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Purchasing iTunes Apps

Purchasing iTunes Apps. David Woessner May 10th, 2011. iTunes Changes the Game. Apps belong to the account, not the device. iTunes Messes Up Our Processes. You can only buy apps using the iTunes Apps Store

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Purchasing iTunes Apps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PurchasingiTunes Apps David Woessner May 10th, 2011

  2. iTunes Changes the Game • Apps belong to the account, not the device

  3. iTunes Messes Up Our Processes • You can only buy apps using the iTunes Apps Store • App Store requires a credit card, but schools are not allowed to purchase software using a credit card • App Store charges sales tax. Recovering the sales tax is burdensome

  4. iTunes Has a Partial Solution • Volume Purchasing Program • Schools use one account to buy all apps • That account is loaded with a credit using a special gift card • Volume Purchasing account buys app and then passes a redemption code to any other iTunes account

  5. iTunes – What You Need To Do • Have principal request iTunes Volume Purchasing account

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