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Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB). 1 Company and Enrollment Module Enrollment quiz review. Click Allow. Step 1. Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Step 2. Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3. To exit Adobe.
Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB) 1 Company and Enrollment Module Enrollment quiz review
Click Allow Step 1 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Step 2 Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe
Where is e-Textbook? Please click on page 6 to find Module Learning Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the first module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Learning Guide and notes is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.
Review Q1 Please use the following structure, and then make the sentences according to the pictures/words. ……(倒)是……,但(是)…… =>这裙子喜欢倒是喜欢,但是太贵了。 (zhe qun zi xi huan dao shi xi huan, dan shi tai gui le) This dress I like, but it is too expensive.
Review Q2 Please use the following structure, and then make the sentences according to the pictures/words. ……(倒)是……,但(是)…… 考试;难;我;参加 =>考试难是难,但是我必须参加。 (kao shi nan shi nan, dan shi wo bi xu can jia) The test is hard, but I must attend.
Review Q3 Please use the following key words to practice how to urge someone not to do something because he/she needs to do something else. 别(bié, don’t) 得(děi, must, have to) EXAMPLE: 看书 聊天 → 你别聊天,你得看书。 Kan shu-read book liao tian-to chat ni bie liao tian, ni dei kan shu 给小松平子打电话 看电视 → _____________,_____________。 =>你别看电视,你得给小松平子打电话。 (ni bie kan dian shi, ni de gei xiao song ping zi da dian hua) You don’t watch TV, you must call Xiao Song Ping Zi
Review Q5 • Please translate the following paragraph into English. • 王明让我转告你,wáng míng ràng wǒ zhuǎn gào nǐ, • Wand Ming let me tell you. • 明天上午9点有面试。Míng tiān shàng wǔ 9 diǎn yǒu miàn shì. • Tomorrow morning interview at 9 o’clock. • 请你别忘记带护照和简历, qǐng nǐ bié wàng jì dài hù zhào hé jiǎn lì, • Don’t forget to bring passport and resume. • 还有两张照片。hái yǒu liǎng zhāng zhào piàn. • Also two photos. • =>Wang Ming wants to tell you, you have an interview tomorrow morning at 9am. Please do not forget to take your passport and resume, and two photos of you. • PS: number 1-10 =》 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 • yi er san si wu liu qi ba jiu shi
Review Q4 • Please use the following key words to practice how to urge someone not to do something because he/she needs to do something else. 别(bié, don’t) 得(děi, must, have to) • 看书 聊天 → 你别聊天,你得看书。 • Kan shu-read book liao tian-to chat ni bie liao tian, ni dei kan shu • 打球 睡觉 → _____________,_____________。 • 你别睡觉,你得打球。 • (ni bie shui jiao, ni dei da qiu) • You don’t sleep, you must play ball.
Note • PS: in the real quiz, will have the different pronoun or family member instead. So, you need to know basic pronouns and family members in Chinese. Please refer to following slides.
Noun and Pronoun as Subject in the sentence Singular pronoun • 我 = I • wǒ • 你 = you • nǐ • 他 = he • tā • 她 = she • tā • Plural pronoun • 我 们 = we • wǒ men • 你 们 = you (all) • nǐ men • 他 们 = they • tā men • 她 们 = they (all female) • tā men
Family members 爷 爷 奶 奶 yé yé nǎi nǎi grandpa grandma (grandparents from dad’s side) • 爸 爸 = dad • bà ba • 哥 哥 = elder brother • gē ge • 弟 弟 = younger brother • dì di 姥 爷 姥 姥 lǎo yé lǎo lao grandpa grandma (grandparents from mom’s side) • 妈 妈 = mom • mā ma • 姐 姐 = elder sister • jiě jie • 妹 妹 = younger sister • mèi mei
Quick Check your knowledge? Singular pronoun 1 我 2 你 3 他 4 她 5 它 Plural pronoun 1 我们 2 你们 3 他们 4 她们 5 它们
How do you greet people? 1 你好 2 爸爸好 3 妈妈好 4 老师好 5 姐姐好 6 哥哥好 7 妹妹好 8 弟弟好 7爷爷好 8奶奶好 9老爷好 10姥姥好 11 外公好 12 外婆好