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Ori Cohen orico@skyrider.com. Today’s Separate Worlds. WEB. P2P. The site is the destination ( − ) Portal/vertical centric ( − ) Publishing vs. sharing orientation ( − ) Searches machines ( − ) Data collection is vertical ( − ) Centralized distribution costs
Ori Cohen orico@skyrider.com
Today’s Separate Worlds WEB P2P The site is the destination (−) Portal/vertical centric (−) Publishing vs. sharing orientation (−) Searches machines (−) Data collection is vertical (−) Centralized distribution costs (+) Well developed, high value applications (+) Commercialization ecosystem (+) Organized and controlled The network of users is the destination (+) User-centric (+) Personal broadcasting & sharing (+) Searches users (+) Data collection is horizontal (+) Shared distribution costs (−) Poor (although high usage) applications (−) Activity, users & architecture not commercialized (−) Disorganized, uncontrolled
P2P Market Sizing - Application Downloads SourceForge.Net – P2P Downloads All Time Downloads (MM) Daily Downloads (000) Est Annual Run Rate (MM) Rank Software 1 2 3 4 5 6 321 150(1) 145 104 45 38 420 - 199 72 15 22 153 - 73 27 5 8 eMule BitTorrent Azureus Ares Galaxy DC++ Shareaza Total P2P App Downloads = 900MM Download.com – P2P Downloads Limewire.com – Site Downloads Downloads (MM) Software Mo Unique Visitors (2) 6MM Conversion(3) 50% Mo Downloads 3MM Est Downloads (1) = 181MM 1. Morpheus 2. Limewire 3. iMesh 4. BitComet 5. BearShare 168 129 114 45 27 Annual Run Rate (MM) Total P2P App Downloads = 600MM • There have been an estimated 1.5-2Bn P2P client downloads in last 5 years • At an estimated 7(3) downloads per user, results in approximately 250MM users • Company published figure. • Comscore, April 2007 data. • Skyrider estimate. • Skyrider estimate accounting for multiple apps per user, multiple downloads per user, such as upgrades and multiple machines.
P2P Market Sizing – Users and Searches Gnutella eDonkey Total Searches Unique Visitors Searches/Visitor/ Session Daily NAmer Gnutella Daily Global Gnutella Monthly Global Gnutella Total Activity eDonkey(3) 50MM(1) 13MM(1) 6(1) 100MM(1) 26MM(1) 8(1) 3Bn(1) 100MM(2) 8(2) 3Bn 100MM 8 6Bn 200MM 8 + = • At 50% download completion rate on searches on these two networks, P2P files downloaded monthly is 1.2x than iTunes total paid download fulfillment since its inception in 2003. • This Total activity analysis does not include Ares and BitTorrent.
P2P Market Sizing – Benchmarking Activity Top(3) Artist - AKON Top 5 Artists Top 25 Artists All Searches Daily Gnutella Multiple Gnutella/ Yahoo Daily Yahoo(2) 297,774 790,528 2,310,004 100MM 24,100 59,218 166,554 65MM(1) 13x 13x 14x 1.5x • Monthly searches on eDonkey & Gnutella combined (6Bn) are 11% more than Yahoo! and Google monthly searches combined (5.4Bn) • Source: Comscore, April data. • Source: Overture keyword bidding tool, except for all searches figure which is Comscore. • Top Artists in this column is top Gnutella artists as ranked by Gnutella search volumes.
Web Engagement Measures Social Networks 12-34 Yr Old(2) Sites(1) PVs/Usr/Mo Sites PVs/Usr/Mo Gaia Orkut MySpace Facebook Bebo Top 25 Avg Category Avg(3) 873 868 660 650 376 345 601 Gaia FaceBook PlentyofFish MySpace Bebo Top 25 Avg Category Avg 1,403 793 785 587 512 1,260 764
P2P CTR < Web CTR P2P Search Marketing - Current
Evolution of P2P Advertising • User-centric experiences and business models • Web-like advertising experience • Standard ad-units • Smarter, more compelling applications • Data-rich, data-run and data-monetized • No hidden users, no hidden activity, less hidden content WEB Ad. P2P Ad-based models