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Welcome to Curriculum Night! 1st Grade: The Year of Independence

Welcome to the 1st-grade curriculum night where we focus on fostering independence in students. Learn about homework, field trips, assessments, and reading levels. Get involved as a CMS volunteer today!

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Welcome to Curriculum Night! 1st Grade: The Year of Independence

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  1. Welcome to Curriculum Night! 1st Grade: The Year of Independence Maddie Schmidtke Karla Endemann Judy Kinsela Angela Taylor Bonnie Wilkie

  2. Questions? If you have questions during the presentation tonight, please write them on a sticky note on the desk in front of you and we will do our best to answer it at the end. If we run out of time we will take them up and get back to you. Thank you!

  3. 1st graders can… pack their own backpack. walk to class and unpack by themselves. learn how to tie their shoes.  1st graders will… take ownership of their learning and behavior. work independently in class. make good decisions. Encouraging Independence

  4. REGISTER AS A CMS VOLUNTEER TODAY! You  MUST be an approved CMS volunteer and have filled out a NEW application THIS year (www.cmsvolunteers.com) in order to participate in activities in school with the class.

  5. Homework -HW in first grade is 15 minutes of reading each night. - On occasion we will send home math HW pages reinforcing what is done in class. This should NOT be turned in and is OPTIONAL! -Teachers may also send out extra HW to support students. This includes sight word practice, monthly nonsense word lists and other resources that could help your student. -Projects are sent home approximately every month. Please be sure to complete these and turn them in by the due date.

  6. Online Resources To access online educational resources for your child, you must login through the student portal located on the CMS website www.cms.k12.nc.us quick links (bottom right side of screen)

  7. Communication Please check your child’s yellow communication folder daily for important messages and flyers, be sure to remove them if they do not need to be sent back to school. Be aware of how your student’s teacher is communicating weekly with your class. (newsletter, website, dojo, or email)

  8. Field Trips • Each class is only permitted TWO chaperones per field trip.  Please be sure if you choose to chaperone that you pay for yourself when paying for the fieldtrip. • Please do NOT pay as a chaperone unless you have confirmed with your child’s teacher that you are the chaperone for that specific field trip.  The purpose of a field trip chaperone is to assist the teacher with lunches, bathroom trips, managing student behavior and the safety of the large number of students while we are off the school campus.  In addition, you  MUST be an approved CMS volunteer and have filled out a NEW application THIS year. www.cmsvolunteers.com • PLEASE PAY ONLINE • We kindly remind you that this is an educational experience for MPTS first graders, so you are not permitted to bring other family members, including siblings. We thank you in advance for your understanding and compliance with this.

  9. Behavior • School wide blue and red tickets: • Blue tickets are for specific students, red tickets are given to the entire class. • Gold level celebrations: • These were created by administration. These will be included in our weekly communication letters as they come up. Students who receive any referrals during the quarter will not participate in Gold Level. • Student alerts: • Given by any faculty member at the school, 3 student alerts turn into an automatic office referral. If a student has an office referral within 30 days of a gold level celebration they may not attend.

  10. Common Assessments • Weekly assessments will be given in each classroom in the following subject areas: • Reading • Science/SS • Math Scores are sent home the following week. If your child has scored below an 80% on the assessment, then it will be sent home. Please review the assessments with your child when needed.

  11. Reading 3D Testing • Reading 3D is a state mandated test used to find an updated independent reading level for your child as well as determine how your child is performing with specific phonics skills. The reading level your child ends on in the beginning of the year could be different from the reading level he or she received at the end of the year in Kindergarten. It is common to see regression from summer break. • The beginning of the year window for testing is Monday September 5th – Tuesday October 3rd. Your child could be assessed any day in this time frame. Please be sure to send a note in if your child will be early dismissal so that I can keep that in mind when testing in the afternoons. • Once all testing is completed, I will send home a note including your child’s current reading level.

  12. 1st Grade Reading Levels *Grade level expectation has changed* BOY: C-D MOY: F-G *written comprehension begins at Level F EOY: I

  13. MAP testing Reading BOY RIT goal: 160 MOY RIT goal: 171 EOY RIT goal: 177 Math BOY RIT goal: 162 MOY RIT goal: 173 EOY RIT goal: 180

  14. Report Cards Students’ report cards will reflect mastery towards end of the year expectations of standards. Expect to see D’s or P’s on your child’s report card as most students have not yet mastered the End Of the Year 1st grade standards.

  15. Grading There will only be 4 report cards Progress reports will be given midway through each quarter. -Grades are given according to classroom observation, work samples, and assessment scores based on the EOY expectations. *Please be sure to sign and return both progress reports and report cards.

  16. Standards New NC state standards can be found at: http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum

  17. Our Schedule 8:45-9:10-Arrival 9:15-9:40-LEAD 9:45-11:00-ELA-Reading Workshop 11:00-11:35- Staggered 1st grade lunch 11:35-12:05-Writing Workshop 12:10-1:00-Specials 1:05-2:15-Math 2:20-2:50-Recess 2:50-3:10-Science/SS 3:15-4:00-Intervention and Enrichment 4:05-Dismiss Carpool 4:15-Dismiss Buses

  18. Lunch/Recess/Specials/Snack • Practice opening containers and packages at home, or send a pair of scissors in your child’s lunchbox. • Birthdays • Wear sneakers. • Tie your shoes. • Encourage good manners.

  19. Leader in Me Teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students. Creates a culture of student empowerment.

  20. LEAD Time • L-Listen to and follow directions promptly • E-Embrace your role as a student and a leader • A-Act respectfully to all including yourself • D-Decide what is best for you and others when making choices

  21. Word Work Phonics + Spelling + Vocabulary Instruction = WORD WORK Word Work allows children to gain a general understanding of English spelling. They learn how to work with words through hands on activities. Children also learn the patterns and conventions needed to read and spell. Word Work increases children’s specific knowledge of not only the spelling of words but also the meaning. Word work looks different in every classroom.

  22. Reader’s Workshop Reader’s Workshop focuses on the strengths and needs of each individual student through differentiated instruction. Children are explicitly taught strategies to become more skillful at reading, comprehension skills and responding to a variety of texts. Students are given time and choice of what to read on their individual level, as well as opportunities to read and share with their peers.

  23. The Model Mini Lesson Students are actively engaged in… • Strategy/Craft/Genre lesson • Read Aloud • Comprehension kills practice • Turn and Talk Independent Reading • Students read, read, read • Teacher holds guided reading groups Share • Students share and reflect on their reading

  24. Guided Reading Guided Reading groups are held during Reader’s Workshop. Teachers work with a small group of students who are on the same reading level while the rest of the class reads independently. Guided reading lessons focus on using the strategies taught during mini lessons to read with accuracy and understanding.

  25. Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop focuses on the strengths and needs of each individual student. Teachers provide direct instruction on the writing process, genre and conventions. Students are given time and choice of what to write, as well as opportunities to share with their peers. This gives students the chance to apply the phonetic skills taught in word work.

  26. The Model Mini Lesson Students are actively engaged in… • Strategy/Craft/Genre lesson • Read Aloud • Shared Writing • Turn and Talk Independent Writing • Students write, write, write • Teacher conferences Share • Students share their work

  27. Types of Writing Write opinion pieces in which they state an opinion, supply a reason, and provide some sense of closure. Write informational pieces in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

  28. enVision Math 2.0 enVision math 2.0 is… • Showing and explaining thinking • Hands on exploration and discovery • Students discussing strategies and reasoning • Students working in a variety of groupings (whole group, pairs, small groups, and independently) • A mix of hands on and written work • Rigor*

  29. Social Studies Focus is on citizenship and community Social Studies and Science Science Units include force and motion, earth science, and life science

  30. Shared Reading • Every week students receive a new passage. • Passages are linked to science and social studies standards, as well as literacy standards. • Weekly assessments are given to check comprehension of the passage. In first grade we do a weekly shared reading passage to integrate our science and social studies standards.  Shared Reading is an interactive reading experience that occurs when students join in or share the reading of a book or other text while guided and supported by the teacher. The teacher explicitly models the skills of proficient readers, including reading with fluency and expression.  Students also have a written comprehension question about the passage to respond to each week.  This is beneficial, as it has students looking back in the text for information and providing evidence of where they find their answers.  This is a skill that is valuable when taking the EOGs in the upper grades.

  31. Dismissal • No early dismissal after 3:30 • Send a note if you are early dismissal • Copy the office on transportation emails

  32. Questions Time

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