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ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECT Gindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating Antarctica Under the patronage of …. CITY OF GENOVA CITY OF VENEZIA CITY OF PISA CITY OF CIVITAVECCHIA C.I.R.M.
ASSO PRESTIGE ha fornito due tender progettati e personalizzati per la spedizione www.assoprestige.it LOFRANS’ fornisce un verricello salpa ancore per il Gindungo - www.lofrans.it L’azienda di Varese AGF, fornisce particolari accumulatori, inverter ed altri accessori www.agfitaly.com MAGGI GROUP fornisce una catena in acciaio inox da 100 metri ed una nuova ancora www.maggigroup.com BALDASSARI GROUP regala il palmare Geonav 4C - www.baldassarigroup.it MARINE POWER ITALIA fornisce due motori fuoribordo Mercury da 10 hp www.marinepower.com NAVIGARE A VELA ha coordinato i lavori di refitting, la logistica del progetto e la comunicazione - www.navigareavela.it CENTRALFER di Civitavecchia è fornitore ufficiale di materiali di consumo ed accessori www.centralfer.it SCHENKER ITALIA s.r.l. fornisce un watermaker da 60 lt./ora in grado di lavorare in acque fredde www.schenker.it CENTRO VERNICI di Ostia Antica ha fornito primer, smalti ed antivegetative www.centrovernici.it SEA PORT SERVICE fornisce asse ed elica necessari al nuovo motore - www.seaportservice.it SPONSORS TECNICI di Antarctica Sailing Project COMPUTING SYSTEM ospita il sito web di Antarctica Sailing Project e i siti paralleli www.computingsystem.it STAMEGNA di Latina fornisce materiali di rispetto per il generatore - www.stamegna.com Tutto il cordame necessario è stato sostituito con prodotti CR ROPES in dynema www.sailworld.it - www.coralsroute.com TAVOLO' MARINA ha progettato e realizzato il tavolo attrezzato, cuore del laboratorio del Gindungo - www.tavolomarina.com TRANCHESE ha fornito imateriali mano d'opera per realizzare 3 rulli avvolgitori per le cime di ormeggio del Gindungo - www.tranchesesrl.it EUROVINIL di Grosseto fornisce due zattere autogonfiabili per il Gindungo - www.eurovinil.it WEKER s.r.l. ha realizzato l'impianto di riscaldamento del Gindungo - www.weker.com GEONAV fornisce il radar/plotter Northstar e tutta la cartografia elettronica Navionics - www.geonav.it ZAOLI SAILS ha realizzato le nuove vele per il cutter Gindungo - www.zaolisails.it GIANNESCHI PUMPS & BLOWERS ha fornito una pompa reversibile ed un autoclave per il Gindungo www.g-r.it
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaTHE PROJECT TO ACHIEVE SPORTING RECORDS AND IMPORTANT HUMANITARIAN AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Ventures not realized yet : circumnavigation of Antarctica by an Italian S/Yacht at the highest latitudes; discovering new routes, new landings. Champions will achieve new free-diving records in Antarctic waters. The humanitarian aspect of the expedition will have a particular relevance. During the transfers to Antarctica, the Sailing Yacht Gindungo stopped in Africa and South America to hand out humanitarian aid. Researchers from the University of Tuscia were on board up to Canary Islands in order to undertake various scientific projects and research on marine biology In cooperation with the C.I.R.M. International Radio - Medical Centre, the Antarctica Sailing Project Team will test e-health assistance.
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaWHY WHY DO IT, WHY BELIEVE IN IT? • To achieve sporting records • To realize important humanitarian and social projects • To undertake scientific and telemedicine research; ocean navigation offer ideal condition to test the great potentialities of human survival • The crew of Antarctica Sailing Project will test new technology and equipment during the expedition to Antarctica • To produce pictures and documentary for national and international televisions, documentary about the enterprise, the scientific research, the sporting records; to produce pictures and video closely related to the sponsor’s logo and the partner’s interests • Because NAVIGARE NECESSE EST
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaPARTNERS CORREOS DE LA MAR Antarctica Sailing ProjectformedThe Correos de La Mar in Canary Islands in order to to meet the strong social and humanitarian objectives of the Project. During the long navigation to Antarctica, the S/Y Gindungo stopped in Africa and South America and, together with Sea Couriers (Correos de La Mar), worked in order to promote permanent development projects and to hand out aid to local populations.
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaUNIVERSITY • Prof. Mario Vultaggio, Director of Navigation Department (Parthenope University of Naples), will manage the steps forward made by the scientific projects on incoming data satellite acquisition through the NETNAV system • Cetaceans in Antarctic waters will be studied by optical instruments and by electro acoustic instruments during the Gindungo Antarctica coasting. • We have a small Laboratory on board where university researchers can work during the navigation. • Researchers from every University are welcome on board, for any information please contact our secretariat at • info@antarctica-project.com
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaPARTNERS • Paolo A. Gemelli, well known router for International level navigators, is the weather forecaster of the expedition, previously known • Andrea Vari, a professional cameramen, who has been cooperating for years with major national broadcasters, joined the A.S.P. team. During the expedition he will document and film the navigation, life on-board, weather changes as well as the work of the researchers and team members. The aim is realising several documentaries on the Antarctica Sailing Project to be broadcasted through International media. • Learning about polluted and unpolluted natural ecosystems and emphasizing the need of their preservation will be the main goal • The experience made during the realisation of the project will be documented and published; we already have contacts with some editors.
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaPARTNERS C.I.R.M. • C.I.R.M. - International Radio Medical Centre - provides radio medical assistance to patients aboard ships flying any flag all over the world • A.S.P. and C.I.R.M. will test telemedicine capacities all along the Antarctic navigation • A.S.P. crews state of health will be constantly monitored by C.I.R.M. by means of radio and broadcasting technologies during the navigation in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica, in order to test the medical data transmission from those latitudes
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaTEST A.S.P. will test both new and existing scientific and technical solutions in extreme conditions • propulsive force for sailing in calm or in gale conditions • traditional, new and renewable energy resources • heating apparatus • rigging and navigational instruments • satellite communication systems and data transmission • materials and paints with high resistance to ultraviolet rays • technical extreme weather clothing • special diets for the crew
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaWHEN WHEN Date of departure: November 2005 from Genoa International Boat Show In the Mediterranean Sea Gindungo stopped in many ports: Costa Smeralda, Balearic Islands, Tarifa In the Atlantic Ocean Gindungo stopped at Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Capo Verde Islands and Brazil and Uruguay Now Gindungo is moored in Buenos Aires - Argentine. In November Gindungo will proceed to Cape Horn and will cross the Drake Channel to reach Antarctica
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaSEA ROUTE
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaEVENTS EVENTS • Champions will achieve free-diving records in Antarctic waters. • in the Antarctic Sea they will try to obtain records for vertical free-diving and horizontal apnea breast stroke. • In the Antarctic Sea four A.S.P. Team members will simulate a shipwreck: they will open the life raft, and leave the ship to board the life raft; there they will remain for some hours during which they will test psycho – physical resistance in extreme environment. • In this spectacular setting the safety equipment will be used and the “survivors” will be rescued
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaGINDUNGO
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating Antarctica TEAM ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECT SCIENTIFIC – CULTURALASSOCIATION Davide Freschi Project manager mobile (+39) 329 4110962 Fax (+39) 178 603 1889 e-mail: info@antarctica-project.com web site: www.antarctica-project.com A.S.P. ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECT Registered office Via Attilio Ambrosini, 72 00147 Roma (Italy)
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating AntarcticaPICTURES
ANTARCTICA SAILING PROJECTGindungo, Italian S/Y circumnavigating Antarctica info@antarctica-project.com • For more information visit the web site www.antarctica-project.com • Ask for the complete presentation of our project