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Results in Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics : Highlights

Explore the highlights in neutrino oscillation results, the structures and compositions of the universe, and the challenges in neutrino experiments. Discover the potential for CP violation and future experimental projects.

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Results in Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics : Highlights

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  1. Henry T. Wong / 王子敬 Academia Sinica / 中央研究院 @ Results in Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics :Highlights • Overview • Highlights in Neutrino Oscillation Results from Atmospheric, Solar, Accelerator and Reactor Neutrino Experiments • Future Directions & Projects • Outlook

  2. Neutrino Physics Road-Map Grand Unified Theories (GUT) L(n-mass)0 Structures & Compositions of Universe mn’s;Uij’s 0 • n-Oscil. • mn’s • n-decays • 0nbb • b-spect.dist. • anomal. int. • ………. Particle Physics Cosmology Nuclear Physics Astrophysics n’s as Probe

  3. n‘s everywhere: 300 per c.c. from sun, supernovae, cosmic rays, reactors, accelerators, astrophysical sources, & relic Big Bang … Observed window Neutrino Sources

  4. Challenges of Neutrino Experiments : “How to Beat the Small Cross-Section?” i.e.By building Massive Detectors  while keeping cost/background Low ! Cross Sections Strong Electro-magnetic Weak l(H2O)  250 light years !

  5. at least as much neutrinos by mass as visible matter !

  6. Solar Neutrinos

  7. Super-Kamionkande • ※ Water Cerenkov detector: 50k tons, viewed by 11,000+=50 cm PMTs in 1000 m underground site in central Japan • ※ Physics: solar n, atmospheric n , long baseline accelerator n, proton decays .. • ※ Accidents (PMTs imploded) Nov 01, • 50% PMT data again end of 02 !! • No major deterioration in data quality

  8. Measurement of Eccentricity of Earth’s Orbit !!! The Sun IS Burning !!

  9. Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) ※ 1 kton Heavy Water Cerenkov detector: shielded by 7k ton of water viewed by 9456 PMTs located 2000 m underground in Canada. ※ Physics: Solar n …

  10. Standard Solar Model + Standard Particle Physics Model Solution of the “Solar Neutrino Problem”

  11. nm disappearing, ne OK, • Strong evidence : > 15s • Better fits for nt appearing Atmospheric Neutrinos Up-Down Asymmetry & Deficit

  12. KEK-SuperK (K2K) Accelerator n Flight path 250 km Deficit of nm at far detector spectral distortion

  13. KamLAND • Long Baseline Reactor n  (sensitive to 20% of world’s reactors !) • ave. flight path of 160 km • 1 kton liquid scintillator in old Kamiokande site • probe “LMA” for solar n • historical results only 5 years from approved !!!!

  14. A “By-Product” : • Earth’s Radiogenic Power : • Thermal measurements : 42 TW • Geophysical Model : 16 TW • KamLAND measurement : < 60 TW

  15. Neutrino Oscillations(in 2-family language) • Neutrinos produced & detected as ne, nm , nt(“flavoreigenstates”) • Propagate as n1 ,n2 (“mass eigenstates”) • Probability of producingνe& detecting as νe : • Matter Effect : Origin – ne+e (CC+NC) Vs nm +e(NC) 3families at resonance

  16. Dm2 –  : Summary 2002 PDG 2000: SK atm. n SNO solar n

  17. 2004 K2K : Consistent Checks to atm. n SK

  18. + observations of L/E oscillation signatures from SK atm-n & KamLAND (averaged)…..

  19. Three Families of Neutrino Mixing The Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (MNS) matrix : Q13 : crucial unknown towards CP-studies Possible CP Violation in n Sector:

  20. Dm2 0 = ? Dm2atm Dm2 Normal Hierarchy: Dm232>0 Inverted Hierarchy: Dm232<0 Neutrino Mass Structures : • Normal Vs Inverted Hierarchy ?? • Quasi-Degenerate Vs Hierarchical ?? • Dirac Vs Majorana ??

  21. Deeper Physical Questions ……….. • In particular : • Is q12+qCabbibo = p/4 ? • Is q23=p/4 ? • Is q13= 0 ? • …….. Mixing angles may reveal deeper/higher energy scale & symmetry principles

  22. neutrino mass structures may reveal GUTs scale physics (e.g. See-Saw Mechanisms) :

  23. Future Experimental Projects • Long baseline accelerator/reactor experiments (NuMI, CNGS, T2K, q13 ……) ※Detailed studies of mixing matrices by oscillation studies • 0nbb experiments ※Distinguish mass hierarchy, fix absolute mass scales • Direct mass searches in b-decay ※Probedegenerate mass structures • Neutrino properties (e.g. magnetic moments studies…) ※How neutrino interacts/couples with outside world • Neutrino from sky and earth ※do astronomy/earth science with neutrino sources, understand roles of neutrinos in astrophysics/geophysics

  24. Long Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Projects : 730 km NuMI  MINOS CNGS  Icarus/OPERA

  25. Candidate Isotopes 0nbb

  26. cosmology & structure formation astrophysics: SN ToF measurements 0nbb decay: b decay kinematics: microcalorimeters MAC-E spectrometers NEMO3 76Ge @ LNGS ´90-´03 (71.7 kg×y) 2nbb D.N. Spergel et al: Smn < 0.69 eV (95%CL) S.W. Allen et al: Smn = 0.56 eV (best fit) |mee|=0.44+0.13-0.2 eV 187Re 3H SuperK, SNO, OMNIS + grav.waves: potential for ~1eV sensitivity? Neutrino Mass Measurements

  27. IceCube High Energy Neutrino Telescope e.g. Volume ~km3 !!

  28. TEXONO Research Program in Taiwan KS NPS-II : 2 cores  2.9 GW KS nLab: 28 m from core#1

  29. Reactor Neutrino Interaction Cross-Sections On-Going Data Taking: • SM s(ne) • T > 2 MeV • R&D : • Coh. (nN) • T < 1 keV Results & More Data: • mn(ne) • T ~ 1-100 keV

  30. Yangyang (襄陽) Lab (Y2L) min. 700 m of rock overburden TEXONO  KIMS @ Y2L • Install 5 g ULB-ULEGe at Y2L on January 2005 • Study background and feasibility for CDM searches • may evolve into a full-scale (1 kg) CDM experiment

  31. Sensitivity Plot for CDM-WIMP search with 1 kg ULEGe at 100 eV threshold ………

  32. Summary & Outlook • Neutrinos are important but strange objects history of n physics full of surprises ! • Strong evidenceS of massive n’s & finite mixings Physics Beyond the Standard Model ! • More experiments & projects coming up EVEN MORE EXCITEMENT !

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