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HOLISTIC NEEDS ASSESSMENT. Jan Chalkley Macmillan Cancer & Palliative Care Lead Nurse. BACKGROUND. Cancer Plan Cancer Reform Strategy Improving Outcomes Guidance NICE Supportive and Palliative Care Guidance. WHO SHOULD BE ASSESSED.

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  1. HOLISTIC NEEDS ASSESSMENT Jan Chalkley Macmillan Cancer & Palliative Care Lead Nurse

  2. BACKGROUND • Cancer Plan • Cancer Reform Strategy • Improving Outcomes Guidance • NICE Supportive and Palliative Care Guidance

  3. WHO SHOULD BE ASSESSED • All patients, with a cancer diagnosis receiving care in any setting, should be offered a Holistic Needs Assessment

  4. WHEN KEY POINTS OF THE PATIENT JOURNEY: • Around the time of diagnosis • Start of treatment • Completion of treatment • Disease recurrence • At the point of incurability • End of life • At any other time that patient or health care professional may judge appropriate

  5. WHO • A clinical professional with an appropriate level of knowledge of cancer, symptoms, treatment, and likely prognosis • The assessor should have reached an agreed level of competence in key aspects of the assessment process

  6. WHAT FIVE DOMAINS • Background information and assessment preferences • Physical needs • Social and occupational needs • Psychological wellbeing • Spiritual wellbeing

  7. HOW: Pepsi Cola Aide Memoir

  8. HOW Aide Memoir cont/.

  9. HOW: Pepsi Cola Tool

  10. RECORDING INFORMATION EACH ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE RECORDED AND SHOULD CAPTURE: • All identified needs • Relevant discussion • Overall conclusions as agreed with the patient • A summary record of the principal findings and actions agreed with the patient

  11. SHARING • Copy should be offered to patient • Copy to Keyworker • Copy to any other relevant health care professional, as appropriate The record of assessment should support sharing both within and across teams and the different agencies involved in the care of the patient.

  12. PATHWAY:

  13. PATHWAY:Breast Cancer

  14. DISCUSSION • What do you do now? • Is it adequate? • What are your thoughts on Holistic Needs Assessments?

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