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INDE ET ASIE DE L'OUEST Jorge JIMENEZ URROZ, UPC, Barcelona http://www.cimpa-icpam.org January 10, 2013. Activities.
INDE ET ASIE DE L'OUEST Jorge JIMENEZ URROZ, UPC, Barcelona http://www.cimpa-icpam.org January 10, 2013
Activities. Thereare threeresearchschools in 2013 thethree of them in India. Anagreementwith NBHM almostguaranteesthesuccess of theschools. In spite of it, embassiesuniversities and otherinstitutions are beingcontancted. Mainactivities are in Irak, Nepal and the new projects in Turkey and neighbouringcountries, togetherwithmediterraneanrim.
IRAK Workshops OneweekworkshopbyAdnaneAzzouzi in July, on Matlab, Michel Jambu in Topology, AbdeljalilNachaoui in applied mathematics, and BadihGhattas on Statistics. Two more tobe prepared. Theconvenionwiththeembassy has beenrequestedbut no answer so far
IRAK Intensive courses. During 2012 wehavereachedanagreementwithSalahaddinuniversity. Professorsfullypayedbytheuniversitywillgototeachforonemonth in the master program. NextAprilNachaouihas accepted. .
IRAK Meetings in Paris in order to settle a permanent center of highereducation in mathematics in Irak. The projectisalready in the government. A visit to Bagdad. Coordination: Herish Omer (Salahaddin), Mohammad Eftekhari (Amiens), Fatima Aboud (Diyala University)
IRAN-TURKEY During 2013 a workshop in Istambulat the mathematical village willbeprepared by Bernard Teissier in algebraicgeometry. Alsowewill have a meeting withmathematiciansin Turkey to design future cooperation in the region. Meetings in Paris to follow up. Try to involveother countries actively. Visit to Tehran. Coordination: AbdelmejidBayad
NEPAL Course in NumberTheory in TU isnow in the syllabus of the university. Nowtaught by A. Singh. Meeting in last Novemberwith VC of TU, president of Math. Society, president of MEC, president of NMC othermathematical institutions. Next April intensive courses covered by VLP and TU. Partial Financial support by CIMPA recommended.
NEPAL AjayaSingh visit Paris VI under Erasmus Mundus ends next August. NilakanthaPaudel, accepted at ICTP, will do hisphd in Roma tre. ChudamaniPoudyal New MexicoStateuniversity.NewsLetter
NEPAL Voluntarylecturer program. .
IRAK High level scientific visits. Stay by Herish Omer from Salahaddin university completed with two research papers with Mohammad Eftekari. Stays of Ahmed Shazad Shawki and Fraidun Kadir Hamasalih, from Sulaimani University invited by Abdekjalil Nachaoui at Nantes will start in September.