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time we will be reaching out to dechurched and unchurched family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and associates, to invite them to make our church family their home. So help us welcome those who visit. Many of our friends and neighbors claim to be Baptist or Catholic, but do not benefit from association with a local congregation. We are eager to invite and include them. I am available to make home visits, phone calls, or communicate via email with anyone interested in knowing more about Jesus Christ or King of Kings. As you invite your friends and neighbors to worship with us, feel free to offer me – your pastor – to assist folks who are not affiliated with a local church. I am happy to assist such families with pastoral encouragement to cope with illness or crisis, help with marriage, family, or grief issues. I am also happy to answer questions or provide information about the Lord and King of Kings. Please pick up a supply of my business cards and hand them out as you share your hope in Christ, express your enthusiasm about King of Kings, and invite folks to worship with us. As we experience the season of Lent and move into the season celebrating our risen Lord, it is my hope and prayer that each of us are renewed in our daily walk with Jesus Christ. Pastor Rick King of Kings Lutheran Church 57 Kingdom Drive Jasper, GA 30143 March & April 2013 “BITS” Newsletter Pastor Rick’s Notes: Jan and I thank you all for such a warm welcome which has made us feel very much at home. I’ve enjoyed meeting and spending some personal time with many of you and am eager to get to know all the rest of you much better in the months to come. Now that I’ve settled in and the installation is behind us, I am eager to see what the Lord is about to do through all of us as we serve together. One major focus of our mission plan is to develop a nurturing, outreaching small group ministry. Already 24 have registered to be part of our leadership training process at our first session. Our second fellowship lunch and group ministry study will take place after worship on Sunday, March 3. We will continue to meet weekly Sundays after worship (except for Easter). Sunday, April 21 is our completion date for this initial leadership training process. If God is willing we will be starting four or more nurturing, outreaching small groups starting in May. A second facet of ministry during these coming months will be the formation of our family membership at King of Kings. I will be speaking to each of our present worshippers to determine your desired membership status. At the same Our Sunday School is prepared to provide fun activity lessons of Bible Stories for a mixed age group of students. All children and grandchildren are always welcome. Please give me a heads up call so I am sure to be there or have a substitute. Sunday school starts at 9:15 along with the adult Bible Study so you can drop off your Sunday Schooler and join the adults for Bible Study.Thanks Ken Mapp
Friends and Members of King of Kings, This year marks a significant milestone for our church. After months of activity, our call committee recommended a call be given by the District on our behalf to the Rev. Dr. Rick Carlton, an experienced mission planter. After you, the congregation, voted to approve that recommendation, the District called Pastor Carlton. Pastor Rick preached his first sermon at KOK on February 3, and by the time this is published, his installation should have been completed on February 24th. Pastor Carlton will be leading two main efforts to grow our church, as described in our Mission Plan that he helped us develop in late 2012 (any member who would like an electronic copy of that Plan should request one from our church email, kingofkings@windstream.net). This two pronged plan to grow our church depends on the bulk of our membership working with Pastor Carlton to: 1) lead and/or participate in small group formation, where a group of current KOK members meets with friends, neighbors, or acquaintances who are not affiliated with King of Kings, in hopes of reaching them in a way that will encourage them to join our membership, and 2) participate in the “Emergent Church”, where KOK volunteers will work with existing non-KOK community efforts to reach those in need, helping them while introducing them and others to KOK. Those working on these “emergent church” efforts will share the reason we are reaching out to help others as Jesus has commanded us, giving those outside the church a reason to join us as well. This will be a challenging and rewarding year, with progress milestones monitored by the FL-GA LCMS District which is providing substantial monetary support to us to enable us to financially support Pastor Carlton. It is their hope, and ours, that we will grow our membership and the corresponding contributions to King of Kings, enabling us to afford a full time pastor without District Support within two years. The ultimate goal is to reach a size sufficient to “charter”, a process that will establish us as a full-fledged LCMS Church vs. a Mission Church, which describes us today. As part of our effort to reach those who today are not affiliated with a church, we will be making some gradual changes to our worship services to make them more appealing to the unchurched. You should have noticed some changes to our worship service already, with the Latin or Greek titles for parts of our liturgy (like Kyrie, Benediction, etc.) either simply left untitled or titled with an English term. Pastor Carlton tells us that those new to the church are often intimidated or “put-off” by Latin and Greek terms, and this is one way we will try to meet these new visitors and their needs. The ultimate desired state per Pastor Carlton is to worship with a “Blended” service, merging parts of our traditional Lutheran worship service with some aspects that will be more contemporary in nature. With your help, support, and commitment, we will be able to meet and exceed the goals we have before us. I strongly urge each of you to attend the training classes Pastor Rick will be conducting, participate in these small groups and volunteer in the “emergent church” opportunities, and dedicate the time and effort required to grow King of Kings, reaching out to those who do not know Christ’s love and message here in the North Georgia Mountains! In Christ’s Name, Dan Congregation President 2013
Our New Credence Table Worshipers in our Sanctuary will soon notice a small side table against the wall behind the lectern, with a linen cloth over it. This is a credence table, where the word “credence” is derived from a Latin word for “believer”. Credence tables have been used in Christian churches for centuries, and are used to keep items nearby that will be needed in worship; particularly the implements used in Holy Communion. On non-Communion Sundays, the table will hold the offering plates. Our credence table is a “directed” or “dedicated” gift made possible by a donation from Dennis and Cathie Caldwell, friends of the Engels who visited us late last year. They specifically wanted us to purchase something permanent that would be housed in the Sanctuary, and after discussions with the Engels and Pastor Knoche, it was decided to purchase this table. Our Sanctuary committee had identified it over a year ago as a desired piece of furniture to further enhance our sanctuary. The Caldwell’s are in the furniture and antique business, making this table a very fitting gift. The table is being crafted by Wood Hollow Cabinets in Dalton, the same craftsmen who built our altar, lectern, baptismal font, the flower stands, and the large cross behind the altar. We are very grateful for this most thoughtful and generous gift, which will be consecrated to the glory of God in a future service. Monthly Calendars March 2013 Sunday - March 3 - 9:15 – Bible Study 10:30 – Service 12:00 - Leadership Training Wednesday – March 6 6:30 – Supper 7:30 – Lent Service Sunday - March 10 - 9:15 – Bible Study 10:30 – Service 12:00 – Leadership Training Wednesday – March 13 6:30 – Supper 7:30 – Lent Service Sunday - March 17 - 9:15 Bible Study 10:30 – Service 12:00 – Leadership Training Wednesday – March 20 6:30 – Supper 7:30 – Lent Service Sunday - March 24 9:15 – Bible Study Palm Sunday 10:30 – Service 12:00 – Leadership Training Thursday – March 28 - 7:30 p.m. - Service Maundy Thursday Friday – March 29 - 7:30 p.m. - Service Good Friday Sunday - March 31 - 9:15 – Bible Study Easter Sunday 10:30 – Service April 2013 Sunday - April 7 9:15 - Bible Study 10:30 – Service 12:00 – Leadership Training Sunday - April 14 9:15 – Bible Study 10:30 – Service 12:00 – Leadership Training Sunday – April 21 9:15 – Bible Study 10:30 – Service 12:00 – Leadership Training Sunday – April 28 9:15 – Bible Study 10:30 - Service March Birthdays April Birthdays Ken Mapp 3-19 Jessica Combs 4-3 Donna Sadler 3-19` Eileen Odehnal 4-6 John Scheder 3-20 Jon Schooler 4-10 Laura Buckland 3-27 Jan Carlton 4-18 Jan Engel 4-30 March Anniversaries: Keith and Donna Sadler – 3-04 Pastor and Jan Carlton – 3-31