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Explore the experimental areas and production of beams at GANIL/SPIRAL1 facility, including spectrometers, detectors, and the study of super heavy elements. Discover nuclear structure, matter compressibility, transfer reactions, and nuclear astrophysics research initiatives.
General presentation of the GANIL/SPIRAL1 facility EXPERIMENTALAREAS Production of Beams: - Stable beams from Be-U, 48Ca ~3.1012pps, 238U ~2.1010pps ~60 A.MeV for Ni -RIBin-target fragmentation Noble gas (i.e. 6He ~ 5.106pps) ~12A.MeV/CIME, alkali in prep -SIRA test bench -SME interdiscplinary research Spectrometers: LISE Production by fragmentation/ high selectivity VAMOS High acceptance spectrometer DE/E~10-3, Dp/p~5%, Dq =8° SPEG High resolution spectrometer DE/E~10-4, Dp/p~3.5%, Dq =2°
Available detectors INDRA EXOGAM Si(Li) CsI MAYA Electronics Si
Highlights -1- Haloes, resonances and clusters n 8He 6He n n n a Larger charge radius of 6He than 8He (laser spec.) a P. Mueller et al., ANL, Univ Chicago, GANIL, Los Alamos Resonant state in 7H 2 neutrons fusion enhanced Correlation of towed neutrons Relative angle 6He 7H 6He angle M. Chatterjee et al., Mumbai, GANIL, Warsaw, NSCL, CEA Saclay, Daresbury, Surrey,… M. Assié et al., IPNO, GANIL, LPC, NSCL, Uppsala, Surrey, Subatech,… M. Caamano et al., USC, GANIL, Liverpool, CEA Saclay, Daresbury, Krakow,…
Highlights 2: Nuclear structure / spectroscopy Low 2+ energy in 42Si In beam g spectro Reduction of N=28 and SO splittings (d,p) with MUST + 2 N=29 0 47Ar p3/2 f5/2 - 2 p1/2 SPE(MeV) p1/2 f5/2 - 4 f7/2 p3/2 28 - 6 28 B. Bastin et al., LPC, GANIL, IPNO, Bucharest, CEA Saclay, Bonn… - 8 f7/2 - 10 47Ar 49Ca 18 L. Gaudefroy et al., IPNO, GANIL, Debrecen, CEA Saclay, Mainz, Dubna… 20
Highlights 3 Production/study of super heavy elements 238U+Ni 1.2 1 0.8 tlong tshort 0.6 Fusion-Fission 0.4 0.2 U sequential fission + … 1.2 1 Normalized Yield 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 proj Quasi-elastic(target) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 monocristal 0.4 0.2 M. Morjean et al., GANIL, IPNO, CEA Saclay, INSP Paris, Bucharest, IPNL 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 Y (deg) Location island of superheavies : Increased lifetimes for Z=120 and 124, not for Z=114 Fusion to reach superheavies, channeling in a monocristal -> lifetimes
Highlights 4 - Matter compressibility/ Dense matter Monopole resonance in 56Ni (MAYA) Isospin dependence of the symmetry energy (INDRA@VAMOS) 40-48Ca + 40-48Ca @ 35 MeV/A L=0 Z=N Ca K Ar Cl S P Si Nuclear matter incompressibility K∞ Al Mg IPN Orsay, Liverpool, GANIL, USC, CEA Saclay … Ne O C IPN Orsay, GANIL, Catania, Quebec, GSI…
New Trends 1 : deep inelastic collisions, fusion-fission Deep inelastic collisions : spectroscopy and lifetimes 12C+238U fission fragments (FF) CEA Saclay, GANIL, Legnaro, … 3x135° GANIL, GSI, USC, CENBG, IPNL, … 62Fe 1x180° 45° Q Q 64Ni 238U, 6.5 MeV/u D v1 v2 Mg 62Fe 5x90° drift chamber: x,y Se-D: trigger, t1 Isotopic distrib of FF Production rates Nuclear spectroscopy with FF drift chamber: x,y ionisation chamber: E silicon wall: E, t2 High 238U beam intensity (>100nAe) Increase of VAMOS acceptance (x3) Construction of a rotating target Focal plane detection for decay tagging (MUSETT) Upgrade of EXOGAM – DEBATED NOW ! UPGRADE VAMOS
New trends 2 - Transfer reactions (d,p), (p,t), (d,t), (d,3He) Last year campaign – SPIRAL1 beams : 20O (d,p), (d,t); 26Ne (d,p) (d,t) MUST2 + TIARA + EXOGAM (B. Fernandez, R. Lemmon, Univ. Surrey, Guilford, Manchester, IPN Orsay, GANIL, CEA Saclay, USC …) 20O (d,t) – A. Ramus Next Spring : -(d,p) for (n,g) in 60Fe ; -size of N=50 gap in 68Ni ; -density dependence of SO MUST2 + annular Si + EXOGAM (F. Hammache, G. Duchêne, O. Sorlin IPN Orsay, GANIL, IReS Strasbourg, CEA Saclay, Univ. Madrid, Barcelona)
New trends 3 - Nuclear astrophysics 14O(a,p) to break-out from CNO cycle 18F(p,a) which destroys18F cosmic abundance direct Univ. of Edinburgh, GANIL, IPN Orsay, Univ. York, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, U L Bruxelles, UPC-IEEC, Barcelona indirect s(mb) 14O(a,p)17F 18F(p,a)15O
Available detectors / Future plans INDRA : 4p – charged particle array for high energies -> AZ4p/ FAZIA: pulse shape analysis for detection in A and Z, higly segmented. MUST2 : charged particle array, highly segmented and versatile, low energy EXOGAM : 12 segmented clover Ge detectors, low energy g, high versatility -> EXOGAM 2 : pulse shape analysis, improve localization, higher count rate MAYA : gas filled target, vertex localization of the reaction, tracking of particles + detectors temporary installed : neutron wall, Demon, …
Highlights 3 Production/study of super heavy elements Fusion to reach superheavies, channeling in a monocristal -> lifetimes 1.2 M. Morjean et al., GANIL, IPNO, CEA Saclay, INSP Paris, Bucharest, IPNL 1 0.8 0.6 Fusion-Fission 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 U sequential fission + … 1 Normalized Yield 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Quasi-elastic(target) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Y (deg) Location of island of superheavies : Increased lifetimes for Z=120 and 124, not for Z=114