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Tunable Sensors for Process-Aware Voltage Scaling

Tunable Sensors for Process-Aware Voltage Scaling. Tuck-Boon Chan ‡ and Andrew B. Kahng † ‡ CSE † and ECE ‡ Departments, UCSD tbchan@ucsd.edu , abk@ cs.ucsd.edu http:// vlsicad.ucsd.edu. Outline. Intro: Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) Overview of Proposed Method

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Tunable Sensors for Process-Aware Voltage Scaling

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  1. Tunable Sensors for Process-Aware Voltage Scaling Tuck-Boon Chan‡ and Andrew B. Kahng†‡ CSE† and ECE‡ Departments, UCSD tbchan@ucsd.edu, abk@cs.ucsd.edu http://vlsicad.ucsd.edu

  2. Outline • Intro: Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) • Overview of Proposed Method • Voltage Scaling Properties • Designing the Circuit • Results

  3. Adaptive Voltage Scaling reduce voltage  meet performance with less power Maximum frequency • Circuits are designed to guardband for performance variation • There is margin for typical chips • Adaptive voltage scaling (AVS) adjusts voltage to reduce power a typical chip margin worst-case scenario(e.g, due to process variation) Voltage Vnominal

  4. Taxonomy of AVS Techniques AVS classes approaches Open-Loop AVS AVS Pre-characterize LUT [Martin02] Freq. & Vdd LUT Process-aware AVSPost-silicon characterization [Tschanz03] Post-silicon characterization Closed-Loop AVS Process and temperature-aware AVS Generic on-chip monitor [Burd00] Generic monitor Power Design-dependent monitor [Elgebaly07, Drake08, Chan12] Design dependent replica In-situ performance monitor Measure actual critical paths [Hartman06, Fick10] In-situmonitor Error Tolerance AVS Error Detection System Error detection and correction system Vdd scaling until error occurs [Das06,Tschanz10]

  5. Motivation for Closed-Loop AVS • Closed-loop AVS saves up to 62% dynamic power [Hartman06]

  6. Classes of Closed-Loop AVS Closed-Loop AVS • Critical path may be difficult to identify (IP from 3rd party) • Calibrating monitors at multiple modes/voltages requires long test time Generic monitor Design-dependent replica In-situmonitor • Does not capture design-specific performancevariation • This work: Tunable monitor for closed-loop AVS • Can be applied as a generic monitor • Or tuned to capture design-specific performance

  7. Outline • Intro: Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) • Overview of Proposed Method • Voltage Scaling Properties • Designing the Circuit • Results

  8. Voltage Scaling Key Concepts Process distance k Max.freq. • Process distance: process-induced frequency shift relative to target frequency • Scaling rate: frequency shift (f) per unit voltage difference (V) • Vmin= Minimum Vdd to meet target frequency • Calculated from process distance and scaling rate Scaling rate = SS Voltage

  9. Monitor Design Concept • Use Vmin of ring-oscillator (RO) as a reference • Design ROs with worst-case voltage scaling properties  an arbitrary circuit will meet target frequency at Vmin_ro Process corner A Process corner B Critical paths Critical paths RO RO Freq. Freq. V V > Max. Vmin of ROs Max. Vmin of paths

  10. Proposed Method: Tunable Monitor • Our focus is on voltage scaling property  analyze worst-case voltage scaling • Scenario 1: Without circuit information • Configure RO for worst-case Vmin • Guardband for arbitrary circuits Store config. • Scenario 2: With chips at process corners • Extract Fmax and Vmin of chips • Tune voltage scaling properties of ROs so that Vmin_ro > Vmin_chip • Recover margin with one calibration

  11. Problems • Goal: Vmin_ro > Vmin_path • Questions: • Given a process technology, what is the range of the Vmin that is defined by process distance and scaling rate for arbitrary critical paths? • What circuit techniques can “tune” Vmin? Vmin of arbitrary critical paths freq. Path A Path B Path C V Vmin • = ? • Also, Vmin changes at different process corners

  12. Outline • Intro: Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) • Overview of Proposed Method • Voltage Scaling Properties • Designing the Circuit • Results

  13. Vmin Analytical Derivation fpath = inverse of average delays of NMOS & PMOS (1) Scaling rate Process distance (2) (3) • Calculate delays with • Elmore delay model • Effective currents of transistors

  14. Vmin Sensitivity • Vmin is not very sensitive to fanout, interconnect load, etc. • Empirically, bounds on Vmin determined by NMOS and PMOS Vmin for PMOS only Vmin for NMOS only

  15. Effects of Fanout and Series Resistance • Fanout has little effect on Vmin • High series resistance reduces Vmin But, need long wires

  16. Effects of Cell Type • Cell type affects Vmin • Maximum Vmin at different corners are determined by different cell types • Stacking causes cell delay biased to PMOS or NMOS changes device characteristics and Vmin

  17. Effects of Cell Strength • Vmin does not increase from X1 to X3 • But increases from X0 to X1 • X1 to X3  {1,2,3} fingers, same device characteristic • X0 to X1  Both 1 finger but different diffusion area Cell layout changes device characteristics and Vmin

  18. Outline • Intro: Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) • Overview of Proposed Method • Voltage Scaling Properties • Designing the Circuit • Results

  19. Design of RO with Tunable Vmin • Identified two circuit knobs to tune Vmin • Series resistance • Cell types (INV, NAND, NOR) • Proposed circuit • ROs with different cell types (worst-case Vmin are determined by different cells at different process corners) • Tune Vmin a configurable series resistance at each stage High resistance Low resistance Control pins 1 bit 1 bit 1 bit

  20. Tunability • Vmin decreases linearly with % high-resistance passgates • ROs with different gate types have similar trend INVX3

  21. Outline • Intro: Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) • Overview of Proposed Method • Voltage Scaling Properties • Designing the Circuit • Results

  22. Experiment Methodology • Goal: Validate PVS ROs in simulation • Check Vmin of ROs vs. Vmin of paths • with arbitrary circuits and process variation • Experiment setup: • 65nm industrial technology • Implement 3 testcases (arbitrary circuits) • Implement 3 tunable ROs (INV, NAND, NOR)

  23. Process Variation Setup • Simulate critical paths and ROs with SPICE • 200 Monte Carlo samples (global variation) • 4 variation sources, Gaussian distributions • Difference between slow and fast corners define +/- 3 sigma values of variation sources

  24. Vmin Extraction and Comparison • Define ftarget of chip and ROs at • “slow-slow” process corner • nominal voltage = 1.0V • Vmin_chip = max. Vmin of critical paths of a testcase • Vmin_est = max. Vmin of 3 ROs • For each testcase, calculate Vmin_est - Vmin_chip of every Monte Carlo sample • A chip is safe when Vmin_est - Vmin_chip > 0

  25. Scenario 1: Guardband for Arbitrary Circuit • Vmin_est - Vmin_chip > 0 under process variation • Similar results for different testcases • Small difference between normal and tunable ROs due to series passgates FPU testcase TLU testcase MUL testcase

  26. Scenario 2: Tune ROs for Margin Reduction • Extract Vmin_chip at different process corners • Configure % high-resistance passgates min. : s.t. : Ensures Vmin_est guided by ROs is always safe

  27. Experiment Result on Tunability Aggressive config. Vmin_est < Vmin_chip  Some chips will fail • Optimized config. • Increase % high resistance passgates • Vmin_est ≈ Vmin_chip • Default config. • Low resistance passgates • Guardband for worst-case • Vmin_est > Vmin_chip • 13mV margin

  28. Experiment Result on Tunability Aggressive config. Vmin_est < Vmin_chip  Some chips will fail • Optimized config. • Increase % high resistance passgates • Vmin_est ≈ Vmin_chip • Default config. • Low resistance passgates • Guardband for worst-case • Vmin_est > Vmin_chip • 13mV margin Benefits of tunability • Recover voltage margin • Compensate for difference between SPICE model vs. silicon • Recover margin when chip performance variation is reduced due to improvements in chip manufacturing

  29. Summary • Monitor design based on voltage scaling properties • Estimate the worst-case voltage scaling property across different process corners • Does not require information about critical paths • Can be used as an IP for arbitrary circuits • Recover margin if fmax of sample silicon is available • Future works • Proof of concept silicon • Account for performance variation due to layout context

  30. Thank you! • tbchan@ucsd.edu, abk@cs.ucsd.edu • http://vlsicad.ucsd.edu

  31. Backup Slides

  32. Effects of Pass Gates • Pass gate is equivalent to large resistance • Vmin decreases with fewer parallel pass gates Vmin decreases

  33. Effects of Cell Type and Strength • Key observations: Vmin is affected by cell typesUse NAND, NOR type ROs • Cell strength changes Vmin Use cells with large Vmin

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