wavelengths • 10Gbit/s wavelengths • Bandwidth On Demand (BOnD) • Customer Web Access & Control

  8. Ethernet over SDH • Common platform to carry TDM and Ethernet services • Use of SDH end to end performance monitoring with guaranteed QoS for both TDM and Data traffic. • Full fault management • SDH resiliency <50 ms switching time for both data and TDM traffic • End to End management, provisioning and billing

  9. Ethernet over SDH Ethernet frame mapped in SDH VC-12, VC-3, VC-4 Ethernet frame de-mapped from SDH VC-12, VC-3, VC-4 SDH ring/Network SDH level protection The optical Ethernet ISA boards are present only at each terminating node.

  10. ADM Ethernet Service Delivery • Deploying Ethernet as an Access Medium • Granular medium ranging from 2Mb to 1Gbps • Eliminates costly WAN CPE/CO Upgrades • Scalable from day one • Adaptation may occur within the MSP • Maintain Interoperability with Core DS1/DS3/TDM GE 1Gb MSP 10/100Mb 10/100 Next Generation SDH L2/L3 Network 10/100Mb 10/100 10/100Mb 10/100 • CPE Model simplified • 2 Port Ethernet L2/L3 device • IP Forwarding • Interoperates with existing SDH network • Proven and Reliable technology • Installed just about everywhere!

  11. Wavelength Services • Meet the needs of customers who seek the benefits of dark fibre without the associated capital investment • Protocol transparent wavelengths at speeds of 2.5Gbps and 10Gbps. DWDM DWDM ODF ODF CUSTOMER CUSTOMER ODF ODF Traffic Node Traffic Node

  12. What is VPN? • provisioning and management of circuits and resources • partitioned sub network of a larger transmission network • Read Only: view their existing circuits (alarms, IS, OOS etc) • Restricted: access to physical ports and bandwidth in contract • Standard: same as restricted except bandwidth up to port size • Enhanced: minimum bandwidth usage access to physical ports additional access to “Freepool” unrestricted bandwidth.

  13. What is BOnD? • similar to VPN except controlled by equipment • utilises 1355BOnD equipment (OIF – UNI 1.0 compliant) • requires UNI capable equipment

  14. Block Diagram

  15. Layer 1 OVPN – Benefits • Reducing OPEX • Automating and speeding-up the Optical Service delivery • Reducing CAPEX • Increasing Transport Network capacity utilization through sharing resources • Ability to set up and tear down circuits in SDH network using a normal PC with OVPN software. • Performance Monitoring • Fault management

  16. Commercial • Lease vs buy ? • Lease only • Lease then buy • Buy dark fibre • Buy lit fibre • Bandwidth On Demand

  17. Questions?

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