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PARENT MEETING MITE CROSS ICE. Rolling Meadows Park District Renegades Youth Hockey. Growth and Development Increase Participation Skill Development Safe Environment Fun/Enjoyment. The USA Hockey Philosophy is to Focus on:.
PARENT MEETING MITE CROSS ICE Rolling Meadows Park DistrictRenegades Youth Hockey
Growth and Development Increase Participation Skill Development Safe Environment Fun/Enjoyment The USA Hockey Philosophy is to Focus on:
The Rolling Meadows Park District Renegades Youth Hockey Program is a recreational hockey program that encourages play at the house league and pre-hockey level. Our program is designed to give all kids no matter what their financial or time restrictions may be, a fair and equal opportunity to play ice hockey. This will be accomplished by placing an emphasis on learning individual skills, team concepts, and sportsmanship, while having fun, without the pressures of winning. RENEGADES MISSION STATEMENT
Learn To Skate (Hockey Tot / LTS) Learn To Play ( Pre-Mites) Mite (6 and under) AHAI wants Mites to move to all cross ice Mite Major (8 and under) still focused on cross ice / stations Squirt (10 and under) Peewee (12 and under) Bantam (14 and under) Midget (18 and under) High School House, Tier III and Travel Tier II (Mite through Midget) Adult league Illinois Hockey Structure
Why does this happen? * It’s not fun anymore * Too much pressure from parents *Lack of playing time, top players get more ice time *No free time for other activities “75% OF ALL YOUNGSTERS DROP OUT OF YOUTH SPORTS BY AGE 13!” DROP OUT RATES Who’s The Most Competitive? Parents 79% Coaches 17 % Kids 4% Parenting Magazine Poll - “Sportsmanship 101 - for Parents”
Athletic pyramid 1,200 NHL players = <.25% Introduction of checking now at Bantam 40 Million kids 5-17yrs in all sports. 1% will play at pro level
LET THE COACH, DO THE COACHING A USA Hockey study showed there is absolutely no correlation between pre-pubescent success and post-pubescent success. A recent survey indicated that 72% of children would rather play on a losing team than ride the bench for a winning team It is about participation USA Hockey’s ADM pushes to have kids do other activities along with hockey, don’t specialize! Keeping up with the Jones’
More Puck Contact…Resulting in Improved Puck Skills (puckhandling, passing, shooting) More Shooting Opportunities…Enhances Scoring Skills More Repetitions for Goalies Smaller Playing Surface Results in Increased Tempo, Quicker Decisions and Quicker Reactions Hockey Sense is Developed at a Younger Age More Efficient Use of Ice Time…Allows for More Practice at a Lower Cost More fun activities Why Cross Ice?
New guidelines to help kids enjoy and develop at the sport of ice hockey while stressing the importance of participating in other activities outside the rink • Specialization is hurting the sport • This season game limits have been places at each age group • Mites 35 games, Squirts 40, etc • Taking the focus off the outcome (winning) and placing it on development and fun. • Hardest thing to do is get through to the parents that have played in the past • Old school mentality of full ice games and practices • Increase creativity of coaches, players, practices and games • Think like a teacher not a coach • www.admkids.com • www.usahockey.com • www.rmrenegadeshockey.com USA Hockey ADM Program
6 teams of 7-9 players • 1/3 ice surface • Light weight nets • Pucks, Tennis balls, Playground balls • Each practice run 2 times in a row • Skating and skills, keep moving • Teaching the entire group not just a team or child • Fun games stressing skating and decisions • All players must dress in a locker room, no more dressing in the lobby or main area inside rink, even if putting on skates only • Check locker room board at both rinks How It Works (Practice)
3 vs 3 2 minute “shifts” 2 – 20 minute halves A different goalie each half All kids will play goalie Game strategy, “US v THEM” NO specific positions (RW, C, D) Constant movement, no faceoffs Zone barriers, parent assistants We do not keep score Your player may move teams for a game, if numbers are low Games
Practices • 6 stations, 1 team per station, 7 minutes, 2 rotations • Games • Players are divided by one of six NCAA teams • Team divided equally in talent Schedule
Moving up a level next year • Mite Minor move to Mite major • Moving on to Squirt house • Moving on to Mite travel or Squirt travel • Skill level • Financial commitment • Time commitment • Never feel pressured to do something you are not prepared for • Benefits of travel, benefits of house • Mite A-2 Travel no longer supported by AHAI • Asking questions • Hockey directors • Coaches • Parents • Other organizations, is the grass greener? • Do call and ask if you have any questions. Moving up the ladder
SUPPORT YOUR CHILD Help teach sportsmanship and self-discipline How to enjoy winning and how to handle losing Stress fair and even play at all cost Do not place unreasonable expectations on your child Do not “PAY” for goals Parents are role models Remember your child is “PLAYING” hockey, it is a game Allow your child to make mistakes, it is part of learning Get involved Parents make the difference
Organization Information WWW.RMRENEGADESHOCKEY.COM Registration information Equipment fitting info Shooting demonstration videos On-line games Spring and Summer information Renegades in the Community information Free Hockey Classes Links to all kids on information and fun things Email blats www.facebook.com If there is something you would like to see, let us know. .
Just a few hints to make things easier in the future: Most of this is for Squirts and above • Be on time, be in locker room, dressed and ready early • Coaches are volunteers, working for free. Take it easy! • Talk to the coach about any concerns you have • Inform coach when you will not be attending • Wait 24 hours before complaining to coach • Lend a hand (running clock, assist. coach, etc) • Let the kids be independent • The baggage rule (1 bag or 2?) • Help move bumpers • Be part of the solution not part of the problem!! Coach Bob’s Team Rules
How long should the stick be? Is my son/daughter righty or lefty? Wood is good! Composite is just cool. When should I get skates sharpened? Should I tape my skaters ankles? Do they need neck guards? Do they need mouth guards? How do the hockey socks stay up? Skates and Sticks
Money pays for advertising and then goes to your fees • Sponsorship from $25 - $300 • Ads on Web and at Sports Complex • Ad book contains sponsors and team pictures • Who do you ask? Who don’t you ask? • Why is this an important program? Sponsorship Program
Give Hockey a Try • Late August, days off of school • Hockey Tot Class • Hockey learn to skate class for first time skaters • Leads into Pre-Mites • Girls Hockey Program • Libraries, School flyers, Newspapers • Partnership with Wolves and Blackhawks • School participation program starting this year • Word of mouth • Community • Palatine Street Fest • 4th if July Parades • Parents getting involved in coaching Renegade Grass Roots
All players must dress in a locker room, not in thelobby or rink area Apparel Order forms due Oct 22nd Public Skate pass (Ind or Family) offer 10% off resident rate, must be purchased at SC Mites skate at United Center Nov 13th Get your email on tickets into me ASAP Family Party March 10th A Few Final items