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Finding Vaughan’s PMO Groove

Finding Vaughan’s PMO Groove. May 5, 2009. Agenda. 1. Introduction. 2. Background. 3. Project Management Phases. 4. Business Change Management. 5. Next Steps. 6. Summary. Background. Background - Continued. Organization’s shift from “Town” to “City”

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Finding Vaughan’s PMO Groove

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Finding Vaughan’s PMO Groove May 5, 2009

  2. Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Project Management Phases 4. Business Change Management 5. Next Steps 6. Summary

  3. Background

  4. Background - Continued • Organization’s shift from “Town” to “City” • Focus on service excellence and business transformation • ITM leader in business transformation • Realized we weren’t doing projects “right” "AHA" Moment

  5. Background - Continued Step 1 - Start Up Step 2 - Working Sessions • In 2004 project team assembled • Objective to develop a project management methodology for ITM • Group comprised various levels of expertise and buy-in • Create project management processes, procedures and templates • Used PMBoK as a guide • Adapted to City of Vaughan culture

  6. What is a project? “Work that needs to be done to deliver a well-defined goal in a set time frame” • Goal can be a new product, service, event, enhancement to an existing solution, or even a new way of doing business


  8. Project Team Site

  9. Initiation Process INITIATION PROCESS CHARTER OUTPUT Core Team • Officially authorizes the project • Identifies key decision makers: Project Sponsor, Project Owner and Project Manager

  10. Project Charter Template

  11. Definition Process SCOPE DOCUMENT DEFINITION PROCESS OUTPUT • Reference document for team • Explains what the project “is” and what it “isn’t”

  12. Project Scope Template

  13. Project Scope Template – cont’d

  14. Project Scope Template – cont’d

  15. Planning Process • Planning identifies the “how”, “who” and “when” for each task • Each in-scope deliverable is broken down into specific activities, a work breakdown structure (WBS) • Plan can be tracked with milestones • Once plan approved it is baselined Project Plan (WBS) PLANNING PROCESS OUTPUT

  16. Planning Process

  17. Execution Process EXECUTION PROCESS DELIVERABLES OUTPUT • Kick-off meeting is held to ensure entire team understands the project’s objectives, their roles and key milestones • Focus for the project management team shifts to facilitation and control

  18. Closure Process • Project team members are interviewed and lessons learned compiled CLOSURE PROCESS CLOSURE REPORT OUTPUT

  19. Project Closure Report Project Closure Report

  20. Project Facilitation & Control Report Project Status Manage Change Requests Monitor Tasks Manage Issues QA Deliverables Project Life Cycle

  21. Change Request

  22. Reporting

  23. Business Change Management Strategy Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV • Process • Internal • to ITM • Engaged Departments • in Process • Road • Show • Requests • for PM • Service

  24. Next Steps a Are we doing projects right? Are we doing the right projects ? • Natural maturing process for any PMO • More formal business justification and prioritization • Formally document risk management plans

  25. Summary Project Management Methodology Accountability Transparency Repeatability

  26. Contact Information Lucy Pasianotto, Project Manager City of Vaughan 905-832-8585 ext. 8068 lucy.pasianotto@vaughan.ca

  27. Questions

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