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Measurement: Types, Scales, Error, and Evaluation

Learn about the different types of measurement scales, the sources of measurement error, and criteria for evaluating good measurement. Understand the characteristics of nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.

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Measurement: Types, Scales, Error, and Evaluation

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  1. Chapter 12 Measurement

  2. Learning Objectives • Understand . . . • distinction between measuring objects, properties, and indicants of properties • similarities and differences between the four scale types used in measurement and when each is used • four major sources of measurement error • criteria for evaluating good measurement

  3. Measurement “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Bob Donath, Consultant

  4. Measurement Selecting measurable phenomena Developing a set of mapping rules Applying the mapping rule to each phenomenon

  5. Exhibit 12-1 Characteristics of Measurement

  6. Types of Scales Nominal Ordinal interval Ratio

  7. Levels of Measurement Nominal Classification Ordinal interval Ratio

  8. Nominal Scales • Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories • Exhibits the classification characteristic only

  9. Levels of Measurement Nominal Classification Ordinal Classification Order interval Ratio

  10. Ordinal Scales • Characteristics of nominal scale plus an indication of order • Implies statement of greater than and less than

  11. Levels of Measurement Nominal Classification Ordinal Classification Order interval Classification Distance Order Ratio

  12. Interval Scales • Characteristics of nominal and ordinal scales plus the concept of equality of interval. • Equal distance exists between numbers

  13. Levels of Measurement Nominal Classification Ordinal Classification Order interval Classification Distance Order Ratio Classification Distance Order Natural Origin

  14. Ratio Scales • Characteristics of previous scales plus an absolute zero point • Examples • Weight • Height • Number of children

  15. Exhibit 12-4 Moving from Investigative to Measurement Questions

  16. Sources of Error Respondent Situation Measurer Instrument

  17. Validity Reliability Practicality Evaluating Measurement Tools Criteria

  18. Validity Determinants Content Criterion Construct

  19. Increasing Content Validity Content Literature Search Etc. Expert Interviews Question Database Group Interviews

  20. Validity Determinants Content Construct

  21. Increasing Construct Validity New measure of trust Known measure of trust Empathy Credibility

  22. Validity Determinants Content Criterion Construct

  23. Judging Criterion Validity Relevance Criterion Freedom from bias Reliability Availability

  24. Exhibit 12-6 Understanding Validity and Reliability

  25. Reliability Estimates Stability Internal Consistency Equivalence

  26. Reliability Estimates Stability Internal Consistency Equivalence

  27. Reliability Estimates Stability Internal Consistency Equivalence

  28. Reliability Estimates Stability Internal Consistency Equivalence

  29. Practicality Economy Convenience Interpretability

  30. Internal validity Interval scale Mapping rules Measurement Nominal scale Objects Ordinal scale Practicality Properties Ratio scale Reliability Equivalence Internal consistency Stability Validity Construct Contents Criterion-related Key Terms

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