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Project Highlights ABET Presentation (March) ASEE Presentation and Meeting (June) Turbulence and Role Clarity (June) EPICS Conference (July) More Role Clarity (Ongoing) Paradigm Shift (July) Bi -Weekly Project Meetings (June-present) CCLI Summer Meeting (August)
Project Highlights ABET Presentation (March) ASEE Presentation and Meeting (June) Turbulence and Role Clarity (June) EPICS Conference (July) More Role Clarity (Ongoing) Paradigm Shift (July) Bi-Weekly Project Meetings (June-present) CCLI Summer Meeting (August) Publication of CDTL Framework (Oct) ASEE/FIE props (January 2010) New Team Member (January 2010) CCLI Winter Meeting (January 2010) NSF-CCLI Grant: CDTL-Ethics AssessmentMarch 2009-Jan 2010Purdue Site Review
Overview - Ethics • Assessment Instrument • Learning Objectives • Ethics Lecture • Reflection Analysis • New and Changed goals
1. Updated assessment instrument • Question #7 concerns Purdue Sub Goal 08-09 #7: Develop and evaluate a rubric for assessing ethical awareness and decision-making, which is related to NSF Goal #1. • Has the rubric been field-tested? Has it been used in EPICS? When? • Yes, two pilots have been conducted, fall 2009, w/revisions after each • If so, has the rubric been posted on the project website? • Yes • If so, what is the title of the document? • Moral Decision Making Assessment Instrument (DRAFT)_iGroups.docx • How will this rubric be used as one of the entries for the Assessment database? • This will be a core assessment instrument, adaptable by any university • What issues or concerns are related to getting this document ready for inclusion in the Assessment database? • Identifying its core features that cannot be changed. • Identifying the parts that can be adapted, and how that might work • What documentation do you have (or plan to produce) that provides evidence of the validity and reliability of this rubric? • Analysis of results from two pilots • Wider piloting and interviewing?
2. Updated Learning Objectives • Question #1 concerns Purdue Subgoal 08-09 #1: Finalize learning objectives and skills related to ethical decision-making, which is related to NSF Goals #1 & #2, and which was reportedly completed February 16, 2009. • Are these learning objectives and skills posted on the project website? • Yes • If so, what is the title of the document? • EPICS Learning Objectives - Ethical Awareness and Ethical Decision Making.doc • How will this document be used as one of the entries for the database of Best Practices and/or Assessment? • This represents the types of learning objectives similar programs could adopt. • Specific objectives could be tailored to each program • What issues or concerns are related to getting this document ready for inclusion in the database of Best Practices and/or Assessment? • Core components must be identified • Instructions for use must be created in order to preserve the integrity of the document • What documentation do you have (or plan to produce) that provides evidence of the validity and reliability of these objectives and skills as a basis for learning ethical decision-making? • Tested feasibility during fall semester • Found time constraints and certain irrelevancies • Ultimately will test student’s knowledge of these objectives through assessment instrument
3. Ethics lecture • Question #3 concerns Purdue Sub Goal 08-09 #3: Develop an ethics curriculum which integrates instruction and assessment, which is related to NSF Goal #1 and #2, and which was to have been completed by Spring, 2009. • Has this curriculum been finalized? • Lecture style, approach, and message have been finalized • If so, is the curriculum posted on the project website? • Yes • If so, what is the title of the document? • Ethics_Lecture.pptx • How will this document be used as one of the entries for the database of Best Practices and/or Assessment? • This is a lecture that can be used directly or adapted by other programs • What issues or concerns are related to getting this document ready for inclusion in the database of Best Practices and/or Assessment? • Core components must be identified in order to preserve the integrity of the document • Needs script if others will use • What documentation do you have (or plan to produce) that provides evidence of the effectiveness of this curriculum? • Feedback from students • Built on authentic EPICS example, Covers learning objectives
4. Reflection analysis Question #4 concerns Purdue Sub Goal 08-09 #4: Evaluating responses from reflection given at end of Fall 2008 semester, which is related to NSF Goal #1, and which was to have been complete by Spring, 2009. • Are the reflections being used to evaluate ethical decision-making? And/or team learning? Yes • Have the responses been evaluated? Yes • If so, are the results posted on the project website? Yes • If so, has the finalized rubric used for the evaluation been posted on the project website? Yes • If so, what is the title of each document? • Final Reflections - An Analysis.docx • How will this documentation of the evaluation and rubric be used as one of the entries for the Assessment database? • Other programs can use this or a similar rubric to analyze self-assessments or reflections • What issues or concerns are related to getting this document ready for inclusion in the Assessment database? • Instructions for use should be created • What documentation do you have (or plan to produce) that provides evidence of the validity and reliability of the rubric? • ??
5. New Goals • Question #9 concerns the emergence of any new goals, or alterations of the existing goals that were identified during the first year of work. • Have any new sub goals been identified for the Purdue site work? • Identified the need to isolate the core features of each document we intend to use in the database. • We need instructions for use and for adaptation • Have any of the existing 8 sub goals been modified for the Purdue site work? • We have changed (Delayed) the timeline for the development of the instructional case