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State of Ohio Disaster Housing Strategy

Learn about Ohio's Disaster Housing Strategy developed post-Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, in compliance with FEMA's National Disaster Housing Strategy. Discover key partners, roles, and implementation guidelines.

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State of Ohio Disaster Housing Strategy

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  1. State of Ohio Disaster Housing Strategy

  2. OHIO EMA Disaster Recovery Branch Individual Assistance Staff Brigitte Bouska (614) 799-3671, bbouska Libby Wiegel (614) 889-7177, lwiegel Branch Chief Greg Keller (614) 799-3669, gkeller Note: All emails end with @dps.state.oh.us

  3. Introduction 2005 Hurricanes Katrina/Rita • The need to improve disaster housing became evident. 2006 Post-Katrina Emergency Reform Act (PKEMRA) • Requires the set-up of a National Disaster Housing Taskforce 2009 FEMA’s development of the National Disaster Housing Strategy (NDHS)

  4. Introduction (continued) National Disaster Housing Strategy • Clarifies roles & responsibilities for each level of gov’t. • Emphasizes a need to coordinate and utilize all resources available through partnership and collaborative efforts of all stakeholders to provide short- and long-term housing options. • Encourages states to establish a State-Led Housing Task Force. • States to develop their own strategy or plan to address catastrophic disaster housing needs.

  5. Introduction (continued) • October 2009 Ohio Disaster Housing Task Force convened for the first time. • September 2010 Completion of the State of Ohio Disaster Housing Strategy

  6. State Disaster Housing Strategy I. Introduction II. Disaster Housing Partners III. Considerations IV. Roles and Capabilities (of housing partners) V. Roles for County Governments VI. Roles for Local Governments VII. Concept of Operations Quick Reference Acronyms

  7. Ohio’s Disaster Housing Partners State partners: • Ohio Emergency Management Agency (co-chair) • Ohio Housing Finance Agency (co-chair) • OH Dept of Aging • OH Dept of Development • OH Dept of Health • OH Dept of Mental Health • OH Dept of Natural Resources • OH Environmental Protection Agency

  8. Ohio’s Disaster Housing Partners Federal partners: • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) • US Dept of Agriculture (Rural Development) • US Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Non-governmental organizations: • American Red Cross (ARC) • Ohio Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) County representation: • Emergency Management Association of Ohio (EMAO)

  9. Intent of the Strategy • To address catastrophic disaster housing following a presidential declaration that includes Individual Assistance programs. • Not every event will require the convening of the Task Force. • The event must be a major incident that requires a significant housing effort.

  10. Activation of the Task Force • When housing needs > housing resources

  11. Implementation of the Strategy Implementation of the Strategy will require coordination with all levels of government, agencies and non-governmental organizations.

  12. Roles for County Government 1. County governments are responsible for coordinating local jurisdictions and providing technical assistance to same. 2. County governments may play a key role in issuing building permits for substantially damaged structures and the construction of community sites.

  13. Roles for Local Governments • Local governments /jurisdictions will play an active role in their own recovery. • Local Governments/jurisdictions have a key role in assessing local housing needs versus available rental resources. This should be done in coordination with the State Disaster Housing Task Force and FEMA. • Local needs must be determined in coordination with local communities/residents/businesses in the affected areas.   • Local officials are responsible for identifying available and suitable land, as well as obtaining permits for community sites. They are also responsible for ensuring the availability of local services for residents throughout their stays in disaster housing.

  14. “Three Tiered” Assistance Delivery Approach • Existing rental resources: Quick Reference Guide • Direct housing mission: • involves FEMA bringing in temporary “outside” housing resources (i.e manufactured home park, etc.) • By mutual decision with state and local government • Relocation: In some instances a disaster may be catastrophic to a point where no housing resources are available. Disaster survivors may need to relocate as no other options exist.

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