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EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE RETURN OF CHRIST. EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE RETURN OF CHRIST Study 5 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet”. Events of the Jubilee Period. 50 years. Marriage of Lamb. Yahweh Sabaoth manifested in power for 40 years but unseen by the world.
EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE RETURN OF CHRIST Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE RETURN OF CHRIST Study 5 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet” Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Events of the Jubilee Period 50 years Marriage of Lamb Yahweh Sabaoth manifested in power for 40 years but unseen by the world Elijah’s mission to scattered Jewry THE SECOND EXODUS OF ISRAEL Return of Christ - Resurrection Judgement Seat Arabs subdued The smiting and healing of Egypt Christ’s universal rule over all nations Judah saved and settled in Land Gog buried – Land cleansed & divided 10 years 40 years ARMAGEDDON Rome destroyed Mid-heaven Proclamation 10 years Catholic Europe destroyed – 30 years Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ Marriage Supper Britain submits All nations submit to Christ Temple built
Events unknown to the world Christ returns to raise the dead and gather the living for judgement Elijah is sent to Jews living outside the Land of Israel Elijah sent to Jews outside the Land 2 Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ 1
The Work of Elijah Mal. 4:5-6 – “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Heb. paneh – the face (before) – see useMal. 3:1; Amos 1:1 Cited Luke 1:17which Bro. Thomas translates –“…to restore to the posterity the father’s dispositions and disobedient ones to just person’s mode of thinking.” The citation inLuke 1is important – Malachi’s message was to “all Israel”(v.4) – John the Baptist was “Elijah” to Judah (Matt. 11:14; 17:10-13) – all that remains is for Elijah to appear to scattered Israel. Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Matt. 24:29-30 The March of the Rainbowed Angel Ecclesiastical powers – Gen. 1:16; Acts 2:20 Political powers –Isa. 24:21-23; Joel 2:10, 31 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. “Suddenly” V.29bridges the period between AD 70 which saw the eclipse of Judah’s Commonwealth and our times when political powers are being shaken prior to Armageddon –Luke 21:25-27 Political rulers –Dan. 12:3; Isa. 14:13 Armageddon – Rev. 1:7 Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ The glorified saints – Heb. 12:1 7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Gr. erchomai – to move from one place to another
The Mission of Elijah Messengers – The saints Heb. 2:5 (led by Elijah the prophet Mal. 4:5). Scattered Israel – Isa. 45:4; 65:15; Deut. 30:4 Matt. 24:31-32 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summeris nigh: Zech. 2:6 Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ To call Israel home – Isa. 18:3; 27:13; Zech. 9:14 Israel – Joel 1:7, 12; Hos. 9:10; Jer. 24 Time of harvest = Armageddon
The Kingdom is Near! Matt. 24:33-35 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. i.e. summer = Armageddon Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ Rulers/governments and ruled/peoples of the present to pass away.
Israel and Judah in the Prophetic Scriptures ‘Israel’, ‘Ephraim’ and ‘the remnant of Jacob’ – Refers to scattered Jewry worldwide – Zech. 9:13; Ezek. 20:27, 30, 39; Mic. 5:7-8 ‘Judah’– Refers to the Jews in the Land at Christ’s return – Zech. 12:7 Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Yahweh’s Weapons of War Zech. 9:13 Judah The motivation “In those days the house of Judah shall walk with (Roth. “go unto”) the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.”Jer. 3:18 ISRAEL The Weapon Judah Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
The Second Exodus of Israel 40 years under Elijah’s leadership “the land of the north”(Jer. 3:18) Elijah’s mission 30 years conflict Wilderness of the Peoples (Rev. 17:3) Baptism (Isa. 11:11-16) Rebels purged out Bonds of the Covenant Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ Roth. –“and will contend (shaphat – to judge) with you there face to face” – Ezek. 20:35
Elijah’s Message to Israel Jer. 3:12-15 is to “backsliding Israel” (i.e. scattered Israel) – not Judah (Jews in the Land at Armageddon). Some of the latter become ambassadors to their scattered brethren – V.18 Yahweh’s appeal to scattered Israel through Elijah is based on their past treachery as His wife – Vv.19-22 (part). Israel’s future humble response comes in Vv.22-25 The terms of Israel’s restitution is spelt out in Jer. 4:1-2. Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Terms of Israel’s RestitutionJeremiah 4:1-2 Must recognise Yahweh by acknowledging His existence. Must abandon all abominations and confess their sin. Must swear that Yahweh lives and is the epitome of truth, judgement and righteousness, and was just in punishing them. Must become an example for all nations. Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Subjugation of the Nations40 Years ARMAGEDDON– Gogian host destroyed - Western nations humbled Proclamation to the nations to submit Britain and other nations submit to Christ Catholic nations unite behind Pope Lull before the final storm of 30 years Rome destroyed in fiery overthrow A final plea for the nations to submit Nations of Europe subject to intense wars Papal power finally utterly destroyed All nations subdued under Christ’s rule Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
The Triumph of the Lamb and the Redeemed – Rev. 14 Vv.1-5 The Lamb on Mount Zion with the Redeemed Vv.6-7 The Mid-Heaven Angelic Proclamation V.8 The Destruction of Rome Announced Vv.9-11 Warning of Judgement on Adherents of Catholicism V.12 The Patience of the Saints Vv.13-16 Armageddon – The Harvest of the Earth Vv.17-20 The Vintage of the Earth Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
The Secret Code of Rev. 14 144,000 (v.1) is based on Rev. 7:4-9 – 12 tribes of Israel each with 12,000 sealed. To Jews a thousand represented a ‘family’ (see Roth. Jud. 6:15) and 12 is the number of Israel – hence using the square root principle 144,000 represents the perfected family of Israel (an innumerable multitude of Jew and Gentile (Rev. 7:9). 1,600 furlongs in v.20 is not a lineal measurement but the length or period of the bloodshed involved in treading the winepress. Using the square root principle of v.1 - 1,600 is 40 x 40 – hence, represents a period of 40 years. Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
The Mid-Heaven Prophecy Heaven = government. Therefore, represents a message to both rulers and ruled. Proclamation to the nations that all will hear. Rev. 14:6-7 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Gr. evangelion aionian – good news pertaining to the age.“Millennial good news” – Bro. Thomas R.V. – “proclaim” Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
“One Hour” in the Apocalypse “Being, then, the twelfth of a cycle, it is also the Hour of that cycle. The small cycle of light, called a day, which is the root of all the greater cycles, was divided by the Jews into twelve equal parts; and the night into other twelve….. This is the only place in the apocalypse (Rev. 9:15) where hour stands for thirty days. It occurs in seven other places after this; but in all these it stands alone, and represents a judicial period of thirty years, or the twelfth of a time.” Bro. Thomas, Eureka Vol. 2 pg. 361 Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
“ONE HOUR”Rev. 14:7; 17:12; 18:10,17,19 One hour is a twelfth part of a Jewish day 1/12th part of a year = One month = 30 days Therefore “One Hour” = 30 years One Day = One Year Gen. 47:9; Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:4-6; Hos. 6:2; Luke 13:32 Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ Historical proof –Rev. 8:1; 11:13
Submission of Britain Will use naval power to transport Israelites to Land – Isa. 60:9; 66:19-20. Will assist in building Temple – Isa. 60:9-11. “Daughter of Tyre” will pay tribute to Christ – Ps. 45:12. In forefront of nations offering to Christ – Ps. 72:10. Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
The Second Exodus of Israel Elijah returns with the purified remnant of scattered Jewry All nations submit to Christ’s rule Across 'the River' All nations submit to Christ’s rule 15 14 Across tongue of the Egyptian Sea Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” Ps.72:8
The Tribal Cantons Land divided into cantons of equal width running para-llel east and west Bounded north and south by Euphrates and Nile (Gen.15:18), and from “sea to sea” – Mediterran-ean to Persian Gulf (Ps.72:8) Over each tribe one of the Apostles will rule as a prince – Matt. 19:28 Resettlement of the 12 Tribes Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
“Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ
Sinai – Our home for 10 years? Our photo is taken from this position The plain in front of Mount Horeb is quite large, for Israel a nation of about 2 million people camped before it for 11 months, and they were not permitted to camp near the mount! Israel camped here, were organised into an army, and built the Tabernacle, including the Ark which began its journey to Zion from this place. N Events Subsequent to the Return of Christ