1. Dr Tim Howes
Foundation Programme Director
3. About our location
4. About our Trust Main acute hospital site is Colchester General Hospital.
The Trust also owns Essex County Hospital in Colchester, with two wards for oncology patients.
Additionally, the Trust provides a range of consultant outpatient services and maternity services from community hospitals in Halstead Hospital (managed by NHS Mid Essex), Harwich and Clacton community hospitals (both managed by NHS North East Essex).
We employ 3,600+ staff and have 7,200+ public members
5. Statistics for 2009/10 Outpatient attendances: 381,414
Accident & Emergency patients: 72,354
Inpatient and day case admissions: 77,274
Babies delivered: 3,947
Read more on our website: www.colchesterhospital.nhs.uk/corporate_info.shtml
6. Achievements in 2010
7. Rotations Surgery (including Breast/plastics & Urology)
Care of the Elderly
Medicine (Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Renal, Thoracic, Endocrine)
Critical Care
ENT Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you
8. Consultant-led support Educational Supervisor
Career Counselling
Training/Exam Advice
Ongoing support throughout year You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you
9. Education & Training E-portfolio Based
Specific F1/F2 Teaching Schedule
Grand Round
Clinical Presentations
Individual Department Training including lunch presentations
Specialty Taster Sessions Available
University Links University of Essex, Anglia Ruskin University, University of London You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you
10. Resource Centre Computer Aided Learning
Medical Library - Access to a wide range of general and specialist journals and standard textbooks
Fully Equipped Training Centre You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you
11. Specialist centres Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery
Oncology (cancer) service
Stroke unit You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you
12. Facilities At Colchester General Hospital
Tea bars
League of Friends shops
Cash machine
Good bus services (Free Trust Hoppa bus serves Essex County Hospital and Colchester General Hospital)
24-hour Asda
Town centre is only 1.5 miles away You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you
13. Any questions? You have talked to them now they need to talk to youYou have talked to them now they need to talk to you