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Political system of Russian Federation. Concept of the political system.
Concept of the political system The political system of society is an aggregate of different political institutes, socio-political obschnostey, interactive on the basis of single norms and values, carrying out power, mutual relations between task forces and individuals. It is necessary to mark that norms and values are determined interests of dominant in society task forces. So after the shipwreck of the communist mode in the countries of East Europe, the native changing of the political system happened in these states.Complete transformation of one system to other is named transformation, and the process of reformation of the system overcame a crisis with the purpose of adaptation to the new political situation is named a system change.
As fundamental structural components of the political system, which yet name subsystems, usually select three: institucional'nyy (aggregate of institutes, participating in a race for power and principle of their forming); normative (withstand in society type of making a decision, control after their implementation and norm of political ethics); informative (connection between the institutes of the political system). Major description of the political system is also the political mode. Some researchers (R.T.Mukhaev) select him as a functional subsystem or structure.
Legal framework of the political system of the democratic state is Constitution, which determines a political device, character of mutual relations of society and public authorities, right freedoms of man, order and principles of formation of organs of power. The modern political system of Russia is certain Constitution, accepted on the national referendum of December, 12, 1993
General description of the political system of the USSR and RSFSR • That it is adequate to perceive changes, what be going on in the political system of Russian society, it is necessary to know that served basis for the construction of the modern political system.In October, 1917 the Provisional government as a result of the armed revolt was overthrown and in next times in Russia a question got up about creation of the new system of higher public authorities. The decision of this question was undertaken by II All-russian convention of Advices, going in Petersburg of October, 25-26, 1917. The first act, accepted convention, was Dekret «o establishment of Advice of folk commissars», as a higher organ of executive power to convocation of the Constituent assembly.
Suggestion, borne on claim of the Constituent assembly bolshevists, to declare Russia the republic of Advices, all of power in which in a center and on places belongs to Advices, did not get support. After long debates suggestion of socialists-revolutionaries to proclaim the state the Russian democratic federal republic was accepted.
A decision, accepted the Constituent assembly, did not arrange bolshevists, and Dekretom VCIK it was dissolute from January, 7 (20), 1918.In connection with that the hopes of bolshevists on legitimation of the political mode by the Constituent assembly did not justify oneself, a question got up about giving to him to legality by other method, that was done by acceptance of July, 10, 1918 V All-russian convention of Advices of the first soviet Constitution.Higher power in RSFSR was declare All-russian convention of Advices. He was formed by multi-stage vyborov from a number the representatives of local conventions of Advices. A norm of representative office was not equal: the representatives of city Advices were elected on a norm a 1 deputy on 25 thousands
All-russian convention of Advices was an organ, operating on inconstant basis, and in a period between his meetings higher power in a country was declare the All-russian central executive committee (VCIK).A volume of jurisdiction of convention of Advices was far beyond a legislative body, including plenary powers of executive branch of state power. Moreover, the row of questions could not be decided the collective organ of such scale. Swingeing majority of questions of jurisdiction of convention simultaneously included in jurisdiction of VCIK. To exceptional jurisdiction of convention of Advices Constitution took two questions only: establishment, addition and change of the basic beginnings Constitution and ratification of peaceful agreements.
After education in December of 1922 of Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics a question got up about creation of new structure of public authorities.With formation of the USSR legal status of Russia changed, there was a necessity of its constitutional fixing. New Constitution RSFSR, accepted in 1925, reproduced the construction of legislatives and order their formings, fastened the former Basic law. However much some changes happened in the volume of jurisdiction of legislatives. To exceptional plenary powers of convention, besides ratification of peaceful agreements and establishment and change of the constitutional beginnings, a right for final claim of partial changes of Constitution of RSFSR, accepted the sessions of VCIK, and also final claim of constitutions of autonomous republics belonged now.
Change in socio-economic development of the USSR and subjective position of his political guidance stipulated acceptance in 1936 of new Constitution of the USSR. By analogy new constitutions accepted the incoming in him allied republics. In Russian Soviet Federal Socialistic Republic Constitution was accepted on January, 21, 1937 Extraordinary ÕVII All-russian convention of Advices.New Constitution brought in considerable changes in a structure and order of forming of legislatives RSFSR. It is necessary to take to the number dignities: replacement of the dvukhstupenchatoy system the unique higher legislative body - by Supreme Soviet
The role of VCIK in the new structure of state power was executed by Presidium of Supreme Soviet. He published decrees, containing major normative orders, and also after him a right for interpretation of laws RSFSR was fastened. At similar practice of state power an actual legislative body Supreme not Soviet, but Presidium elected from his composition, appeared in a country. In addition to it it is necessary to mark practice of vyborov of deputies of Supreme Soviet, eliminating possibility of advancement of a few candidates on one mandate.In Constitution of the USSR 1977 the role of KPSS was fastened in st.6, as a kernel of the soviet political system, leading and sending force of soviet society.
Considerable changes in political life of the USSR and RSFSR began with 1989-1990 In February, 1990 KPSS gave up the fixed status quo, as a result was abolished st.6 Constitution of the USSR, that found the reflection in organization of state power and realization of principle of division of authorities in activity of federal organs. However, the process of making alteration and additions in Constitution of Russian FEDERATION of 1978 was carried out unconsistently, without some beforehand developed plan of gosudarstvenno-pravovoy reform.
In 1989 vybory of folk deputies of the USSR took a place and in 1990 – folk deputies of RSFSR on alternative basis. Principle of «sovereignty of Advices», incompatible with principle of division of authorities, rendered dominant influence on a structure, essence and character of activity of legislatives of the USSR and RSFSR. Therefore odnomomentno to overcome this approach and for comparatively short space to create a theory and practice of Russian parlamentarizma it was impossible. By virtue of the noted reasons Constitution of Russian Federation in more late release (1992) carries transitional character and connects in a structure and organization of activity of state power both the elements of former conception of «sovereignty of Advices» and elements of parlamentarizma.