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INTERNAL EMPLOYEE RELATIONS. HRM-Meily Margaretha. Internal Employees Relations. Human resource activities associated with movement of employees within firm after they become organizational members. Internal Employees Relations Activities. Promotion Transfer Demotion Resignation Discharge
Internal Employees Relations Human resource activities associated with movement of employees within firm after they become organizational members
Internal Employees Relations Activities • Promotion • Transfer • Demotion • Resignation • Discharge • Layoff • Retirement • Discipline • Disciplinary action
All employees have rights that are based on laws, company employment policies, and traditions. These rights lead to expectation on how managers should treat workers
The Managerial Perspective • Managers who respect employees’ rights will get: • Employee with high level of moral • Employee job satisfaction
Contoh Kasus • Disebuah restauran, seorang pelayan wanita diminta untuk mengenakan pakaian seragam yang ketat serta pendek. Bagaimana manajer dapat memaksa pakaian seragam ini kepada seorang pelayan wanita yang ingin memakai seragam yang lebih sederhana? • Melarang karyawan merokok diluar jam kerja???
Di Wal-Mart, kepala toko memecat karyawan pria dan wanita yang ketahuan berkencan atau berpacaran. Mereka tahu bahwa mereka melanggar hukum jika ketahuan berpacaran dan salah satu pihak telah menikah. Karyawan wanita tersebut telah menikah, tetapi ia juga telah berpisah dari pasangannya. Wal-mart dituntut ratusan juta dollar oleh karyawan yang telah dipecat tersebut karena telah melanggar hak karyawan.
Employee Rights Definition Right: The ability to engage in conduct that is protected by law or social sanction, free from the interference by another party
Three Categories of Employee Rights: • Statutory rights • Contractual rights • Other rights
1. Statutory Rights = A right protected by specific laws enacted by government: • Protection from discrimination • Safe working conditions • Rights to form unions
2. Contractual Rights = A right based on the law of contracts • Employment contract • Union contract • Implied contracts/employment policies
3. Other Rights • Right to ethical treatment • Limited right to privacy • Limited right to free speech
Right to ethical treatment • Employees expect to be treated fairly and ethically = psychological contract/employment at will • Managers and supervisor can influence their companies’ climate fairness and ethical behavior, they should: • Take action develop trust • Act consistently • Be truthful and avoid white lies • Demonstrate integrity, respect
Management Rights = the rights of the employer to run the business and to retain any profits that result, include; • The right to manage the workforce • The rights to hire, promote, assign, discipline, and discharge employees
Employee Rights Challenges • Random drug testing • Electronic monitoring
Disciplining Employees • Employee discipline is a tool that managers rely on to communicate to employees that they need to change a behavior
Form of discipline • Progressive discipline • Positive discipline
Progressive Discipline = A series of management interventions that gives employees opportunities to correct undesirable behaviors before being discharged
A Four-Step Progressive Discipline • Verbal warning • Written warning • Suspension • Discharge
Example of a Written Warning Date: August 1, 2007 To: Judy Bandy From: Wayne Sanders Subject: Written Warning We are quite concerned because today you were thirty minutes late to work and offered no justification for this. According to our records, a similar offense occurred on July 25, 2007. At that time, you were informed that failure to report to work on time is unacceptable. I am, therefore, notifying you in writing that you must report to work on time. Please sign this form to indicate that you have read and understand this warning. Signing is not an indication of agreement. Name Date
Positive Discipline = A discipline procedure that encourages employees to monitor their own behaviors and assume responsibility for their actions
Positive Discipline Procedure: • Counseling session between employee and supervisor verbal solution • If the solution does not work, they meet again to discuss why it failed and develop a new plan solution is written down • If there is no improvement, the third step is a final warning that the employee is at risk of being discharged give time the employee to evaluate his/her situation and come up with new solution • Discharged
Administering and Managing Discipline • Basic standards of discipline • Communication of rules and performance criteria • Documentation of the facts • Consistent response to rule
Preventing the Need for Discipline with Human Resource Management • Recruitment and selection • Training and development • Human resource planning • Performance appraisal • Compensation
Menangani Karyawan Nakal(HC Magazines, April 2008) • Bagaimana orang HR menangani bila ada karyawannya yang ‘nakal’?.
Misalnya ambil contoh kasus, seorang karyawan dengan sengaja tiap hari datang terlambat ke kantor. Dan tak tanggung-tanggung, sekitar 90 menit ketelatannya. Katanya, ia yakin dari kebiasaannya itu, gajinya tak akan dipotong karena perusahaan menganut “all-in”, dimana hanya ada gaji pokok. Nah, perilaku ini yang dikhawatirkan orang HR akan menular kepada para rekannya, yang juga berakibat menggangu produktivitas.
Sementara contoh lainnya, seorang manager HR dibuat pusing lantaran di kantornya, ia menemukan vidoe tidak senonoh dari seorang karyawati dengan lawan jenis. Kata manager HR itu dalam milis, si karyawati berdalih bahwa hal ini dia (pelaku) lakukan di luar kantor dan diluar jam kerja serta dilakukan atas dasar suka sama suka, sehingga dia keberatan kalo dijatuhi sanksi karena menurut pelaku hal ini tidak ada hubungan dengan pekerjaan. Kalupun sampai ketahuan menurut pelaku hal ini dianggap sebagai resikonya sendiri.
Tiga tipe karyawan bermasalah? • Mereka yang terbiasa santai dan kurang serius • Tidak menyadari kalau dirinya bermasalah sehingga ketika ia berbuat salah tidak ada upaya untuk memperbaikinya • Orang bermasalah yang menyadari dirinya bermasalah
Dari segi karakter, orang bermasalah dibagi dalam tiga kelompok?? • Low self esteem atau gampang tersinggung, rendah diri, tak suka menerima masukan apalagi kritik, dan mudah curiga. • Orang yang berpandangan keliru terhadap lingkungannya. Ia merasa tak ada seorang pun di dunia, yang memperhatikan dan membantunya.
3. Orang yang kecewa dalam kehidupan secara keseluruhan. Mereka merasa sekadar melakoni hidup, tanpa tujuan hidup yang pasti. Akibatnya, mereka cenderung tak berpikir panjang mengenai dampak atas apa yang dilakukannya. Mereka merasa nothing to loose dan tak peduli konsekuensi tindakannya. Seringkali mereka tak takut dipecat.
Langkah-langkah yang bisa dilakukan untuk karyawan tsb dan juga perusahaan: • Posisikan diri pada sudut pandang orang bermasalah • Berikan solusi, bukan sekadar kritik • Berikan perhatian dan pengertian • Berikan apresiasi dan dukungan • Orang bermasalah tipe high self esteem, mesti pula diajak bicara dari hati ke hati
What are Employee Separation? The termination of an employee’s membership in an organization
THE COST OF EMPLOYEE SEPARATION • Recruitment costs • Selection costs • Training costs • Separation costs
The Benefits of Employee Separation • Reduced labor costs • Replacement of poor performance • Increased innovation • The opportunity for greater diversity
Types of Employee Separations • Voluntary separations A separation that occurs when an employee decides, for personal or professional reasons, to end the relationship with the employer • Involuntary separations A separation that occurs when an employer decides to terminate its relationship with an employee due to - economic necessity - a poor fit between the employee and the organization
Voluntary Separations • Quits • The employee’s level of dissastifaction with the job • The number of attractive the employee has outside the organization • Retirements • Occurs at the end of an employee’s career • Result in the individual’s receiving retirement benefits from the organization
Involuntary Separations • Discharges • Layoffs
Managing Layoff • Alternatives to Layoff • Employment policies • Changes in job design • Pay and benefit policies • Training
Developing Layoff Criteria • Seniority • Employee performance
Seniority • The advantages: • Seniority criteria are easily applied; managers simply examine all employees’ dates of hire to determine the seniority of each (in years and days) • Many employees see the seniority system as fair because the most senior employees have the greatest investment in the company in terms of job rights and privileges
Seniority • The disadvantages: • The firm may lose top performers, as well as disproportionate amount of women and minorities-who are more likely to be recent hires in certain jobs
OUTPLACEMENT • Is an HR program created to help separated employees deal with the emotional stress of job loss and provide assistance in finding a new job
The Goals of Outplacement • Reducing the morale problems of employees who are about to be laid off so that they remain productive until they leave the firm • Minimizing the amount of litigation initiated by separated employees • Assisting separated employees in finding comparable jobs as quickly as possible
Outplacement Services • Emotional Support • Job-Search Assistance
Ketentuan Uang Pesangon dan Uang Jasa Sesuai Penmennaker No. Per-03/Men/1996
Laranganmelakukan PHK denganalasan: (UU No. 13 tahun 2003 Bab XII pasal 153) • Pekerjaberhalangansakitmenurutketerangandoketrselamawaktutidakmelampaui 12 bulanterusmenerus • Pekerjaberhalangankarenamemenuhikewajibannegarasesuaiuu • Pekerjamenjalankanibadah yang diperintahkanagamanya • Pekerjamenikah • Pekerjawanitahamil, melahirkan, gugurkandunganataumenyusui • Pekerjamendirikanataumenjadianggota SP • Pekerjamengadukanpengusahakepada yang berwajibkarenapengusahamelakukantidakpindanakejahatan • Karenaperbedaan agama, politik, suku, warnakulit, jeniskelamin, kondisifisik, status perkawinan • Pekerjadalamkeadaancacattetap, sakitakibatkecelakaankerja
Demosi Alternatifpemberhentian jikamelibatkankaryawan lama Adalahprosespemindahankaryawanketingkattugasdantanggungjawab yang lebihrendah, bayaranjugaakanberdampak demosiharusdilakukandenganhati-hati produktivitaskaryawanmungkinakanmenurun