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240-334 Computer System Design Lecture 2. Instruction Set Architecture. What’re the component of ISA?. Machine Instruction Set Instruction format Nature of the fetch through execute. wannarat:
240-334Computer System DesignLecture 2 Instruction Set Architecture 240-334 by Wannarat
What’re the component of ISA? • Machine Instruction Set • Instruction format • Nature of the fetch through execute wannarat: machine instruction set :make use of storage cells, formats, and result of fetch/execute , register transfer instruction format : size and meaning of field within instruction the nature of the fetch-execute cycle : things that are done before the operation code is known. 240-334 by Wannarat
Varies Programming Model 240-334 by Wannarat
What must an instruction specify? • Which Operation is perform? ADD r1,r2,r3 • Where to find the operands ADD r1,r2,r3 • Place to store the result ADD r1,r2,r3 • Location of next instruction 240-334 by Wannarat
wannarat: add A, B ; A = A + B add A B C; A = B + C Basic ISA Class • Accumulator (1 register) 1 address add A; acc <= acc + mem[A] 1 + x address addx A; acc <= acc + mem[A+x] • Stack : 0 address add tos <= tos + next • General Purpose Register 2 address add A, B 3 address add A, B, C 240-334 by Wannarat
Basic ISA Classes(con’t) • Load/Store load Ra, Rb Ra <= mem[Rb] Store Ra, Rb mem[Rb] <= Ra 240-334 by Wannarat
Compare number of instruction Code Sequence for C = A + B Stack Accumulator Register Register (reg. - mem) (load/store) Push A Load A Load R1,A Load R1,A Push B Add B Add R1,B Load R2,B Add Store C Store C, R1 Add R3,R1,R2 Pop C Store C,R3 240-334 by Wannarat
CPU Register Stack Register Arithmetic Register & Address Register 240-334 by Wannarat
wannarat: easier for compiler to use : (A*B) - (C*D) - (E*F) can do multiplies in any order vs. stack hold variables: memory traffic is reduced (program speed up), code density improves ( register named with fewer bits than memory location) General Purpose Register • 1975 - 1995 all machines use general purpose registers. • Advanced of Registers - faster than memory - easier for compiler to use - hold variables 240-334 by Wannarat
Summary Instruction Set Class • Data Movement Instructions - Load - Store • Arithmetic and Logic (ALU) Instruction - Add, Sub, Shift … • Branch Instructions - Br, Brz, … 240-334 by Wannarat
wannarat: Address of next instruction kept in Processor state register (PC) 3-Address Machine and ISA 240-334 by Wannarat
2-Address Machine ISA 240-334 by Wannarat
1-Address Machine and ISA 240-334 by Wannarat
wannarat: Push-down stack in CPU, Arithmetic uses stack for both operands and result, Computer must have 1-address instruction to push and pop operands to and from the stack 0-Address Machine and ISA 240-334 by Wannarat
Examples a = (b+c)*d - e 3-address 2-address 1-address stack add a,b,c load a,b load b push b mpy a,a,d add a,c add c push c sub a,a,e mpy a,d mpy d add sub a,e sub e push d store a mpy push e sub pop a 240-334 by Wannarat
Real Machine • Have mixture of 3, 2, 1 or 0 address instructions • if ALU instructions only use registers for operands and result, machine type is load-store • mix of register-memory and memory-memory 240-334 by Wannarat
Break 5 Minutes 240-334 by Wannarat
Addressing Mode 240-334 by Wannarat
Addressing Mode Addressing Mode Examples Meaning Register Add r4,r3 r4 <= r4 + r3 Immediate Add r4,#3 r4 <= r4 + 3 Displacement Add r4,100(r1) r4 <= r4 + mem[100+r1] indirect(r) Add r4,(r1) r4 <= r4 + mem[r1] index+base Add r3,(r1+r2) r3 <= r3 + mem[r1+r2] Direct Add r1,(1001) r1 <= r1 + mem[1001] indirect(m) Add r1,@(r3) r1 <= r1 + mem[mem[r3]] auto-incre Add r1,(r2)+ r1 <= r1+mem[r2];r2=r2+d auto-decre Add r1,-(r2) r2 <=r2-d,r1<=r1+mem[r2] scaledAdd r1,100(r2)[r3] r1 <=r1+mem[100+r2+r3*d] 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Registers • 31 x 32-bit GPR (R0 = 0) • 32 x 32-bit FP register • PC • lo hi-multiplier output register R0 R1 R31 PC lo hi 240-334 by Wannarat
Memory Addressing • Since 1980, Most machine uses address to level of 8-bits (byte) • How do byte address map onto words? • Can a word be placed on any byte boundary? 240-334 by Wannarat
Endianess and Alignment • Big Endian : 68k, SPARC, MIPS, HP PA • Little Endian : 80x86,DEC(Vax, Alpha) 240-334 by Wannarat
Generic of Instruction format width Variable : Fixed: Hybrid : ... 240-334 by Wannarat
Summary ISA • Variable length instructions, if code size is very important. • Fixed length instructions, if performance is most important. • Embedded Machine (ARM, MIPS) have optional mode to execute 16-bit wide. (decide performance or density) 240-334 by Wannarat
To be Continuous 240-334 by Wannarat
Part II : Lecture 2 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS ISA Target • Embedded System • used by NEC, Nintendo, Silicon Graphics, Sony 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS ISA 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Addressing Modes • All instructions have 32-bit wide. 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Arithmetic Instruction Instruction Example Meaning 1.add add $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 + $3 2.subtract sub $1,$2,$3 ------------------ 3.add imme addi $1,$2,100 ------------------ 4.add unsign addu $1,$2,$3 ------------------ 5. subu $1,$2,$3 ------------------ 6. addiu $1,$2,100 ----------------- 7.multiply mult $2,$3 Hi,Lo = $2x$3 8. multu $2,$3 ------------------ 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Arithmetic Instruction Instruction Example Meaning 9.divide div $2,$3 Lo=$2/$3, Hi=$2mod$3, 10. Divu $2,$3 11.mov mfhi $1 12. mflo $1 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Logical Instruction Instruction Example Meaning 13.AND and 14.OR or 15.XOR xor 16.NOR nor 17. andi 18. ori 19. xori 20.shift left logical sll $1,$2,10 21. Srl $1,$2,10 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Logical Instruction Instruction Example Meaning 22.shift right arithm sra $,$2,10 (sign extend) 23. sllv 24. srlv 25. srav 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS data transfer instructions 26. sw 500(r4),r3 Store word 27. sh 502(r4),r3 store half word 28. sb 41(r4,r3 store byte 29. lw r1,30(r2) load word 30. Lh r1,40(r2) load half word 31. Lb r1,40(r2) load byte 32 lui r1,40 load upper immediate (16 bits shifted left by 16) 240-334 by Wannarat
Testing Condition • Condition Code add r1,r2,r3 bz label • Condition Register cmp r1,r2,r3 bgt r1,label • Compare and Branch bgt r1,r2,label 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Compare and Branch • Compare and Branch BEQ rs,rt,offset BNE rs,rt,offset • compare to zero and Branch BLEZ rs, offset BGTZ rs, offset BLT < BGEZ >= BLTZAL if R[rs] < 0 then branch and link(to R31) BGEZAL >= 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Jump, Branch Compare 240-334 by Wannarat
Software conventions for Register 240-334 by Wannarat
Note for MIPS Instruction Set • R0 always = “0” (even if u try to write) • Branch/jump and link PC+4 ->R31 • Imme arith and logical are extended - logical imme op are zero extend to 32 bits - arith imme op are sign extend to 32 bits • data loaded by lb, lh extended - lbu, lhu are zero extended - lb, lh are sign extedned • Overflow occur in ADD, SUB, ADDI • Don’t occur in ADDU, SUBU, ADDIU, AND, OR, XOR, NOR, SHIFT, MULT, MULTU, DIV, DIVU 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS arithmetic • Instruction has 3 operands • Operand order is fixed Pascal Code : a := b + c; MIPS Code : add $s0, $s1, $s2 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Arithmetic Pascal Code : a := b + c + d; e := f - a; MIPS Code : add $t0, $s1, $s2 add $s0, $t0, $s3 sub $s4, $s5, $s0 240-334 by Wannarat
Register & Memory • Registers were used in Arithmetic Instructions - 32 registers 240-334 by Wannarat
1 8 bits of Data 2 8 bits of Data 3 8 bits of Data 4 8 bits of Data 5 8 bits of Data 6 8 bits of Data 7 8 bits of Data Memory Organization • Memory is an index into the array • Byte Addressing = points to a byte of memory 240-334 by Wannarat
0 32 bits of Data 4 32 bits of Data 8 32 bits of Data 12 32 bits of Data 16 32 bits of Data 20 32 bits of Data 24 32 bits of Data Memory Organization • For MIPS, a word is 32-bit or 4 bytes • 232 bytes with byte addresses from 0 to 232-1 • 230 words with byte address from 0, 4, 6, …,232-4 240-334 by Wannarat
MIPS Load/Store Instruction Code : A[8] = h + A[8]; A[8] ==> 8 x 4 = 32 (word alignment) MIPS Code : lw $t0, 32($s3); add $t0,$s2,$t0; sw $t0, 32($s3); Arithmetic Operand is Register, not Memory!! 240-334 by Wannarat
Example : • Swap (int v[], int k); { Int temp; temp = v[k]; swap: muli $2, $5, 4 v[k] = v[k+1]; add $2,$4,$2 v[k+1]=temp; lw $15, 0[$2] } lw $16, 4[$2] sw $16, 0[$2] sw $15, 4[$2] jr $31 240-334 by Wannarat
Meaning add $2, $4, $2 $2 = $4 + $2; lw $16, 0[$2] $16 = Memory[0 + $2] sw $15, 4[$2] Memory[4+$2] = $15 240-334 by Wannarat
Machine Language • Instructions, like register & words of data are 32 bits long. - add $t0, $s1, $s2 - register : $t0 = 9, $s1 = 17, $s2 = 18 • Instruction Format 240-334 by Wannarat
Machine Language • I-type for Data transfer instruction • Example : lw $t0, 32($s2) 240-334 by Wannarat
Control • Decision Making instructions • MIPS conditional branch instructions: - bne $t0, $t1, label - beq $t0, $t1, label • Example : if (i=j) h= i +j; bne $s0, $s1, Label add $s3, $s0, $s1 Label : ... 240-334 by Wannarat