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World Civilizations Week 8 Bell #2 01/05/11

World Civilizations Week 8 Bell #2 01/05/11. What comes to mind when you hear the name Mongol?. http://www.theintellectualdevotional.com/blog/2010/03/12/genghis-khan-probably-one-of-the-biggest-badaes. D.R.S.L.s. How were the Mongol Invaders able to conquer?

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World Civilizations Week 8 Bell #2 01/05/11

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  1. World Civilizations Week 8 Bell #201/05/11 • What comes to mind when you hear the name Mongol?

  2. http://www.theintellectualdevotional.com/blog/2010/03/12/genghis-khan-probably-one-of-the-biggest-badaeshttp://www.theintellectualdevotional.com/blog/2010/03/12/genghis-khan-probably-one-of-the-biggest-badaes

  3. D.R.S.L.s • How were the Mongol Invaders able to conquer? • What effect did Mongol rule have on China? • How did the geography of Japan influence its development? • How did China influence the early development of Japan? • How did changes in government influence society in feudal Japan? • How was Southeast Asia influenced by China and India?

  4. Mongol Empire • Compare the map on page 273 with those found on pages A8 and A10. • What modern nations were once part of the Mongol Empire?

  5. Mongol Empire • China • Mongolia • Russia • North Korea • South Korea • Pakistan • Afghanistan • Iran • Iraq • Azerbaijan • Turkey • Armenia • Georgia • Turkmenistan • Uzbekistan • Kazakhstan • Ukraine • Poland • Hungary

  6. Mongolian Empire http://www.libarts.uco.edu/history/faculty/plaks/MAPS/mongol_russia.html

  7. Mongol Empire • How were the Mongols able to establish and govern so vast an empire? • Well organized armies • Superior troops • Military technology and tactics • Mounted Warriors • Iron stirrups • Massed firepower • Catapults and giant crossbows • Divided empire into four parts

  8. Mongol Conquest • Beijing • Central Asia • Persia • China • Tibet • Russia • Poland • Hungary

  9. Yuan Dynasty • Kublai Khan 1271 • Brought peace to China • Extended the Grand Canal • Trade with India and Persia • Courier stations improved communications • Heavy taxes weakened economy hurt farmers and merchants • Growing resentment to Mongol rule • Marco Polo • Kept Mongol customs and language • Chinese not treated as equals • Law • Marriage

  10. Japan • Geography • Archipelago 1,400 miles • Mountainous • Little farmland • Much Rain • Sunny days • Long growing seasons • Earthquakes • Tidal waves • Typhoons

  11. Japan • Protected by the Seas • Could choose to be isolated • Kamikaze (divine wind) defeated Kublai Khan’s fleet 1281. • Strong unified society

  12. Religion • Kami • Nature spirits • Lived in natural objects • Clans traced their origins to a particular Kami • Shinto • Way of the Kami • Unified Japan under imperial priests • Yamato clan • 300s

  13. Chinese Influence • Writing • Buddhism • Art • Science • Government • Fashion • Tang laws • Late 700s influence began to wane.

  14. Feudal System • Central Government • Emperor • Local Landowners • Shogun • Daimyo • Samurai • Peasants

  15. Bushido • Way of the warrior (Samurai) • Bravery • Loyalty • Honor • Physical hardship • No fear • Seppuku • Hara-kiri (ceremonial suicide)

  16. Ashikaga Shogunate • 1331-1580 • Daimyo and Samurai were all powerful • Emperor had no authority • Much civil war • Zen Buddhism

  17. Chinese Influence in Asia

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