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Meeting Instructions

Guidelines for a productive and safe meeting. Key rules include ending on time, room setup maintenance, and emergency protocols. Report any violations of the TRB policy promptly. Inform attendees of harassment reporting procedures.

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Meeting Instructions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Meeting Instructions 1) Your meeting must end on time, so that the hotel will have time to prepare for the next scheduled event. Do not continue past the scheduled ending time of your meeting under any circumstances. 2) Do not change the setup of the room. 3) Do not change the audiovisual equipment in the room. 4) If an alarm sounds, please end your event immediately and evacuate the building. 5) Food or beverage purchased outside of the Marriott Marquis is not permitted in the building. 6) Before the meeting begins, please display the enclosed PowerPoint slide regarding emergency procedures. If you do not have a laptop on which to do so, please read the following statement at the beginning of the meeting: In the event of an emergency in the Marriott Marquis, dial 202-824-9667 (or 59667 on a house phone) to reach the security department. Do not call 911, as the hotel can respond more quickly and can better direct first responders to where they're needed. In case of evacuation, the escalators located in the center of each floor can be used to access the main lobby and exits. Additional stairs are located behind the elevators at each end of the main hallway on each level. In case of evacuation, attendees should gather on the lawn of the Carnegie Library, across the street from the main entrance to the convention center.

  2. Harassment & Discrimination Reporting and Resolution: Any violation of the TRB policy should be reported. If you experience or witness discrimination, harassment, or bullying, you are encouraged to make your unease or disapproval known to the individual, if you are comfortable doing so. You are also urged to report any incident by: Filing a complaint with the Office of Human Resources at 202-334-3400, or Reporting the incident to a TRB employee—via a special harassment report number, 202-253-3865, which is available during January 12–21, 2019—who then will file a complaint with the Office of Human Resources. Complaints should be filed as soon as possible after an incident. To ensure the prompt and thorough investigation of the complaint, the complainant should provide as much information as is possible, such as names, dates, locations, and steps taken. The Office of Human Resources will investigate the alleged violation in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel.

  3. TRB Committee on Pedestrians (ANF 10)Annual MeetingTuesday, January 15, 2019, 8:00 am to noonMarriott Marquis, Ballroom Salon 12 (M2) The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee







  10. AGENDA

  11. www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped/ TRB Pedestrian Committee Website

  12. Meeting information: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped/meetings.cfm TRB Pedestrian Committee Website

  13. AGENDA

  14. Kevin Manaugh & Mike Cynecki • Paper Review Coordinators • Hundreds of Reviewers Paper Review Subcommittee • Kevin Manaugh • Mike Cynecki • Robert Schneider • Laura Sandt • Tamera Redmon • Karim El-Basyouny • Ron Van Houten • Richard Knoblauch • Tarek Sayed • Megan Wier • Holly Krambeck • Tab Combs • Sirisha Kothuri • Kohinoor Kar • Srinivas Pulugurtha

  15. Papers Reviewed: 76 • Reviews Completed: 271 • Papers Accepted for Presentation: 45 (59%) • 2019 Annual Meeting • Three Lectern Sessions: 12 papers (plus a co-sponsored session) • Two Poster Sessions: 14 and 19 papers • Publication: 20% of papers submitted for publication (61) = 12 • Papers Under Publication Consideration: 8 papers • Final Recommendations due to TRB: January 31, 2019 Paper Review Subcommittee

  16. 2019 Pedestrian Committee Paper Award(Thanks to Award Reviewers: Kevin Manaugh; Mike Cynecki; Ron Eck; Martin Parker; Robert Schneider)

  17. 19-03620: Midblock Pedestrian Crash Predictions in a Systemic, Risk-Based Pedestrian Safety Process • Wesley Kumfer, Libby Thomas, Laura Sandt, & Bo Lan 2019 Pedestrian Committee Paper Award(Thanks to Award Reviewers: Kevin Manaugh; Mike Cynecki; Ron Eck; Martin Parker; Robert Schneider)

  18. AGENDA

  19. Sirisha Kothuri & Joe Fish • Main purposes • Develop pedestrian RNS • Share pedestrian RNS with potential funding organizations • Track status of pedestrian research • TRB Research Needs Statement Database (rns.trb.org) • Subcommittee Meeting • Wednesday, January 16th, 10:15am - 12:00pm, Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom Salon 13 (M2) Research Subcommittee

  20. http://rns.trb.org

  21. AGENDA

  22. AGENDA

  23. Understand and reverse the trend of increasing pedestrian fatalities in the US (and other countries) • Pedestrian and AV interactions • Pedestrian interactions with emerging systems & devices (e.g., TNCs, bikeshare, e-scooters) • Equity in pedestrian mobility, accessibility, & safety • Pedestrian issues in developing countries • Pedestrian-related policies (e.g., Vision Zero, Complete Streets) • Driver behavior, traffic safety culture, and ped safety • How to reduce pedestrian fatalities at night • Pedestrian data collection techniques, QA/QC Pedestrian Committee Strategic Plan(Focus areas for next 3 years)

  24. “Pedestrian Transportation Research: Past and Future” • Draft being developed by Bob Schneider, Sirisha Kothuri, Laura Sandt, Kevin Manaugh, Lauren Blackburn, Joe Fish TRB Centennial Paper

  25. “Pedestrian Transportation Research: Past and Future” • Draft being developed by Bob Schneider, Sirisha Kothuri, Laura Sandt, Kevin Manaugh, Lauren Blackburn, Joe Fish TRB Centennial Paper Please take the online survey at: https://bit.ly/2VN6oN3 Survey title: “What is the Most Important Pedestrian Transportation Research in the Last 50 Years?”

  26. Robert Schneider, 2014 to present • Shawn Turner, 2008 to 2014 • Ron Van Houten, 2005 to 2008 • Peggy Drake, 2003 to 2005 • Ann Hershfang, 1997 to 2003 • Michael Cynecki, 1994 to 1997 • Kay Colpitts, 1988 to 1994 • Charles Zegeer, 1982 to 1988 • John Fegan, 1979 to 1982 • Julie Anna Fee Cirillo, 1976 to 1979 • Robert Sleight, 1970 to 1976 Pedestrian Committee Chairs Thanks!

  27. Major Milestones of Centennial Events • January 2019 – Release of pre-celebration material to begin to create excitement, awareness, and early enthusiasm • June 2019 - Centennial Website launch • January 2020 Annual Meeting - Celebration officially begins, focus is on TRB's history • November 11, 2020 - Actual TRB Centennial date • January 2021 Annual Meeting - Celebration officially ends, focus is on TRB's future • February 2021- Centennial website archived TRB Centennial Planning Efforts Update

  28. AGENDA

  29. www.TRB.org/webinars

  30. www.trb.org/Publications/PubsTRNewsMagazine.aspx

  31. http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/dva/chair/RPO.pdf Submit to: smaher@nas.edu

  32. http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/dva/chair/RPO.pdf Source: Fitzpatrick, K. Safety Effectiveness of the HAWK or Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/167477.aspx, 2012

  33. www.TRB.org/IDEA For untested infrastructure & devices NCHRP Idea Type 1 = $150K max NCHRP Idea Type 2 = $100K max (require a 50% match to NCHRP contribution)

  34. https://sites.google.com/site/youngmemberscouncil/

  35. http://www.MyTRB.org

  36. AGENDA

  37. Part 1 Pedestrian-Related Events at the 2019 Annual MeetingSource: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped/conferences.cfm(Thanks to PBIC for posting)

  38. Part 2 Pedestrian-Related Events at the 2019 Annual MeetingSource: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped/conferences.cfm(Thanks to PBIC for posting) YOU ARE HERE

  39. Part 3 Pedestrian-Related Events at the 2019 Annual MeetingSource: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped/conferences.cfm(Thanks to PBIC for posting)

  40. Part 4 Pedestrian-Related Events at the 2019 Annual MeetingSource: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped/conferences.cfm(Thanks to PBIC for posting)

  41. AGENDA

  42. AGENDA

  43. AGENDA

  44. AGENDA

  45. AGENDA

  46. Wednesday, 6:15-7:15 pm, Marriott Marquis, Ballroom Salon 12 (M2) • Sponsoring Committees • Pedestrians (ANF10) • Transportation in the Developing Countries (ABE90) • Bicycle Transportation (ANF20) Feet First Caucus

  47. For more information on the TRB Pedestrian Committee, see http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/trbped or contact Bob Schneider, Committee Chair, 414-229-3849, rjschnei@uwm.edu Thanks for coming!...The work continues during the year

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