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The Impact of Frequency, Duration, and Timing on Mobile-Ad Effectiveness

This study explores the influence of mobile ad frequency, duration, and timing on overall effectiveness, including consumer attention, brand recall, and decision-making. It aims to identify meaningful moments that increase engagement and distinguish between ads as messages or distractions.

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The Impact of Frequency, Duration, and Timing on Mobile-Ad Effectiveness

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  1. The Impact of Frequency, Duration, and Timing on Mobile-Ad Effectiveness Mustafa Can Özdemir Information Society Approaches and ICT Processes 17 April 2019 Tallinn University

  2. Quick questions! When was the last time you purchased a product from a mobile platform? If you do, how often? Have you noticed any purchasing patterns of yours? Do you ever feel ‘manipulated’?

  3. Table of contents • What is Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience? • History of Neuromarketing • Relevant European Initiatives • Importance of Consumer Neuroscience • Importance of Mobile Marketing Platforms • Research Question • Research Goal • Methodology and Facilities to be used • First experiment + pilot study • Future of Marketing • Foreseen Challenges

  4. Definitions and Terminology Neuromarketing: is a commercial marketing communication field that applies neuropsychology to marketing research, studying consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.ijpsycho.2006.03.007 Consumer Neuroscience: is the combination of consumer research with modern neuroscience. The goal of the field is to find neural explanations for consumer behaviors in individuals both with or without disease.

  5. History & Birth of Neuromarketing https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2004.09.019

  6. Relevant European Initiatives The Socio-Economic Relevance 3.1 The market potential of neuromarketing 3.2 Benefits of neuromarketing 3.3 The creation of new markets and jobs

  7. Horizon 2020 Access to funding

  8. Horizon 2020 - Neuromarketing and Virtual Reality (VR) https://www.uv.es/uvweb/marketing-market-research-department/en/department-marketing-market-research/two-research-positions-neuro-marketing-virtual-reality-1285855204117/Novetat.html?id=1286060622090

  9. Why Neuromarketing?

  10. Why Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience? Advertising Effectiveness Many approaches affect us in subconscious ways Shopper Decision Making Better analysis of decision making Branding Branding creates a stronger connection between both parties - Neuromarketing allows to measure brand association Product Design and Innovation To gauge consumer reaction before launching of the product and packaging Online User Experience Can be an influence without consumers being aware https://cmoatwork.com/articles/1940-en-neuromarketing-five-reasons-why-it-is-important

  11. Why mobile? https://marketingland.com/digital-growth-now-coming-mobile-usage-comscore-171505

  12. Why Mobile? Time Spent on Mobile Devices are Increasing An American spends an average 10 hours per day on mobile devices Mobile Commerce And Mobile Marketing work together Consumers are using ecommerce websites more and more from mobile platforms Shoppers Purchase in store Consumers are comparing products on mobiles while they are walking down store aisles Some channels for reaching out to consumers have higher rates. SMS open rates are higher than Email SMS open rate %98 %90 who open message read within 3 seconds Mobile Marketing Reaches a Broader Market Allows a reach to a more diverse consumer profile https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/05/31/five-reasons-mobile-marketing-is-becoming-even-more-important/#204d85c2abb4

  13. https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Mobile-Phone-Smartphone-Usage-Varies-Globally/1014738https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Mobile-Phone-Smartphone-Usage-Varies-Globally/1014738 https://www.emarketer.com/Chart/Smartphone-Users-Penetration-Worldwide-2014-2020-billions-of-mobile-phone-users-change/188679

  14. Mobile Ad Expenditure https://www.statista.com/chart/5096/worldwide-ad-spending-growth-by-medium/

  15. Timing Importance https://www.wandera.com/mobile-security/user-behavior-mobile-security/

  16. Research Questions How the timing, frequency and exposure duration of a mobile ad impacts the overall ad effectiveness? Is there a relationship between visual attention, brand/product recall, and decision making after viewing certain ads? And can these trigger meaningful moments that increase brand/product engagement? When is a mobile ad a message and when is it a distraction?

  17. Research Goals To identify the impact of the duration and frequency on mobile ad effectiveness. To understand consumers psychophysiological responses to such mobile marketing techniques and find correlations between eye gaze movements and pupil dilation with respect to the ads. Identifying when a mobile ad commercial is a message and when it is a distraction.

  18. Methodology and Facilities to be used This section will demonstrate the technologies, sensors, and softwares that we will be using in order to successfully conduct the research

  19. Technology & Facilities to be used Eye-Tracking glasses Tobbi Pro Glasses 2 https://www.tobiipro.com/product-listing/tobii-pro-glasses-2/

  20. Technology & Facilities to be used (2) Shimmer GSR 3 http://www.shimmersensing.com/products/gsr-optical-pulse-development-kit

  21. Technology & Facilities to be used (3) Nautilus EEG Headset

  22. iMotions Biometric Research https://imotions.com/

  23. Neuromarketing Techniques An Overview Image from: https://hbr.org/2019/01/neuromarketing-what-you-need-to-know

  24. First Experiment (Pilot Study) • Will focus on the impact of frequency on the mobile ad first • Eye Tracking will be used to assess visual attention and gaze mapping • Participants will be exposed to ads with various frequency exposures • Then they will be presented an entire set of the logos in one frame • Which logos grabs attention? • Which ones causes confusion? • Level of engagement? • (Maybe we might add the big 5 model of personality as well)

  25. Marketing in Action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQXe1CokWqQ

  26. Classroom Discussion Activity! (20 minutes) Do you ever feel ‘manipulated’? How effective do you find ads? List a few things you really dislike about mobile advertisements. List a few things you really like about them! Do you use ad-blockers? If so why?

  27. The Future of Consumer Neuroscience More sensors = More Data = More Information Nanomarketing Virtual Reality Neuromarketing Maybe drone marketing (who knows…)

  28. Foreseen Challenges • Sensors/equipment are intrusive • Using a combination of sensors are tricky • Analysis of Eye-Tracking is complicated on mobile phone screens • Accuracy is an issue • There are many parameters that can alter the outcome (logo type, color, and other environmental factors) • Ethical and privacy issues • Personal autonomy problems

  29. IRL Glasses for Ad blocking realtime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IroHvN-sOs

  30. Activity Classroom Discussion - 10 minutes ‘If you were a very new business that sells sneakers’ When do you think would the best time to sell a pair of sneakers? What do you think would be a suitable resonating frequency for such an ad to gain attention? How long would you like to be exposed to a relatively ‘interesting’ ad?

  31. Books in Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11938818-brainfluence https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2848658-buyology

  32. Any questions or recommendations? Thank you!

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