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Focus Questions. What is the political machine? How is it organized? What are kickbacks? How do they work?. The Progressive Movement. Four Major Goals of Progressives. Reformers address problems that lead to social issues of the 1890s
Focus Questions • What is the political machine? How is it organized? • What are kickbacks? How do they work?
Four Major Goals of Progressives • Reformers address problems that lead to social issues of the 1890s • Sought to return control and power to the American people by: • protecting social welfare • promoting moral improvement • creating economic reform • fostering efficiency
Prohibition • ________-banning of alcoholic beverages • members entered saloons urging storekeepers to stop selling alcohol • caused conflicts with immigrants who relied on saloons as community centers • Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)- founded in Chicago, became involved in education, sought women’s suffrage
Partly brought by Panic of 1893 Laissez-faire theory- called for government to leave the economy alone, this began to be criticized by some ___- criticize corrupt businesses such as Standard Oil Company Scientific management- increase efficiency in the workforce by applying scientific principles Economic Reform
Government Reform • a.________-replace city councils often following botched city council jobs (ie. Galveston Hurricane) • b. Robert M. La Follette-governor of Wisconsin, led reform movement regulating big business, taxed railroad, set up commission to oversee railroad industry
Labor Reforms • Child Labor Increasing • National Child Labor Committee-sent teams of investigators to gather evidence on child labor • 1910-1920-child labor nearly cut in half • work hours are legally restricted workday to 10 hours for men and sometimes less for women
Election Reform • ______-a citizen petition to create a bill, originated with people rather than lawmakers • referendum-gave voters right to pass or deny law initiative • recall-allowed voters to remove public officials by forcing them to face another election • _______-1913, senators are now elected directly by the public rather than state legislatures, this took power from party bosses
Sources • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAWkelley.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Carry_Nation,_1910.JPG/478px-Carry_Nation,_1910.JPG
Focus Questions • Listen to the music playing and answer the following questions. • What is the song about? • Name one person that seems to fit the description mentioned in the song that we have discussed in class. Hint: “Mother” • Who does the song portray as the bad guy? Good guy?
Roosevelt Administration That’s Right! It’s Go Time!
Women in the Workplace • immigrant women often took domestic positions • by 1890-women high school graduates outnumbered men • Mostly educated white women fill white collar jobs
Women’s Suffrage and Roosevelt’s Reforms • Susan B. Anthony-primary supporter • National American Women Suffrage Association • Three Part Strategy • sought support from state legislatures • pursued court cases that tested the Fourteenth Amendment • pushed for national constitutional amendment
The Square Deal • -used to describe progressive reforms of the Teddy Roosevelt administration and his goal of working with American people • _______-assigned federal commissions to mediate between workers and company owners
Trustbusting • 1900-trusts controlled about four-fifths of industries • Roosevelt’s Opinion-big business necessary but trusts sometimes acted against American interests • Used Sherman Anti-Trust Act to sue trusts
Health Reform • ______=- wrote The Jungle, muckraker showed unsafe working conditions and unsafe food preparation in meat industry • Roosevelt appointed commission to review these findings • Meat Inspection Act (1906)-dictated strict cleanliness requirements • ________- ended sale of contaminated foods/ medicine, true labeling required
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Questions • SMART each document. • Name three different safety features that we have here at Blythewood High. • Name three safety problems that occurred during the fire. • What is the perspective of the newspaper? • Who is held responsible? How? • Do you believe that they should be held responsible.
Sources • http://www.coinfacts.com/silver_dollars/1980s_sba_dollar_obv.jpg • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl • http://images.google.com/images?q=square&um=1&hl=en&rls=HPID,HPID:2006-40,HPID:en&start=18&sa=N&ndsp=18 • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl • http://college.hmco.com/history/us/resources/students/primary/meat.htm
Time to Get Focused • What type of Progressive policies were used by President Roosevelt? How did he keep it real?
The End of Roosevelt’s Administration When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong
Conservation Reform • In past, government had done little to preserve natural resources • _______-conservationist persuaded Roosevelt to set aside 148 million acres of forest reserves • Eventually established 50 wildlife refuges during presidency
Civil Rights • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)-1914- had about 6,000 members, sought civil rights • Progressive Movement more interested in white worker rights
calls for immediate claiming of civil rights established NAACP in 1909 upset at Progressive Movement’s indifference to Black Americans W.E.B. DuBois
Taft Becomes President • William Howard Taft-served as Secretary of War under Roosevelt, hand selected to run for presidency by Roosevelt, more cautious progressive ideas • busted 90 trusts in 4 years • ________-attempted to lower tariffs or taxes on exported and imported goods, lost support with American farmers
1912- Roosevelt runs for third term against Taft Roosevelt’s supporters break away and form the Progressive Party Bull Moose Party
The Progressive Party • _______-direct election of senators, • adoption of all states of initiative, referendum, and recall • women’s suffrage • minimum wage for women • federal law against child labor • federal trade commission to regulate commerce
_____-reform minded governor of New Jersey Democratic Party Platform-small business and free-market competition, against all monopolies Wins in part due to republican party dividing against itself Democrats Win
Sources • http://www.americaslibrary.gov/assets/aa/dubois/aa_dubois_subj_e.jpg • http://hillyer.org/historyexhibit/Taftphoto.jpg