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Protists Chapter 19 page 503

Protists Chapter 19 page 503. Be aware of how they obtain food, reproduce, they are eukaryotic and examples. 5 Kingdom System (Bacteria  Monerans; 6 Kindgom SystemArchaebacteria and Eubacteria). 3 Characteristics. 1- Eukaryotic 2-Most unicellular (some multicellular)

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Protists Chapter 19 page 503

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  1. ProtistsChapter 19 page 503 Be aware of how they obtain food, reproduce, they are eukaryotic and examples.

  2. 5 Kingdom System(Bacteria Monerans; 6 Kindgom SystemArchaebacteria and Eubacteria)

  3. 3 Characteristics 1-Eukaryotic 2-Most unicellular (some multicellular) 3- Heterotrophic, autotrophic, and some act as decomposers

  4. Plant-Like Protists • CELL: Uni/multicellular • FOOD: Autotrophic • REPRO: Asexual reproduction-no fusion of gametes offspring identical to parent • MOVE: flagella or cilia

  5. A-Euglenas • Unicellular • Autotrophic • Asexual • Move with flagellum (in water) • Contain chloroplasts and have an eye-spot

  6. Euglena

  7. B-Golden algae/Diatoms • Unicellular; cell wall • Store food as oil • Asexual • Move with water movement • When dead shells used for: glass, road paint reflection and toothpaste

  8. Diatoms

  9. C-Dinoflagellates • Multicellular • Autotrophic • Asexual repro • Flagellum for movement • Can glow in the dark, food source, “redtide”

  10. Dinoflagellates

  11. Dinoflagellates May cause Red Tide Toxic for both fish and people. Notice the shell coverings

  12. Green Algae Continued Volvox Spirogyra

  13. Green Algae

  14. Other plant-like protists: Brown Algae Food source for people-kelp.

  15. Red Algae


  17. 2-Animal-Like Protists • CELL: Unicellular • FOOD: Heterotrophs • REPRO: Asexually reproduce • MOVE: Classificed by movementMove with cilia or flagella

  18. A-Ciliates • Cilia • Oral grooves to take in food • Reproduce: fission

  19. Ciliates • Paramecium (caudatum)

  20. B-Flagellates • Use flagellium • What cell part will supply the energy for the flagellum?

  21. Flagellates • Trypanosoma (causes African Sleeping Sickness) • Carried by the tse tse fly

  22. C-Amoeboids • Also called: sarcodines • Have pseudopods- “false-feet” to capture food (endocytosis)

  23. Amoebas • Moves with pseudopodia/false feet

  24. Amoebas & Their Relatives: Foraminiferans

  25. Amoebas & Their Relatives:Radiolarians

  26. D-Sporozoa • All parasites feed on blood • Move only by insects or animals

  27. Sporozoans • They cannot move on their own • Plasmodium (vivax) is carried by mosquitoes


  29. 3-Plankton/Fungus-like Protists • CELL: Multicellular • FOOD: Autotrophic “grass” of the sea food! • MOVE: Most are not mobile (except by current) • Produce lots of O2

  30. Fungus-Like Protists • Slime Molds

  31. Fungus-Like Protists Continued • Water Molds & Downy Mildews

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