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JTF Training. Crisis Action Planning Situational Awareness. UNCLASSIFIED. Situational Awareness Overview. Roles/responsibilities of Joint codes (J codes) Types of planning Definition of a crisis Joint operational planning functions, process and procedures
JTF Training Crisis Action Planning Situational Awareness UNCLASSIFIED
Situational Awareness Overview • Roles/responsibilities of Joint codes (J codes) • Types of planning • Definition of a crisis • Joint operational planning functions, process and procedures • Monitor and gather information and take appropriate action • Access and analyze information associated with a current situation
MULTINATIONAL FORCE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (MNF SOP) Version 1.6 February 2006 Reference JP 3-0 Doctrine for Joint Operations JP 4-0 Logistics JP 5-0 Joint Operation Planning JP 5-00.2 JTF Planning Guidance & Procedures CJCS 3500.05A JTF HQ Master Training Guide MNF SOP
Joint Operation Planning Two types of joint operation planning: Contingency Planning: The Joint Operation Planning and Execution System planning activities that occur in non-crisis situations. The Joint Planning and Execution Community uses contingency planning to develop operation plans for a broad range of contingencies based on requirements identified in planning directives. Contingency planning underpins and facilitates the transition to crisis action planning.
Joint Operation Planning Crisis Action Planning: The Joint Operation Planning and Execution System process involving the time-sensitive development of joint operation plans and operation order for the deployment, employment, and sustainment of assigned and allocated forces and resources in response to an imminent crisis. Crisis action planning is based on the actual circumstances that exist at the time planning occurs. JP 1-02/5-0
What is a Crisis? “An incident or situation involving a threat to the United States, its territories, citizens, military forces, possessions, or vital interests that develops rapidly and creates a condition of such diplomatic, economic, political, or military importance that commitment of U.S. military forces and resources is contemplated to achieve national objectives.” It can occur with little or no warning; it’s fast-breaking and requires accelerated decision-making. Sometimes a single crisis may spawn another crisis elsewhere.” JP 1-02/5-0
Develop a Military Course of Action Key Points Crisis Action Planning (CAP) Procedures: • Three Function process • Key Documents • Warning Order (initiates) • Commander’s Estimate (product) • Requires Concurrent & Collaborative Planning
CAP Functions I Situational Awareness II Planning III Execution
CAP Functions Situational Awareness encompasses two activities: situation development and situation assessment… • Situation Development –an event with possible national security implications occurs, is recognized and is reported. • Situational Assessment – continually monitoring political, military, economic, social, infrastructure, information, and other factors; those events affecting national security are identified and reported to the National Military Command Center (NMCC).
CAP Process Features • Rapid Exchange of Information • Analysis of situations affecting possible Courses of Action (COAs) • Developing valid COAs • Selecting the best COAs • Coordinating plans & order supporting execution
Situational Awareness Force Agreement Database OPLAN CONPLAN Public Affairs Close-hold Treaty Access News Groups NEO Plan Flexible Deterrent Options (FDOs) Intelligence Legal Obligations Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Expertise Deception
Situational Awareness (Check List) • What are the national and military strategies and US national security policy for the region or CAP Phase country? • What is the nature of the conflict or crisis that might require military resources to resolve it? Can other elements of National Power (economic, diplomatic, information) be used to influence the outcome? If so, what type of military support will help need? What type of support can they provide to the JTF? • What are or might be the potential mission or tasks from the National Authorities (NA)? • Will action be unilateral or multinational? • What is the current situation (who, what, when, where and why)? • What steps can be taken to collect additional information?
Situational Awareness (Check List) • What is the status of communication with key US and foreign government agencies and personnel? Has a list of key phone numbers been established ? • Has the supported combatant commander developed an intelligence collection plan? • Has the supported combatant command deployed sufficient organic reconnaissance resources? Should national assets be tasked or repositioned? • Has the supported combatant commander established a joint communications control center? • Are any US or multinational forces conducting operations with the joint task force (JTF) joint operations area (JOA)? What type? Duration? Who commands those forces? Joint Pub 5-00.2
Crisis Action Planning Summary I Situational Awareness II Planning III Execution Monitor situation Gather information Take appropriate actions Increased information gathering Review of options COAs developed - major forces - support COAs evaluated Combatant command refines & presents COAs send to: Natl Auth for COA decision Deployment plan completed Operations order developed Execute OPORDs Reporting Transition / redeploy Termination / Resolution
Function I – Situation Awareness I Situational Awareness II Planning III Execution National Authorities • COMMANDER'S ASSESSMENT: • Nature of Crisis • Forces Available • Deployment Timeline • Major Constraints • Actions in Progress • Preliminary COAs CDR’s Assessment Supported Strategic CDR CRISIS JFC Read bottom up
Function I – Situation Awareness I Situational Awareness II Planning III Execution Crisis determined, warning order issued National Authorities • Natl Auth / Supported • CCDR Consider: • National Interests • National Objectives • Crisis Determination CJCS Warning Order CJCS Warning Order CDR’s Assessment Supported Strategic CDR • Supported CCDR: • Issues Status Reports • Assesses Force Disposition • Preparatory Actions JFC
Phase I - Scenario Introduction - Introduction of COCOM • Phase II - STAREX - Joint Staff (Situation Awareness) • Phase III - J-4 Division (Mission Analysis, COA Development & War gaming) • Phase IV - ENDEX (After Action Review)
Time Line Exercise Time: Today is 23 Jun 1137 23 Jun (Thurs, 17 June 10) 24 Jun (Fri, 18 June 10) 27-29 Jun (Mon-Wed, 21-23 June 10) 30 Jun (Thurs, 24 June 10) As of: 23 JUN
CJTF-VIPER Force Organization Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller (USN) CJTF CJTF-STAFF Us CTF 200 CTF 205 CTF 209 CTF 201 CFLCC CFMCC CFACC CJSOTF Unclassified
CJTF-VIPER Staff Organization CJTF DCJTF Overstreet J1 Arrington J8 Richards Chief of Staff LTC Brown LTC Brown J5/7 Faustin J2 Fonte J3/4 Govier J6 Jackson JPG 21 Unclassified
UNCLASSIFIED AFRICOM • The Commander has advised the staff to gather information on Cameroon. There is an active volcano that is currently smoking (Northern Area of Cameroon)… possible humanitarian relief operation. His guidance is for the staff to focus on the following areas of concern: • Recent population movements. Location and numbers of refugees and displaced persons • Military, paramilitary operating in the region • Types of police forces, degree of political control of police forces • Nature of human rights practices and treatment of citizens • Requirements for water, food, sanitation, housing, medical services, heating supplies or other humanitarian needs UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED AFRICOM (continued) • Condition of the country’s available infrastructure such as airports, roads, ports, communications, utilities and need for additional assets or facilities (Commander is hot on rail operations, capabilities, use rates and other transportation issues) • NGOs & GOs working in support of Cameroon • Conflicts with other countries (Nigeria, Chad or Congo) • Medical condition (focus point H5N1 Avian Influenza and HIV) • Determine the level of cooperation by the host government with anticipated operations. Assess what it would take to gain host nation (HN) cooperation UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED AFRICOM (continued) • The current, political military situation • Established liaisons in theater. Special requirements for entering theater. Any troops already in theater that are rotating. • Do current conditions warrant alerting Special Forces, PSYOPS, or Civil Affairs to determine any hostilities? • Operational impacts of potential communication problems • Does the government of Cameroon’s network design allow all commands to communicate? • Close hold and limiting access procedures • Weather conditions for the next 48 hours UNCLASSIFIED
UNCLASSIFIED AFRICOM • ASSIGNMENT: • Each Director has to gather the requested information on the list of “need to knows” and be ready to back brief the Chief of Staff at the beginning of “Part II” • (THURS 17 June 2010 @ 1400). • Each Director rep or designated rep within will brief their area… more to follow. • NOTE: J3/4 will have the lead. No more than three slides per division (J-2 and J3/4 are allowed 4 slides). Answer questions based on: 1. Do they apply to your J-code 2. Was something covered in your roles and responsibilities as it applies to the situation Note: Use PPT template on the “X” drive-B108-JLC folder; Crisis Action Planning UNCLASSIFIED