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AIDA, JAIDA and AIDAJNI: Data Analysis using interfaces

AIDA, JAIDA and AIDAJNI: Data Analysis using interfaces. DONSZELMANN, Mark (SLAC) JOHNSON, Tony (SLAC) TURRI, Massimiliano (SLAC) SERBO, Victor (SLAC). AIDA - Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis.

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AIDA, JAIDA and AIDAJNI: Data Analysis using interfaces

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  1. AIDA, JAIDA and AIDAJNI: Data Analysis using interfaces DONSZELMANN, Mark (SLAC)JOHNSON, Tony (SLAC)TURRI, Massimiliano (SLAC)SERBO, Victor (SLAC)

  2. AIDA - Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis • AIDA is a standard set of interfaces for creating and manipulating histograms, n-tuples and related data analysis objects, like Plotter, Fitter, etc. • It has been created cooperatively by a group of developers working on high-energy physics data analysis tools. The goal of the AIDA project is to provide the user with a powerful set of interfaces which can be used regardless of which analysis tool they are using. • Only define “protocol” for analysis objects, no internal details • AIDA defines behavior, analysis tool provides implementation • AIDA defines XML format for representation and storage of analysis objects. 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  3. A I D A User code (e.g. GEANT4) Analysis tool 1 Analysis tool 2 Advantages • Use same code with any AIDA-compliant analysis tool. • User needs to learn only one set of interfaces. • Interoperability of analysis tools. 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  4. AIDA Examples • IHistogram1D extends IHistogram • IAxis axis() • void fill(double x) • void fill(double x, double w) • double mean() • double rms() • double binEntries(int index) • double binError(int index) • …. • For more information on AIDA, see: http://aida.freehep.org • IAxis • int bins() • double lowerEdge() • double upperEdge() • double binLowerEdge(int index) • double binUpperEdge(int index) • double binWidth(int index) • int coordinateToIndex(double x) • …. 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  5. Example code IAnalysisFactory aF = IAnalysisFactory.create(); ITree tree = aF.createTreeFactory().create(); IHistogramFactory histF = aF.createHistogramFactory( tree ); IFitFactory fitF = aF.createFitFactory(); IFitter fitter = fitF.createFitter("Chi2"); IPlotter plotter = aF.createPlotterFactory().create("Plot"); IHistogram1D gaussHist = histF.createHistogram1D("gaussHist", "Gaussian Histogram",100,-5,5); Random r = new Random(); for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) gaussHist.fill(r.nextGaussian()); IFitResult chi2Fit = fitter.fit(gaussHist,"g"); plotter.createRegions(); plotter.region(0).plot( gaussHist ); plotter.region(0).plot( chi2Fit.fittedFunction() ); plotter.show(); 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  6. Current status • Current version is AIDA 3.2.1, stable • Ongoing work to improve interfaces • CVS repository, mailing lists, etc. • More details on AIDA Home Page: http://aida.freehep.org • Interfaces are automatically generated by AID from one source. Easy to add new languages • Java and C++ interfaces are currently generated • Python is under consideration now • Several AIDA implementations and analysis tools 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  7. Implementations • There are several AIDA implementations and AIDA-compliant analysis tools: • PI (C++) • http://cern.ch/pi • OpenScientist (C++) • http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/OpenScientist • Guy Barrand, LAL, barrand@lal.in2p3.fr • PAIDA (Python) • http://paida.sourceforge.net • Koji Kishimoto, Osaka University, korry@users.sourceforge.net 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  8. Implementations continued… • JAIDA (Java), part of FreeHEP Java library, SLAC Team • http://java.freehep.org/jaida/index.html • AIDAJNI (C++ and Java), part of FreeHEP Java library, SLAC Team • Allows C++ program to use JAIDA • http://java.freehep.org/aidajni • This talk will focus on Java implementation of AIDA, but short information about other implementations is included below as well. 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  9. PI AIDA Implementation • PI project provides C++ implementations to all AIDA interfaces except the Plotter • Two implementations exist for Histograms: • AIDA_Root_Histogram : wrapper around TH* histograms and TProfiles • AIDA_Native_Histogram : direct AIDA implementation (include Clouds) • Use of Plug-in manager from SEAL • Dynamic loading of the PI components • User can choose at run time : • implementation for Histogram or Fitter • storage type (ROOT, XML, HBOOK) • Interoperability with other AIDA implementations and other analysis tools (ROOT, HippoDraw) • Python Bindings to PI AIDA classes (created using SEAL Dictionary) 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  10. Example of Interoperability • Plotting AIDA Histogram created using the PI implementation in HippoDraw, ROOT and JAIDA 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  11. OpenScientist and AIDA • OpenScientist / Lab package is a C++ implementation of AIDA. http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/OpenScientist • OpenScientist-13.0, released for CHEP, is AIDA-3.2.1 compliant. • One new feature is OpenPAW (see poster). It is a PAW reimplementation over OpenScientist tools. It had been done by using the AIDA interfaces as much as possible. Then : • OpenPAW could be seen as a PAW front end (façade) for AIDA. • AIDA could be seen as the C++ API to OpenPAW. • Standard pawex1 to pawex24 already emulated. 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  12. OpenScientist, AIDA and Panoramix • Panoramix is a visualization environment for LHCb (See oral presentation). It is already used as a detector viewer and event display. But it could also be used as a “stat tool” viewer. • Panoramix uses OpenScientist tools. In particular the OpenScientist AIDA environment. BUT, histograms used by LHCb are the AIDA compliant one managed by Gaudi (which is not compliant to an AIDA::ITree). • One major trend in the next year(s) developments will be the integration within Panoramix of all these AIDA pieces coming from various parties (GUI of Panoramix, AIDA::IPlotter done with HEPVis / SoPlotter, AIDA histograms managed by Gaudi, the ones managed by the AIDA::ITree of OSC / Lab, the ones of PI (managed by ?)). For interactivity, the author would like to integrate a version of OpenPAW able to deal with all that. • LHCb had been able to migrate this year its histograms to AIDA-3.2.1. This version of AIDA is now supported by all implementations (OSC, PI, JAIDA). Then LHCb / Panoramix is going to be an ideal place to put all that “in the caldron” and have a big cooking to prepare “the magic potion”… (hoping that some root will not spoil the mixture). 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  13. PAIDA: Python Implementation of AIDA • Pure Python (with zlib and Tkinter modules) • Implements AIDA 3.2.1 • Check it out on: http://paida.sourceforge.net/ • easy to install • run on many platforms • no need for any external library like Minuit etc. • no need for Fortran compiler on MacOSX any more • easy to create your own "pure Python" application by embedding PAIDA 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  14. PAIDA continued… • Also has: • Its own pure-Python fitter • Plotting capabilities • Save plots in PS format • Save analysis objects to • XML file 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  15. JAIDA • JAIDA – Full implementation of AIDA in Java • JAIDA is part of FreeHEP Java library: http://java.freehep.org • Current release of JAIDA is 3.2.3, based on AIDA 3.2.1 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  16. JAIDA – Features • Fitting • support for multiple fitting engines (optimizers) • UNCMIN (pure Java) • Minuit (needs minuitAdapter native library) • Support for multiple fitting methods • LeastSquares, Chi2, BinnedMaximumLikelihood and UnbinnedMaximumLikelihood • Stores • Read/Write support for AIDA XML format (with built-in gzip) • Read support for ASCII text files • Read support for HBOOK files (needs hbookAdapter native library) • Read support for Root files (write support hopefully coming soon) • Future plans to add: • SQL interface, binary store format … 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  17. JAIDA – Features continued… • Plotting • Two implementations of IAnalysisFactory • BatchAnalysisFactory – Dummy plotter, ignore calls to IPlotter • AnalysisFactory – Full plotter functionality • Multi-Threaded – plots update in real-time as they are filled • No need to call interact() or refresh() • Support for embedding plotter • In other Java GUI’s • In Java servlets for web based applications. • High quality graphics export in many formats including: • PDF, EPS, SVG, SWF, PNG, GIF, JPG 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  18. JAIDA, other details • Uses Java “service provider mechanism” for dynamic loading of services at Runtime • JAIDA functionality can easily be extended by user • Can be used to add support for new fitters, stores etc. • Have defined “developer level” interfaces for IOptimizer, IStore etc • Uses Java Expression Library (JEL) for runtime compilation of expressions (for tuple evaluators and functions) • JAIDA is ideal for batch analysis and jobs that don’t require GUI interactivity 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  19. JAS3 • For interactive analysis better to use JAS3: a general purpose, open-source, interactive data analysis tool • Internally uses JAIDA for analysis, but adds GUI interactivity • Can easily expend JAS3 functionality by writing custom “plugins”, see talk “Writing Extension Modules (Plug-ins) for JAS3 ” on September 30, 18:10 • JAS3 Home Page: http://jas.freehep.org/jas3 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  20. JAS3 Overview • Design based on Application Shell, into which many (optional) modules can be plugged • Highly customizable for different application domains • HEP/Astrophysics/Other • Data analysis/Online Monitoring/GRID analysis • Experiment/User specific modules • Modules can be updated independently of the shell • Possible to release bug fixes fast • Includes support for programming in several languages • Scripting: currently Pnuts and Python • Java (compiled) • Analysis (histograms, tuples, fitting, etc.) based on JAIDA 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  21. JAS3 Example Can write and run scripts, Java code Console allows direct interaction with scripting language 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  22. AIDAJNI • “Glue” layer between C++ user code and JAIDA. Part of FreeHEP Java library. • Allows C++ program to use JAIDA User Application (C++) AIDAJNI Layer JAIDA (Java) 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  23. AIDAJNI continued… • AIDAJNI – Allows C++ program to use JAIDA • AIDAJNI is part of FreeHEP Java library: http://java.freehep.org • Current release of AIDAJNI is 3.2.2, based on AIDA 3.2.1 • Detailed instructions how to use AIDAJNI are included in Geant4 Tutorial CD at SLAC. See Exercise #5 – “Analyzing Geant4 Data with JAS/JAIDA”: http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/g4cd/July2004/Documentation/WorkshopExercises/Exercise5.html • and also in the AIDAJNI Release Notes:http://java.freehep.org/aidajni/ReleaseNotes-3.2.2.html 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  24. Working with AIDAJNI • Before compiling C++ program user needs to: • Install JAIDA and AIDAJNI • Define JAIDA_HOME and AIDAJNI_HOME environment variables • Run JAIDA and AIDAJNIsetup scripts (come with distributions) 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  25. Using JAIDA with C++ 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  26. AIDATLD – Tag Library • Using the AIDA Tag Library you can easily insert live plots into Java Server Pages (.jsp) files. • The AIDA Tag Library is designed to work in a container supporting JSP 2.0 or greater (such as Tomcat 5.0.*) • HTML-like tags: <aida:tree>, <aida:plotter>, <aida:style>, etc. • Examples/Demo and Documentation: http://aidatld.freehep.org • Can be used to make data/plots accessible to the collaboration quickly 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  27. AIDATLD Demo – plot from ROOT file 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  28. AIDATLD Source Example of JSP ..... <%@taglib prefix="aida" uri="http://java.freehep.org/jsp/aida" %> <%@taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %> <html> <head><title>Single plot of a histogram accessed via rootd</title></head> <body> <c:set var="rootDataURI" value="root://rh92.slac.stanford.edu/demo.root" /> <c:set var="histoPath" value="/h110" /> <aida:plotter> <aida:region> <aida:plot dataSourceURI="${rootDataURI}" plotObjectPath="${histoPath}" /> </aida:region> </aida:plotter> </body> </html> 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  29. Conclusion • AIDA provides rich set of interfaces for data analysis • Ongoing effort to improve and extend AIDA • Several implementations of AIDA exist in C++, Java, Python. • AIDAJNI allows to use JAIDA from the C++ program • Convenient way to do interactive and batch analysis with JAIDA and JAS3 • AIDATLD and JAIDA provide easy way to include live plots into HTML pages • All products above use AIDA Interfaces 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

  30. More information • Here are some useful links: • AIDA Home Page: http://aida.freehep.org • AIDATLD – Tag Library: http://aidatld.freehep.org • FreeHEP Java Library: http://java.freehep.org • JAS3 Home Page: http://jas.freehep.org/jas3 • Geant4 tutorial CD at SLAC: http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/g4cd/Welcome.html • Report bugs: http://bugs.freehep.org • Discussions, questions: http://forum.freehep.org 27 September 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland

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