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UN Global Compact: The perspective of an international Organization on Social Responsibility . At The International Workshop on Standardization and Social Responsibility Rio de Janeiro, 1 October 2007. Kola Badejo Senior Adviser Global Compact office New York.
UN Global Compact: The perspective of an international Organization on Social Responsibility At The International Workshop on Standardization and Social Responsibility Rio de Janeiro, 1 October 2007. Kola Badejo Senior Adviser Global Compact office New York
Enjeux du Pacte Mondial :et développement durable du secteur privé ivoirien Lancementl du réseau du Pacte Mondial – Côte d’Ivoire (RPMC Mardi 11 septembre 2007, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon Today’s collaboration between the United Nations and other partners recalls the Organization’s foundational spirit, when politicians, scholars, business leaders and others shared the belief that business, trade and investment were essential pillars of peace and prosperity New Orientation
Temas Organizacionais e as Nações Unidas: Objetivos Coincidentes Gerenciamento de Negócios Paz Desenvolvimento de mercados Lucro Boa Governança e Segurança Meio Ambiente Saúde Global Redução da Pobreza Inclusão Social Crescimento Crescente Interdependência
Os Dez Princípios Universais do Pacto Global • O Pacto Global advoga dez princípios universais, derivados: - da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos, - da Declaração da Organização Internacional do Trabalho sobre Princípios e Direitos Fundamentais no Trabalho, - da Declaração do Rio sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento e - da Convenção das Nações Unidas Contra a Corrupção
Os Dez Princípios • Princípios de Direitos Humanos1. Respeitar e proteger os direitos humanos; 2. Impedir violações de direitos humanos; • Princípios de Direitos do Trabalho3. Apoiar a liberdade de associação no trabalho;4. Abolir o trabalho forçado;5. Abolir o trabalho infantil;6. Eliminar a discriminação no ambiente de trabalho; • Princípios de Proteção Ambiental7. Apoiar uma abordagem preventiva aos desafios ambientais;8. Promover a responsabilidade ambiental;9. Encorajar tecnologias que não agridem o meio ambiente. • Princípio contra a Corrupção10. Combater a corrupção em todas as suas formas inclusive extorsão e propina.
O que é o Pacto Global • Um framework para Responsabilidade Social Empresarial • Iniciativa liderada pelo CEO • Voluntário • Estes valores principais foram separados em dez princípios chave, nas áreas de direitos humanos, direitos do trabalho, proteção ambiental e combate à corrupção. • Plataforma multi stakeholder- “collectiva”
PactoGlobal: Objetivos e Visão • O processo de globalisação fortaleceu o impacto da responsabilidade social – Norte/Sul • Fazer com que os 10 princípios sejam parte da estratégia organizacional, das operações e da cultura em todos os lugares. • Facilitar parcerias em pró dos objetivos da ONU – MDM. Visão: “Economia global sustentável e inclusiva”
Global Compact Network Key Components Leaders Summittriennial UN GCO Agencies Governments Board Business Labor Civil Society • Smaller Networks: • Austria • Belgium • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Chile • Cameroon • Dominican Republic • Ghana • Hungary • Indonesia • Kazakhstan • Kenya • Macedonia • Mozambique • Netherlands • Nigeria • Poland • Romania • Singapore • South Africa • South Korea • Thailand • Ukraine • Venezuela • Zambia Local Networks Forum Nordic Group (80) Lithuania (39) Germany (82) UK (91) Switzerland (40) France (424) Bulgaria (73) Spain (346) U.S.A. (144) Turkey (73) Japan (47) Italy (132) China (70) Egypt (38) India (121) Mexico (195) Pakistan (61) Sri Lanka (44) Panama (88) Philippines (143) Colombia (60) Peru (66) Brazil (164) Argentina (205) GC networks with a governance model GC networks GC participants but no network GC networks < 35 participants 3,879 companies from over 120 countries Global labour and civil society organizations Academic networks and other partners
The Principles for Responsible Investment • Developed by global institutions (public pensions) • Address investment mandates, ownership • Launch: 27 April, New York Stock Exchange • Global rollout: public and private funds
Who Cares Wins - Principles for Responsible Investment “Better investment markets and more sustainable societies” US $5 Trillion aligned with PRI as of June 2006 New York Stock Exchange April 27th, 2006
The Global Compact - Benefits of Participation • Promote corporate citizenship - Strengthening the investment climate…… • Multi-stakeholder dialogue and problem-solving • Addressing issues before crisis - e.g. Anti -corruption, environmental care • Improved risk profile -legal liabilities • Role of the private sector is central to nationaldevelopment and poverty alleviation -contribution to economic growth, job creation and income generation in Cameroon. • Restore trust - corporate reputation -Trust-building in the emerging economies including Brazil • Strengthening of Public - Private sector partnership (infrastructure projects) • Make societies and markets more sustainable and equitable
Global Compact & ISO 26000Nexus of Objectives & Visions Global Compact: • Make the 10 principles part of business strategy, operations and culture everywhere. • Facilitate partnerships toward UN goals – MDGs. Vision: “Sustainable and inclusive global economy” ISO 26000: • The significance of good corporate governance - Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. • Encouraging multi-stakeholder approaches including the private sector “to improve social and environmental performance through voluntary initiatives”. Vision: “SR is essential to the sustainability of an Organization” (1992 Rio Declaration & WSSD2002)
The Global Compact & ISO 26000 ISO 26000 -Intern. Guidance Standard on SR - No third-party certification - Not a management system - To be applied by all types of organizations - Target date: 2008 publication • Global Compact • - A voluntary SR • initiative • - 10 universal principles: • Human Rights • Labour ConditionsEnvironment • Anti-Corruption
Global Compact & ISO 26000 Multi-Stakeholder: Power of Collective Action ISO 26000 - Industry - Government - Consumer - Labour - NGO - Services, Research etc Global Compact • Organizations Civil Society Labour Governments
Challenges of Implementation of International SR ISO 26000 • If the international standard on SR is to become a truly global force (there is a need to rationalize and align ISO 26000 with robust and universally recognized Declarations/Conventions, inter-alia, human rights, labour rights, environmental protection, and anti-corruption). • A defensive approach if the SR practices are not tailored national economic social structures (No imposition through international supply chain & investment). • If the current multi-stakeholders approach failed to yield consensus (Government etc.) - social legitimacy.
Perspective on implementation ISO26000 • Strengthen capacity building process in emerging markets/developing societies. • Enhance organizations’ contributions towards socio-economic development. • Manage globalization’s new risks/opportunities- inclusive opportunity for organizations and other stakeholders located in developing countries • Southern stakeholders are now participating in ISO 26000 Process in order to embrace the SR agenda - North vs South issues • Enhancement of national competitiveness by stimulating SR performance • Make societies and markets more sustainable and equitable (PPP).