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MULTISCALE SIMULATION OF FUNCTIONALIZATION OF SURFACES USING ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DISCHARGES * Ananth N. Bhoj a) and Mark J. Kushner b) a) Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 bhoj@uiuc.edu
MULTISCALE SIMULATION OF FUNCTIONALIZATION OF SURFACES USING ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DISCHARGES* Ananth N. Bhoja) and Mark J. Kushnerb) a)Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 bhoj@uiuc.edu b)Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 mjk@iastate.edu http://uigelz.ece.iastate.edu 32nd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 18th – 23rd June 2005, Monterey, CA. *Work supported by the NSF.
OUTLINE Functionalization of Surfaces using Plasmas Modeling Platform Pulsed Coronas in Humid Air, He/O2/H2O mixtures Uniformity of surface treatment O2 fraction Discharge Polarity Surface microstructure Concluding remarks Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ICOPS05_agenda
FUNCTIONALIZATION OF SURFACES USING PLASMAS Functionalization of surfaces occurs by their interaction with plasma species - ions, radicals, and photons. For hydrocarbon polymer: Surface groups created in an O2 containing plasma include Acids –C(OH)=O Carbonyl -C=O Alkoxy –C-O Peroxy –C-O-O Alcohols –C-OH Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_01
SURFACE MODIFICATION OF POLYMERS Pulsed atmospheric discharges (coronas) are widely used in industry to treat commodity polymers like polypropylene (PP). Tantec, Inc. Functionalization increases surface energy and enhances wettability and adhesion. Akishev, et al, Plasmas Polym., 7, 261 (2002). PE Film Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_02
Untreated PP Plasma Treated PP TREATMENT OF NON-PLANAR SURFACES • M. Strobel, 3M Roughness of surface to be treated may range from 100s nm to few µm. • SEM of polyester fabric (Borcia, et al, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol, 12, 235 (2003). Penetration of plasma species into surface features determines the extent and uniformity of functionalization. Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_03
SCHEMATIC OF THE 2-D MODELING PLATFORM • Unstructured mesh • Plasma hydro-dynamics (multi-fluid, Poisson’s equation) • Radiation transport • Integrated plasma-surface kinetics model Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_04
DBD TREATMENT OF PP SURFACE WITH MICROSTRUCTURE • Corona treating a polymer on the grounded electrode acts as a DBD. • Gas mixtures He/O2/H2O Humid air - N2/O2/H2O • How does uniformity of treatment vary over microscopic and macroscopic scales when repetitively pulsed? PRF – 10 kHz Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_05
PLASMA PROPERTIES IN He/O2/H2O MIXTURES Potential (V) Te (eV) [Positive Ions]cm- 3 [O] cm- 3 - 5000 – 0 0 – 7.5 1011– 10141011– 1014 - 5 kV, 760 Torr He/O2/H2O=98/1/1, 0 – 2.5 ns ANIMATION SLIDE Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics MINMAX ANANTH_ICOPS05_06
PLASMA PENETRATION INTO SURFACE FEATURES [e] cm- 3 1010– 1013 t = 2.5 ns t = 5 ns [O] cm- 3 1010– 1013 t = 5 ns t = 2.5 ns [Positive ions] cm- 3 1011– 1013 t = 2.5 ns t = 5 ns - 5 kV, 760 Torr, He/O2/H2O=98/1/1 Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics MINMAX ANANTH_ICOPS05_07
EFFECT OF O2 FRACTION ON [O] DENSITY He/O2/H2O = 98 / 1 / 1 He/O2/H2O = 89 / 10 / 1 t = 5 ns t = 3 ns At higher O2 fraction, the density of reactive [O] radicals at the surface increases during the pulse. He/O2/H2O = 69 / 30 / 1 [O] cm- 3 2x1011 2x1014 t = 3 ns (log scale) - 5 kV, 760 Torr Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_08
SURFACE REACTION MECHANISM FOR PP Gas phase radicals abstract H from the surface and produce radical sites on the PP surface. Further reactions lead to formation of functional groups like peroxy, alkoxy, alcohols and other groups1. 1R. Dorai and M.J.Kushner, J. Phys. D 36, 666 (2003). Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_09
DENSITY OF SURFACE RADICALS • ALKYL (PP ) are formed by O + PP PP + OH • Nonuniformities result from both fluxes and shadowing. • ALKOXY (PP-O) O3 + PP PP-O O + PP PP-O take longer to form but eventually dominate. Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics - 5 kV, 760 Torr, 10 kHz, He/O2/H2O=98/1/1 ANANTH_ICOPS05_10
DENSITY OF -OH FUNCTIONAL GROUPS • Non-uniformities occur on the macroscopic and microscopic (< 1 µm) length scales; and are site dependent - 5 kV, 760 Torr, He/O2/H2O=98/1/1, 10 kHz Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_11
TEMPORAL VARIATION OF FLUXES WITH O2 FRACTION IP START IP END • Larger fraction of reactive [O] is lost in the interpulse period at higher O2 fraction by three-body recombination and ozone formation. • Optimum composition is at O2 = 10% with significant [O] flux maintained through the long interpulse period. • At position along surface: 0.05 cm, He/O2/H2O=99-x/x/1 • IP - interpulse period (duration – 100 ms at 10 kHz) Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_13
SPATIAL VARIATION OF FLUXES WITH O2 FRACTION [O2]=10% [O2]=75% • As O2 fraction increases, there is greater non-uniformity in fluxes of [O] and O3 at the surface. • At end of IP, He/O2/H2O=99-x/x/1 • IP - interpulse period (duration – 100 ms at 10 kHz) Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_13
EFFECT OF O2 FRACTION ON TREATMENT • Macroscopic non-uniformities in –OH and –OO ultimately arise from significant spatial variation of O, O3 and OH fluxes. • Microscopic scale non-uniformities arise due to transport limitations of reactive [O] at higher O2 fractions. - 5 kV, 760 Torr, He/O2/H2O=99-x/x/1, 10 kHz, 1 s Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_14
HUMID AIR - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE POLARITY - 15 kV, 2.5 ns +15 kV, 10 ns [O] [e] [e] 1011 - 1014 - 15 kV, 2.5 ns 1010 - 1013 +15 kV, 10 ns • Positive discharge spreads more uniformly on surface. • Surface recombination of O+ enhances [O] at surface. 1011 - 1014 5x1011 - 5x1014 760 Torr, N2/O2/H2O=79/20/1 cm- 3 Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics MAX MIN log scale ANANTH_ICOPS05_15
EFFECT OF POLARITY ON TREATMENT • Pulsed positive polarity operation gives higher uniformity of functionalization due to more uniform formation of [O] and O3 near the surface. 760 Torr, N2/O2/H2O=79/20/1, 10 kHz, 0.15 s Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_16
IONS AND PHOTONS IN SURFACE CHEMISTRY • UV photons from the plasma can cleave surface bonds. • Ions striking the surface transfer energy and can activate sites. • Postulate creation of intermediate active sites. • Active sites may crosslink in addition to standard reaction pathways. Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_17
NON-UNIFORMITY DUE TO ‘SHADOWING’ [CROSSLINKS] • Line-of-sight photon transport fails to reach deep inside surface features. • Crosslinking is relatively higher on surface features exposed to the avalanche where ion and photon fluxes are higher. - 5 kV, 760 Torr, He/O2/H2O=98/1/1, 10 kHz, 0.2 s Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_18
CONCLUDING REMARKS Multiscale modeling using unstructured meshes was applied to study DBD corona treatment of PP surface with microstructure. Non-uniformity in functionalization occurs on the macroscopic (few mm) and microscopic ( < 1 µm) scales. In He/O2/H2O mixtures, the O2 fraction can be used to optimize uniformity of treatment. In humid air, pulsed positive polarity discharges produce more uniform functionalization. ‘Shadowing’ by surface microstructure results in non-uniform crosslinking with a mechanism using photon and ion fluxes. Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ANANTH_ICOPS05_19