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School Governor Briefing Looked After Children

School Governor Briefing Looked After Children. Aire Valley School Ewen Godfrey Virtual School Headteacher. Legislation, Guidance & Circulars. Children Act 1989 Utting Report – People like us (1997) Quality Protects (1998)

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School Governor Briefing Looked After Children

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  1. School Governor Briefing Looked After Children Aire Valley School Ewen Godfrey Virtual School Headteacher

  2. Legislation, Guidance & Circulars • Children Act 1989 • Utting Report – People like us (1997) • Quality Protects (1998) • National Priorities Guidance for Modernising Health and Social Services ( DOH 1998) • Truancy and School Exclusion (Social Exclusion Unit 1998) • The Schools Standards Framework Act (1998) • Guidance on the Education of Children and Young People in Public Care ( DoH & DfEE 2000) • A better education for children in care (Social Exclusion Report 2003) • Every child matters – Green Paper (2003) • Every Child Matters – New Children Act (December 2004)

  3. Legislation, Guidance & Circulars (2) • Statutory Guidance – December 2005 • Governor Guidance – January 2006 • Care Matters: Transforming the Lives of Children and Young People in Care – Oct 2006 • Care Matters: Time for Change –White Paper June 2007 • Children and Young Persons Act – November 2008 • Draft Statutory Guidance for designated teachers – March 2009 • Care and prejudice – Children’s Rights Director for England – August 2009 • Roles and responsibilities of designated teachers – statutory guidance – Nov 09 • Promoting the educational achievement of LAC – LA statutory guidance – Mar 2010

  4. Some facts and figures about Children in Care in Bradford. Did you know…..? • There were 31 March 2011 920 children and young people in care to Bradford Council. • 253 pre school 27.5% • 555 school age 60.3% • 112 post 16 12.2% In care for 1 year or more on 31 march 2011 • 83 have a statement of special educational needs. • 56are on school action plus • 74 are on school action • Over 44.8% of Bradford LAC are on the SEN continuum • 125 LAC live and attend school out of Bradford. • There are 66 LAC attending Bradford schools from other local authorities

  5. Who looks after our looked-after children? • 464 children live with foster parents. • 190 live with family and friends. • 85 children are placed with their own parents. • 52 children live in community homes. • 26 children are placed for adoption • 15 young people look after themselves • 11 purchased foster care • 41 residential purchased • 5 respite • 1 hospital • And 6 young people are in secure accommodation!

  6. KS1 L2+ outcomes of CiC in %

  7. KS2 L4+ outcomes of CiC in %

  8. KS4 5+ A* to C grades

  9. KS4 5+ A* to C grades including English and Maths

  10. KS4 5+ A* to G grades

  11. KS4 1+ A* to G grades

  12. Predicted levels of progress KS2 to KS4 • For year 11 cohort 2010 • In Maths 20% made predicted progress • In English 18% made predicted progress

  13. Predicted levels of progress KS2 to KS4 • For year 11 cohort 2011 • In Maths 28.6% made predicted progress • In English 47.6% made predicted progress

  14. Statutory Framework

  15. The scope The guidance does not attempt to provide comprehensive answers on all aspects of how the role should be carried out in every school. It is intended to provide a helpful framework which schools should use in order to make sure the role of designated teacher is effective in helping looked after children to succeed. The role of the designated teacher needs to be understood as part of the wider statutory responsibilities on local authorities for looked after children, both in terms of arrangements for their care and the particular duty on local authorities under the Children Act 1989, to promote the educational achievement of the children they look after.

  16. The Premise Excellent practice in supporting LAC already exists in many schools Making DT role statutory is intended to help ensure that effective practice becomes universal.

  17. Statutory Guidance Statutory framework The role of the governing body The role of the designated teacher within the school The role of the designated teacher in developing the personal education plan The relationship of the designated teacher to other beyond school

  18. Statutory Framework (1) Section 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008 (“the 2008 Act”) places a duty on the governing body of maintained schools, to designate a member of staff (the ‘designated teacher’) as having responsibility to promote the educational achievement of looked after children, who are registered pupils at the school. This includes those aged between 16 and 18. Under section 20(2) the governing body must ensure that the designated teacher undertakes appropriate training.

  19. Statutory Framework (2) The Designated Teacher (Looked After Pupils etc) (England) Regulations 2009 (the Regulations) require that the person designated is: a qualified teacher who has completed the appropriate induction period (if required) and is working as a teacher at the school (regulation 3(2)) or a head teacher or acting head teacher of the school (regulation 3(3)) or a person who has had responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of looked after pupils for at least six months immediately before the Regulations came into force and who is training to be a teacher and likely to qualify before 1 September 2012 (regulation 3(4)).

  20. Statutory Framework(3) Schools governing bodies must have regard to this guidance.

  21. Role of governing body

  22. Role of governing body (1) Way role of DT is carried out will vary from school to school In line with workforce agreement, not all aspects of the job need to be carried out by DT Lead responsibility for raising attainment rests with the DT DT should be given appropriate level of support in order to fulfil their role

  23. Role of governing body (2) Where the DT is not a member of the senior leadership team a member of the team should champion LAC issues and work closely with the DT The GB, in partnership with HT, is responsible monitoring how well role is working The GB in partnership with HT has to ensure through training and development DT’s have necessary skills GB and school leadership should make sure DT acts as a resource to inform and support colleagues

  24. Role of governing body (3) Indicators to show LAC are properly supported include: School has clear overview of educational needs and progress School policies are effective in reflecting needs and progress Resources allocated to support the DT to carry out role effectively How is the pupil premium being spent?

  25. The role of governing bodies(4) Report to governors – pupils should not be named Any workload issues Levels of progress (to include children who have left care in last year) Attendance and exclusion Issues related to PEP completion Gifted and talented SEN? Are their needs being met Teaching and learning needs reflected in school development plans Training that has been provided Work with virtual school heads Impact of school policies on LAC

  26. The role of the governing body (5) From Report: Does DT have sufficient time and resources? Any training, support and development needs required? Do school policies properly take in to account needs of LAC? Is school making fullest use of available resources? – including pupil premium Is once per year enough?

  27. Links Bradford schools on line (BSO) Go to Child Protection and then Children in Care Teachers in the know. The who cares?Trust Designated teacher statutory guidance Best practice guides, primary and secondary Promoting the education of looked after children – LA statutory guidance 2010 Contact Ewen Godfrey – Virtual School Head, Bradford Email ewen.godfrey@bradford.gov.uk Tel 01274 385737

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