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Social learning: all talk and no action?

Social learning: all talk and no action?. Stephanie Dedhar stephanie@saffroninteractive.com Jennifer Wrigley jennifer@saffroninteractive.com. Social learning through the ages. Social learning 100 years ago.

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Social learning: all talk and no action?

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  1. Social learning: all talk and no action? Stephanie Dedhar stephanie@saffroninteractive.com Jennifer Wrigley jennifer@saffroninteractive.com

  2. Social learning through the ages Social learning 100 years ago > Ask for help from friends, family or colleagues sat near you at work> Attend lectures and classes > Share opinions and tips by sending letters to newspapers and journals Social learning in the modern day > Post a question on a forum and have it answered by someone 12,000 miles away> Attend virtual classrooms and listen to webinars online> Share opinionsand tips by contributing to wikis and posting on blogs and forums

  3. Three key challenges Technology issues Legal issues and monitoring Manager and user resistance

  4. Case study 1: Handling customer complaints The situation The requirements > Large multinational telecoms company> Customer service is key differentiator > 1,500 employees need to be trained in handling customer complaints > Motivate staff to deal with complaints efficiently> Develop soft skills to handle customers sensitively > Provide knowledge of processes and procedures that must be followed 4

  5. Case study 1: Handling customer complaints The situation The requirements > Large multinational telecoms company> Customer service is key differentiator > 1,500 employees need to be trained in handling customer complaints > Motivate staff to deal with complaints efficiently> Develop soft skills to handle customers sensitively > Provide knowledge of processes and procedures that must be followed 5

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  7. Case study 2: Language learning The situation Requirements and constraints > Manufacturer of defence equipment has agreed partnership with French firm> Wants to encourage a friendly and close relationship > Three month French language skills campaign > 100 engineers with school French to achieve basic level of written and spoken ability > Some training time available each week but no intensive face to face courses are feasible 7

  8. Case study 2: Language learning The situation Requirements and constraints > Manufacturer of defence equipment has agreed partnership with French firm> Wants to encourage a friendly and close relationship > Three month French language skills campaign > 100 engineers with school French to achieve basic level of written and spoken ability > Some training time available each week but no intensive face to face courses are feasible 8

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  10. Case study 3: Compliance training The situation The constraints > Utilities company needs to prove ongoing health and safety compliance of workforce > Externally regulated – non compliance risks reputational damage and fines > Large mobile workforce which rarely visits offices> Classroom training is not practical given geographic spread of workforce 10

  11. Case study 3: Compliance training The situation The constraints > Utilities company needs to prove ongoing health and safety compliance of workforce > Externally regulated – non compliance risks reputational damage and fines > Large mobile workforce which rarely visits offices> Classroom training is not practical given geographic spread of workforce 11

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  13. Key benefits of social learning Cost savings Practicality Motivation

  14. Top tips for social learning Start small – use what you’ve got Communicate the business benefits Use it as part of a blend

  15. Thank you! Come and visit us at Stand 18 Stephanie Dedhar stephanie@saffroninteractive.com Jennifer Wrigley jennifer@saffroninteractive.com You can find this presentation on our website: www.saffroninteractive.com

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