Stereotype=generalisatie “A stereotype is a generalization about a group of people in which incidental characteristics are assigned to virtually all members of the group, regardless of actual variation among the members. Once formed, stereotypes are resistant to change on the basis of new information.” (Aronson e.a. Social psychology Upper Saddle River, NJ 2005: 434) In Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007 : 429 M-C Kok Escalle
Stereotype = vertaling van de dominante ideologie Mentale, historische constructies Gemeenplaatsen Banaals [door andere gedeeld, gehoord, gezegd, gedacht] Vanzelfsprekend Aan de dominante ideologie ondergeschikte M-C Kok Escalle
“Les unités préfabriquées à travers lesquelles se révèle le discours de l’Autre. Le déja-dit est la marque de la banalité; il est aussi celle de la soumission à l’idéologie dominante […] Le stéréotype apparait comme l’un des éléments du déjà dit et du déjà pensé au travers desquels s’impose l’idéologie sous le masque de l’évidence.” (Amossy Les idées reçues:sémiologie du stéréotype 1991: 30 Paris) In Beller, M. & J. Leerssen. Imagology 2007:429 M-C Kok Escalle
Stereotype = link naar de realiteit Interdependence between stereotypy & reality The amount of truth such as it is (over-generalizing factual traits) The function of orientation (schematizing & reducing complexity) The effect of reality production (possible identification patterns leading to new real-world relations Baussinger ‘Name & stereotyp’ …1998:13 In Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 430 M-C Kok Escalle
Stereotype als object en discours “Stereotypes can be used, not only as a topic to be analysed [sic], but also as a lens in which to focus other topics” M. Beller, In Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 432 M-C Kok Escalle
Stereotype # vooroordelen Historians & the study of national stereotypes Presupposition that stereotypes are subjective, emotionally influenced & generalized value judgements … conflates stereotype & prejudice M. Beller, in Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 431 M-C Kok Escalle
Stereotype # cliché Clichés “Are merely reductions of a formulaic expression” # “Stereotypes which also contain valorizing moral & metaphysical aspects” M. Beller, In Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 297 M-C Kok Escalle
Cliché = gemakzucht “Clichés never describe reality but are mere forms of rhetorical argument” (Brückner, Stereotype… 1988: 123) “Clichés as a form of mental or discursive slackness” In Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 297 M-C Kok Escalle
Cliché stereotype vooroordelen verbeelding Structured succession? (Mütter, ‘Stereotypen…’ 2002:169) A set of clichés forms a stereotype A set of stereotypes constitutes a prejudice A set of prejudices constitutes an image (of enemies of friends) In Beller, M. & J. & Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 432 M-C Kok Escalle
Stereotype = onderwerp voor sociolinguist, socioliterair, imagologist Redder (Stereotyp … 1995: 318) “concludes that the specificity of stereotype must rest on a social rather than on a linguistic foundation, and theories of stereotype are therefore a matter for sociologists rather than linguists.” M. Beller In Beller, M. & J. Leerssen. Imagology 2007: 432 M-C Kok Escalle