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Welcome to Horizons Curriculum Night

2 nd & 3 rd Grade Horizons. Welcome to Horizons Curriculum Night. Daily Activities. - Brain Teaser - Vocabulary/ Writing - Math Activity - Gifted Unit Exploration - Thinking Skills - Science Experiment. Vocabulary. Red Hot Root Words. Vocabulary Cartoons. Reading Standard:

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Welcome to Horizons Curriculum Night

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  1. 2nd & 3rd Grade Horizons Welcome to Horizons Curriculum Night

  2. Daily Activities • - Brain Teaser • - Vocabulary/ Writing • - Math Activity • - Gifted Unit Exploration • - Thinking Skills • - Science Experiment

  3. Vocabulary Red Hot Root Words Vocabulary Cartoons Reading Standard: Student will determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of common roots, suffixes & prefixes. Identifies the meaning of common prefixes Reading Standard: Student will determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of common roots, suffixes & prefixes. Identifies the meaning of common prefixes

  4. Homework Expectations • Prepare for vocabulary tests every 3 weeks • Complete projects when assigned • Read independently a level appropriate book for a minimum of 20 minutes five times a week. (According to research on SAT scores & reading, students who read 20 minutes a day score in the 70% nationally while students who consistently read 60 minutes a day score in the 90% and above).

  5. Behavioral Expectations • Follow directions the first time they are given. • Respect other people and their property. • Always use your manners (Please, thank you, ma’m, sir, etc.) • Walk quietly in the hall. • Take responsibility for your actions and your materials.

  6. Horizons Folders • Please help your child remember their Horizon folder each week. • - They will need their point sheet to earn any points. • - It also serves as an important piece of communication. • - Binders will stay in the classroom.

  7. Progress Report • Process Standards • Critical Thinking Skills • Communication Skills • Logical Problem Solving • Research • Creative Thinking • Personal Development Standards • Self Directed Learner • Collaborative Worker • Responsible Citizen

  8. Progress Report (cont.) • 4= Distinguished-mastery of high level skills, beyond requirements, sophisticated or complex products or ideas • 3= Proficient-mastery of high level skills, meets requirements, creates diverse products & ideas • 2= In Progress-developing mastery of high level skills, some evidence of interesting products & ideas • 1= Not Evidenced • * Progress reports come out in January and May.

  9. Ornithology Unit • Students learn what it means to be an ornithologist. They will observe, compare, and record differences in beaks, bills, feet structure, and feathers. They study life cycles, migration patterns, and relationships between habitats and physical adaptations of birds. Dissecting owl pellets leads to the inquiry about predators and prey and the comparison of their life cycles. A creativity component requires creating a model of their ideal bird and a written description of its characteristics, adaptations, and environment.

  10. Think Math

  11. Hands-On Equations • Hands-On Equations gives students a concrete representation of the symbols and processes utilized in solving algebra problems. The symbols are represented by game pieces and a representation of a balance scale. The processes are represented by physical actions upon these pieces. As the algebra problems are solved students are actually seeing, touching and moving the pieces. The concepts are being learned at a deep bodily level.

  12. Writing Mini-Lessons • Each week there will be a mini-lessons that your child will be able to adapt and use in their regular classroom. • Topics: Show vs. Tell • Sentence Variety • Word Choice

  13. Communication • Web page (770) 888-1222X170451 agotz@forsyth.k12.ga.us Monthly Newsletter Sent via email

  14. Website • http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/Page/6795

  15. Battle of the Books • - Excellent program to foster reading comprehension. • - Information is on my website • - Deadline to register – September 9th • *Research proves that students who read often, as well as a variety of genres, are more fluent writers.

  16. Who am I? • B. of S. in Education from Central Michigan University • Graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Honors Program • Centralis Scholarship recipient • Two years at Doctor’s Inlet Elementary in Jacksonville, FL • Three years teaching 3rd grade here at DavesCreek • Endorsements: Math, Reading, and Gifted • Second year teaching Horizons and Advanced Math for 4th grade

  17. Who am I? • I’ve lived in Indiana, Michigan, Florida, and now Georgia. • I’ve been married for 3 years. • I’m expecting my first child very shortly! • (It’s a BOY!) • I’m very into sports: tennis, softball, basketball, volleyball, etc. • I help coach softball at South Forsyth High School • I LOVE teaching, reading, playing Sudoku

  18. Thank You! • If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact me or set up a time to meet with me privately. Thank you for coming • in tonight! I know this will be a great year for all of us.

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