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Basic Biological Principals

Basic Biological Principals. What is Biology?. Biology is the study of life 7 Characteristics of Life Cellular Organization---made of one (unicellular) or many (multicellular) cells. Atoms--Molecules--Organelles--Cell--Tissue- --Organs--Organ System—Organism Respond to Stimuli

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Basic Biological Principals

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  1. Basic Biological Principals

  2. What is Biology? • Biology is the study of life • 7 Characteristics of Life • Cellular Organization---made of one (unicellular) or many (multicellular) cells. Atoms--Molecules--Organelles--Cell--Tissue- --Organs--Organ System—Organism • Respond to Stimuli • Maintain Homeostasis • Have metabolism • Grow and Develop • Reproduce • Change through Time

  3. Diversity and Unity of Life • There is tremendous diversity(variety) among living things. • We classifyliving things to make it easier to study them. • Organisms are grouped into 3 Large Domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya

  4. Domain Archaea Kingdom Archaebacteria Domain Bacteria Kingdom Eubacteria Domain Eukarya Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia

  5. Each kingdom is then broken down into smaller and smaller groups. • This system is based on the system created by Carolus Linnaeus. “Don’t Kids Prefer Candy Over Fresh Green Salad” or “Didn’t King Phil Come Over From Great Spain” http://dtvons.blogspot.com/2009/08/taxonomy.html

  6. Every organism is categorized and given a two-part scientific name

  7. There is also some unityamong all living things. • The genetic code is universal • Cells carry out the same basic activities: maintaining homeostasis, carrying out respiration, copying DNA, etc. • The same cellular structures have similar functions

  8. Scientific Method • The scientific method is an organized set of steps used to solve problems: • Make an Observation —perceive a natural occurrence which causes you to pose a question • State the Question • Hypothesize and Predict —give an explanation that tries to answer the question and then make predictions as to what would happen if the hypothesis were true. • Experiment—design and run a test for the hypothesis • Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions • Publish Conclusions —so that others can verify, reject, or modify your results.

  9. The Experiment • A good experiment is called a controlled experiment. It has several parts: • Control group —this group provides a normal standard against which results are compared • Experimental group —this group is identical to the control group except for one factor • Independent variable —the factor that changes in an experiment. Also called the manipulated variable. • Dependent variable —the factor that is being observed or measured. Also called the responding variable.

  10. Data • Scientists collect two types of data: • Quantitative Data —data measured in numbers • Qualitative Data —data recorded as a description of something • Both must be detailed

  11. Scientific Theories • A scientific theory is a highly tested, generally accepted principle that explains a vast number of observations and experimental data. • Examples: Cell Theory, Quantum Theory, Theory of Relativity, Theory of Natural Selection

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