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Sustainable Energy Systems Research: Tools, Models, and Strategies

Explore the EU’s research agenda for sustainable energy systems and the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies at the international energy workshop. Discover key elements, drivers, and policy recommendations.

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Sustainable Energy Systems Research: Tools, Models, and Strategies

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  1. International Energy Workshop organized by EMF/IEA/IIASA Laxenburg, Austria, 24-26 June 2003 The EU energy research modeling tools and the high-level group on hydrogen and fuel cells Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero European Commission, DG Research Tel.: +32-2-296.28.11 Fax: +32-2-299.49.91 E-mail: domenico.rossetti-di-valdalbero@cec.eu.int

  2. DRIVING FORCES Sustainable Development Gothenburg Summit Kyoto Protocol Johannesburg Conclusions Research Policy Lisbon Strategy European Research Area Barcelona Summit SD, global change and ecosystems Green Paper “Towards a European Strategy for the security of energy supply” White Paper “European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to decide” The EC 6th EAP “Environment 2010: our future, our choice”

  3. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS (PRIORITY 6 of the 6th RTD FP) • Sustainable energy systems (810 M€) • Short and medium term impact (DG TREN) • Medium and long term impact (DG RTD) • Sustainable surface transport (610 M€) • Global change and ecosystems (700 M€)

  4. SHORT AND MEDIUM-TERM RESEARCH ACTIONS (405 M€) • Clean energy, in particular renewables • Cost effective supply • Large scale integration • Energy savings and energy efficiency • Eco-buildings • Polygeneration • Alternative motor fuels

  5. MEDIUM AND LONG-TERMRESEARCH ACTIONS (405 M€) • Fuel cells, including their applications • New technologies for energy carriers, particularly H2 • New and advanced concepts in renewable energy technologies • Capture and sequestration of CO2 • Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy

  6. INSTRUMENTS NEW • Integrated Projects (IP) • Networks of Excellence (NoE) “TRADITIONAL” • Specific Targeted Research Projects (STRP) • Co-ordination Actions (CA) • Specific Support Actions (SSA)

  7. IP/NoE TRAD. SOCIO-ECONOMIC(2003.ML) • Social issues related to implementation of medium and long term energy technologies • Quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods Quantification of energy externalities

  8. POLICY SUPPORT AND ANTICIPATING SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL NEEDS Policy-orientated research The development of tools, indicators and operational parameters for assessing sustainable transport and energy systems performance (economic, environmental and social)

  9. EVALUATION CRITERIA(with Threshold marks)cf. Annex B of the Work Programme

  10. QUANTITATIVE TOOLS • World energy model: POLES • European energy model: PRIMES • European general equilibrium model: GEM-E3 • European econometric model: NEMESIS • Analytical framework for RES: SAFIRE • External costs accounting system: EXTERNE • Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme: ETSAP

  11. QUANTITATIVE RESULTS • World energy, Technology and climate policy Outlook - 2030 (WETO) • European energy and transport - trends to 2030 • Assessing climate response options: policy simulations - insights from using national and international models (ACROPOLIS) - in collaboration with the International Energy Agency

  12. QUALITATIVE TOOLS • Delphi method for energy technologies (2030) • Public opinion perception (Eurobarometer) • Energy technology indicators • Participatory methods

  13. POLICY-USE OF QUANTITATIVE TOOLS Proposal for a directive of the EP and of the Council on the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market - COM(2000)279 • Use of SAFIRE model Green paper - Towards a European strategy for the security of energy supply - COM(2000)769 • Use of PRIMES and POLES models

  14. POLICY-USE OF QUANTITATIVE TOOLS Green Paper on Greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union - COM(2000)87 final • Use of PRIMES and POLES models Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection - OJEC C 37/3 • Use of EXTERNE accounting framework

  15. HIGH-LEVEL GROUP ON HYDROGEN AND FUEL CELLS • Established in October 2002 by Commissioners de Palacio and Busquin • Composed of the main H2 and FC stakeholders (research community, industry, public authorities and end-users) • Requested to provide a “collective vision” outlining the research, deployment and non-technical actions needed

  16. H2: PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES, ENERGY CONVERTERS AND APPLICATIONS PS: Sizes of “sectors” have no connection with current or expected markets

  17. Biogas, Methanol, Ethanol,... Biomass, … DMFC Reformer PAFC PEM H2 AFC MCFC SOFC PEM Coal, ... Portable Industry Stationary Transport Road Residential Maritime Air FC TECHNOLOGIES, FUELS AND APPLICATIONS AFC = Alkaline Fuel Cells DMFC= Direct Methanol Fuel Cell PAFC = Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell PEM = Proton Exchange Membrane FC MCFC = Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell SOFC = Solid Oxide Fuel Cell • PS: Sizes of “sectors” have no connection with • current or expected markets



  20. RECOMMENDATIONS • Creation of a coherent policy framework (transport, energy and environment) rewarding technologies meeting policy objectives • Substantially increase energy RTD budget • Extend demonstration and pilot programmes • Support and integrate socio-economic research • Bringing together financing organisations • Europe-wide education and training programme • Enhancing international cooperation and communication

  21. CONCLUSIONS • Constant and durable link among European researchers from various disciplines • A scientific “reference system” to support decision-makers • To combine quantitative and qualitative approaches • Permanent “peer-review” of tools and methodologies • Researchers should foresee and anticipate policy needs (“Roadmap”)

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