1. Spirituality and Mental Health The Role of Religion and Spirituality in the Process of Recovery
2. You need to know me and my spirit--that I seek meaning in suffering
some days I am able to make meaning of suffering.
Steven A. Schmidt
3. Jimmys story
4. Case study 1 The year is 1927. A young woman is forcibly admitted to a psychiatric institution. Her diagnosis? Moral insanity. Her symptoms? Having an illegitimate child.
The year is 1968. A young man is admitted to a psychiatric hospital ward. His diagnosis? Homosexuality.
What do these vignettes tell us about the nature of mental health and illness?
5. What is mental health?
6. Case Study 3 A woman you encounter claims to have seen a vision of Jesus, and to be in constant contact with him. That morning she spent half an hour on her knees in prayer in the middle of the supermarket.
Does this woman have a mental health problem?
If so why?
If not, why not?
7. Case Study 2 A young woman (with an intrinsic religiosity!) who has quite recently been paralysed from the neck downwards in a skiing accident, comes under pressure from her religious community, to seek spiritual/miraculous healing. She refuses: My life could be no fuller than it is just now. Why would I want to change anything? Her friends say she is in denial.
What do you think?
What might she mean by a full life?
8. Mental Health Contextual
Culturally Bound
Socially constructed
Subject to power dynamics
9. What is a mental health problem?