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AutoLUN & Performance Control. XP12000 performance software overview. Definition of terms: Performance Monitor (Hitachi) Performance Montior (HP) CruiseControl (Hitachi) AutoLUN (HP) Prioritized Port Control (Hitachi) Performance Control (HP). Performance Monitor.
XP12000 performance software overview • Definition of terms: • Performance Monitor (Hitachi) Performance Montior (HP) CruiseControl (Hitachi) AutoLUN (HP) Prioritized Port Control (Hitachi) Performance Control (HP) HP Confidential
Performance Monitor HP Confidential
Performance Monitor • short term interval now configurable:1 minute 1 day values stored in „performance ring buffer“15 minutes 15 days stored • longt term interval is fixed 15 minutes, performance data are kept for the last 93 days HP Confidential
Performance Monitor • the following slides show • currently hidden functionality • of the XP12000 disk array HP Confidential
Performance Monitor • display specific information of external storage: utilization of MPs for IO to external Disk Groups processing time compared to the overall cpu load HP Confidential
Performance Monitor • shows Response Time for parity groups: • shows Response Time for LDEVs: HP Confidential
Performance Monitor • shows Business Copy Activityper LDEV: HP Confidential
Performance Monitor • To be able to export monitoring data, you must prepare command file and a batch file. How to run the Export Tool: • Preparing a command file • Preparing a batch file • Running the Export Tool (runWin.bat /runUnix.bat) svpip ; Specifies IP address of SVPlogin expusr passwd ; Logs user into SVPshow ; Outputs monitoring term to standard outputgroup Port ; Specifies type of data to be exportedgroup RemoteCopy ; Specifies type of data to be exportedshortrange 200410010850:200410010910 ; Specifies range of data to be exported longrange 200409301430:200410011430 ; Specifies range of data to beof data to be exportedoutpath out ; Specifies directory in which files will be savedoption compress ; Specifies whether to compress filesapply ; Executes processing for saving monitoring data in files #! /bin/sh java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar:./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dmd.command=command.txt -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain HP Confidential
Indicates that the subsystem serial number is 28528. The word in parentheses is a code that indicates the subsystem type. Indicates that the data was obtained from 10:49 to 10:52 on Nov. 25, Sampling rate: 1 2004. indicates that monit oring was performed every minute (at a one - minute interval). - 1 Indicates monitoring data. If a value is , the value indicates that Performance Monitor failed to obtain the data for some reason. For detailed information, refer to the troubleshooting information later in this appendix. : Notes · 01 02 In this LU_IOPS.csv file, t he last two digits of a table column heading (such as and ) indicate an LUN. , CL1 - B.00(1B - G00).01 CL1 - B 00 For example, the heading indicates the port the h ost group ID , the host 1B - G00 01 group name , and the LUN . · If you export monitoring data about concatenated parity groups, the resulting CSV file do not contain column headings for the concatenated parity groups. For example, if you export monitoring dat a about a 1 - 3[1 - 4] 1 - 3[1 - 4] concatenated parity group named , you will be unable to find in column headings. To locate , 1 - 3[1 - 4] 1 - 3 1 - 4 monitoring data about find the column or the column. Either of these columns contains 1 - 3[1 - 4] monitoring data about . Performance Monitor • sample output: HP Confidential
AutoLUN HP Confidential
Auto LUN XP - How does it work? • Easy to use menu – accessible from CV • Evaluates current usage of array resources • Monitors array resources and attached host servers • Identifies performance stress points • Creates a plan to migrate data from over utilized resources • Simulates the performance expected after data migration • Creates reports or exports to Excel • Manual or automatic HP Confidential
High Capacity Disks 73 GB Policy-based LUN Migration High Performance Disks 36GB Auto LUN XP • Features • optimizes storage resources • moves high-priority data to underutilized volumes • identifies volumes stressed under high I/O workload • creates a volume migration plan • migrates data across different disks or RAID levels • Benefits • improves array performance and reduces management costs by automatically placing data in highest performing storage (cache, RAID 0/1, RAID 5) Non-disruptive volume migration for performance optimization HP Confidential
AutoLUN Changes – XP12000 changes • added support for E-LUNs ICONs: • external Volume/Disk Groups can be used for manual migration only • currently no option to assign a HDD class to external Disk Groups no automatic migration possible HP Confidential
Auto LUN XP Definition • Disk array software that assists in balancing capacity with performance using the following four functions…. • Monitor Function: monitors and displays utilization of disk array resources over defined time interval • Migration Function: migration of volumes from source parity group to target parity group • Estimate Function: estimates utilization rate of the source and destination parity group’s utilization assuming a volume migration were to be completed • Preset Function: automatic migration of volume(s) from one parity group to another parity group HP Confidential
Auto LUN XP Monitor Function • Utilization information is collected by the SVP from the DKC once every 24 hours (or on demand from the Remote Console) for the following components: • CHIP and ACP microprocessors (CHA & DKA) • XP Hierarchical Star Net (i.e.- Crossbar switch) • Data Recovery Reconstructor (DRR) • Volumes- asynchronous and synchronous usage time of each logical device in a parity group averaged by the number of HDD in the parity group (LDEV utilization= total use time/number HDD’s) • Parity Groups- the average and maximum measured usage rages of all logical volumes in a parity group HP Confidential
Data Access Path Data Access Path Data Access Path Source Destination Source Destination Source Destination Move Par Grp 2-2 Par Grp 1-1 Par Grp 2-2 Par Grp 2-2 Par Grp 1-1 Par Grp 1-1 Vol 0:01= Vol 3:09= Vol 0:01= 30MB/s Vol 3:09= Vol 3:09 Vol 0:01= LUN RESERVED LUN RESERVED RESERVED LUN Before During After Auto LUN Migration Function HP Confidential
Start Auto LUN’s Monitoring Function Set target volume to “RESERVED” Check the History for past automatic and manual migrations (does a trend already exist?) Check to see if a migration is in progress Define data collection term of data to be displayed (basis for what volume to migrate) Define volume to migrate Initiate volume migration Monitor the migration status Auto LUN Manual Migration Steps HP Confidential
Auto LUN Automatic Migrations • Automatic migrations allow the end user to define parity group thresholds to trigger a volume migration. If a volume within a parity group exceeds that defined threshold, the volume will be candidate for migration • Migration will only occur if Auto LUN’s estimate function determines a performance gain will be yielded • Unlike manual migrations, automatic migration can schedule 1 to 40 volume migrations inside of one migration plan (occurs in sequential order) • Unlike manual migrations, the end user does not have as much granular control over which RESERVED volume will be defined to receive the volume migration HP Confidential
Auto LUN Automatic Migrations • Parameters to influence the migration job: • disk class threshold (utilization of RAID Groups) • fixed RAID groups of potential AutoLUN sources • RESERVE attribute of potential AutoLUN targets • maximum duration (up 120 minutes) • maximum number of migration tasks (40) • monitoring term • schedule • how to measure peek values (absolute of average of # samples) HP Confidential
“C” Limit “A” Limit Parity Group “B” Limit Parity Group Disk Utilization Parity Group Parity Group Parity Group Parity Group A B C Disk Class Auto LUN Automatic Migration Plan Once a volume’s utilization has exceeded its user defined class threshold, volumes in that parity group are candidates for automatic migration. Volume Selection HP Confidential
Migration Plan is created based on information gathered during daily monitoring interval User scheduled Migration begins 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 User defined Monitor interval User defined time interval for migrations to complete (120min max) Interval opportunity to re-make the generated plan Auto LUN Preset Function User Defined Time Intervals HP Confidential
Both source and target Volumes must…. • have the same emulation type(Open 3, Open8, etc…) • be the same size (OPEN-V or CVS) • not be blocked • be connected to the same DKC • not be currently migrating or scheduled to migrate • not be CA or BC pair(XP256 Only) • not be a command device • not be a cache LUN • The defined RESERVED (target volume) must not be assigned a LUN number • Migrations supported... • Volumes in a simplex state • Same RAID level • ex) RAID1 to RAID1 • Different RAID levels • ex) RAID5 migrated to RAID1 • ex) RAID1 migrated to RAID5 • Same drive types • ex) 15GB to 15GB • Different drive types • ex) 15GB to 47GB • VSC & LUSE volumes of equal size Auto LUN Migration Rules • The following apply to both manual and automatic migrations HP Confidential
Performance Control HP Confidential
Performance Control XP application testing manage xp io processing capacity to maximize performance utilization OLTP DW mgmt. console • IO/s or MB/s policies • host level policy enforcement • host grouping • policy scheduling • powerful reporting tools • GUI & scripting interface high priority med priority low priority HP Confidential
Performance Control = APM • Performance Control is used to limit performance of low-priority-servers in order to maintain high-priority servers at a higher level • upper limits can be specified either as • IO per second • MByte per second • upper limit control can be disabled by an threshold value • PC is done on FC CHIP port level by delaying response times HP Confidential
Performance Control • is a replacement for Application Policy Manager XPfor XP1024/128 customers current APM users will get an automatic upgrade to PC with Command View 2.0 • there is no APM for XP12000 use Performance Control XP HP Confidential
Performance Control ≠ APM • There is no time scheduling • There is no host agent for control path discovery • PC management runs on the SVP (Command View) only no FC inbound communication • PC panels are launched from within the AutoLUN panels • Upper limits can be assigned to • FC CHIP ports • host WWNs • groups of host WWNs • There is no performance control between host WWN and LDEVs (APM application mode) • response time is monitored HP Confidential
Performance Control 1:1 • priority of IO operations per port in 1:1 environment • in many-to-many env. limits defined per HBA HP Confidential
Performance Control many:many • specify which WWN is connected to which ports HP Confidential
things to keep in mind • you have to choose between Port or WWN mode • you can specify either IOPs or MBs • a WWN as member of a group can only be changed via groupsettings • (array) thresholds can be specified globally for the complete array or for each of the „prioritized“ ports limits on non-prioritized ports will not be used when all ports are below their threshold • for WWN mode, only a global threshold can be specified HP Confidential
Performance Control - main screen prio means: no limits HP Confidential
Performance Control - WWN screen HP Confidential
Create a PFC group HP Confidential
module end HP Confidential